I’ve been poking around to see if any City Council primaries are on the horizon this municipal cycle. No mayoral election this year, so council
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Rumor Central Station
Did ya stay up to watch the Oscars? I attended Bridgeport’s version of the Oscars party Sunday afternoon at the home of Jack McGregor and
Read moreTim Quinn’s Amazing Run
I grew up with Tim Quinn. His voice was usually the first I heard in the morning from my sophomore year in high school until
Read moreSour Note From Mother Rellish, Plus: Opus To The Council, And Package Peeps
Yowser! After watching Gov. Jodi Rell’s we’re-strong-but-screwed speech on Monday two things occurred to me: she’s going to flame entire state departments and dramatically scalpel
Read moreFinch For Secretary of State, Plus: Casting Call At The Playhouse
Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz is going to jump on the pile of Democratic candidates seeking the state’s top office. You know what I say?
Read moreFinch Flexes Muscles Over Cars, Plus: BOE Skids Mayor’s Request
Mayor Bill Finch has jammed the brakes on city take-home vehicles. I haven’t seen a mayor other than Joe Ganim achieve this much mileage stripping
Read moreFood Fight And The State Of City Dems, Plus: Finch Announcement Re Health Centers
Wow, stop the presses. The governor gave up a day’s pay on Tuesday. How many hundreds of Bridgeport city employees are collecting unemployment, gave up
Read moreMario’s Exclusive Bash
Forget Barack’s inauguration, the hottest ticket in these parts is the exclusive post-holiday bash Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa is throwing at his restaurant on
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