Two weeks ago the Joe Ganim haters were aghast when the mayor grooved huge wins across the city lancing vendetta candidate John Gomes. Monday night the misanthropists suffered another shellacking during the organizational meeting of the Democratic Town Committee elevating Mario Testa to another term as chair against token candidate City Council member Jorge Cruz.
The biggest target for the haters Wanda Geter-Pataky blistered Gemeem Davis, co-founder of the conflicted Community Group Bridgeport Generation Now, the one who jumped into Gomes’ car parked illegally Downtown to make independent expenditure battle plans. Talk about the ultimate waste of money. The deeper Gen Now got into the mayor’s race the bigger the mayor’s wins.

Geter-Pataky has been savaged by the haters in the fallout of the September primary absentee ballot storm. The haters conveniently omitted one key piece of evidence: Gomes supporters did it too. But when you lose you complain and pick a target in a phony defense of democracy.
Of the 90-member body 79 were present and voting.
Results of DTC vote at Vazzy’s:
Mario Testa 66, Jorge Cruz 6, abstained 7
First Vice Chair
Wanda Geter-Pataky 65, Gemeem Davis 9, abstained 5
Second Vice Chair
Anthony Paoletto 68, Josue Jorge 8, abstained 3
Third Vice Chair
Carmen Hernandez 69, Joe Sokolovic 6, abstained 4
Kadie Ortiz 67, Jack Hennessy 9, abstained 3
Loving and hating? What is all of that language keeping secret? Is it the ‘autocratic reign’ of a Democrat leader who strays far from valued principles of our Founders to favor those exposed by Machiavelli in THE Prince?
Provide a mike as in the picture and put him among ‘political friends’ as he will talk. But ask him to include over 40,000 ‘neighbors’ enrolled in the Democratic Party locally and he retreats to silence. This is simply the arrogance of POWER in a quiet community. Members have the right to vote but the DTC provides no instruction, no social media site to access for info, and are as historically retarded in sharing the organizing documents of this group as the City is in Charter review.
There are upcoming Democratic primary elections. Who will the DTC favor? Who will get support from voters attempting to learn the information and background that informed voting depends upon. Time will tell.
John, what do you mean by straying far from the valued principles of our Founders to favor those exposed by Machiavelli in THE Prince? “Autocratic” perhaps but this is democracy at work, government by the people, of the people, for the people.
People, if you feel discontent, then we have a people problem, people 🙂
BTW the 40,000 ‘neighbors’ enrolled in the Democratic Party are included, vie, elections to vote for their elected official to represent them. That is just what they did. No?
Besides I was informed that the Founders were a bunch of slave-owning aristocrats, white males who didn’t want to pay their: “fair share” taxes. 🙃
Seems familiar, Coffee, John. 🤣
Your learning of American History lags your ESL instruction, I note. Who informed you that the Founders were “a bunch of slave owning aristocrats”? Why did they provide you with selected info that is inaccurate? Why did you accept it without fact checking? They were males, likely white, because the number of freemen who were of color was small and suffered no encouragement of education, prosperity, or dignity for the most part. Paying a fair share in pre-Colonial times to a King without the same opportunities as white male English citizens enjoyed was the larger issue. As in “No taxation without representation”. and European conflicts that leaked into our country in 1754 like the French and Indian War that had British and French fighting land battles where “American” settlers were fighting for life, property, and the pursuit of happiness, among other things was center stage.
When people speak up in turn, with respect for others, and active listening, those conversations offer democratic activity. When such conversations are secret, restricted to a few, limited as to schedules, minutes recorded, or rules followed, and resisting regulation, we have attempts at pursuit of AUTOCRACY, not DEMOCRACY. Got it? Time will tell.
How deep do you want to go into this fact-checking thing? Though I am sure you can appreciate selective info
Why do you accept this as fact ” They were males, likely white, because the number of freemen who were of color was small and suffered no encouragement of education, prosperity, or dignity for the most part. Paying a fair share in pre-colonial times to a King without the same opportunities as white male English citizens enjoyed was the larger issue. As in “No taxation without representation”.
Do you honestly believe the birth of America was based on Males, most likely whites who felt ” Paying a fair share in pre-colonial times to a King without the same opportunities as white male English citizens enjoyed was the larger issue? As in “No taxation without representation”.
Please, I am sure you have facts to support such a thing, but there might be more than meets the eye,
At least where I stand. What say you and where you stand or sit. Whatever floats your boat. 🤣
That’s flucking laughable! 😀
Puglia – or Apulia if you like – is the heel of Italy’s boot. A lively southern region with a long coastline, great beaches, stunning scenery, a warm,friendly atmosphere and a rich history with ancient traditions. This is where Mario should retire and he should spend his final days on earth, while milking the goats on Apulia instead of milking the those dumb flucks on the DTC, then turning them into political goats and felons.
Happy to be a hater!
Sonny, glad you recognize Mario is The G.O.A.T.
A goat herder is never the goat!
Idiots voting for idiots. Surprise! Its Bridgeport!
We are our own worst enemy.