UPDATE: CT Post scribe Brian Lockhart plugged OIB in a piece about former Mayor John Fabrizi and his wife attending a party thrown by a strip club owner. It wasn’t like Fabs was there to show off his 58-year-old Chippendales body. In new Lockhart article Fairfield University Professor Don Greenberg says criticism of Fabrizi is unfair: “a big hill out of a speck of dust.”
Lennie Grimaldi, a veteran of Bridgeport politics who runs OIB, wrote at the end of the above-referenced piece, “Bridgeport politics is not a breeding ground for Boy Scouts. It’s also not a place for self-righteousness.”
If you wanna start scratching the surface of so-called undesirables involved in city politics you’ll strike the ore of all sorts of felonious credentials. Do candidates for public office want to preen preachy about reforming personalities or do they want to present ideas about reforming government?
Be it Bill Finch, John Fabrizi, Mary-Jane Foster or anyone else on the mayoral horizon, certain types will make their way into campaign camps or the candidates themselves. Bridgeport politics is not a school for Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts. It’s legitimate to raise questions about candidate conduct but be very careful how often you hit that knee-jerk button because you’re just inviting scrutiny about your own background and associations.
What do you say? Maybe we’ll have the next OIB party at Ruby’s II. Hey, we’ll turn it into a mayoral debate. Pass the pasties.
I can imagine John Fabrizi thinks the Post and others’ reaction is knee jerk but really, isn’t it just a reaction to yet another total lapse in judgment? You want to be John Q Public and hang out or associate with strip clubs, their owners and all those nasty issues that are associated with those businesses, well, go do it (assuming your friends and family don’t know or care about it). If you are the mayor or the wannabe mayor–you don’t do it. You are supposed to stand for all that is good. Strip joints and their owners are not role models for communities. Those who think they are have some kind of serious lapse in judgment that precludes them, in my opinion, from leadership roles anywhere and most especially Bridgeport.
This is different than running for office and finding all kinds of characters attached to you–this isn’t like some folks went after Fabrizi–he got an invitation, one he’s gotten for several years and he accepted. Just like testifying for a convicted sex offender. No judgment. It’s what he does.
Baffled, you still haven’t answered the question of what were you doing at Ruby’s. Do you feel it would be inappropriate for Lennie to have an OIB party at Ruby’s II or any other strip joint?
All of us here are protected by the same Constitutional Amendment that protects stripper’s right to free speech and freedom of assembly. Are you looking for or hoping for a saint to be the next mayor of Bridgeport? You’ll have to wait for the day Tom Mulligan is elected mayor of Bridgeport.
One unique quality in Fabrizi’s personality is he goes to places few elected officials ever bother to go. He always visited neighborhoods and places other elected officials avoided and ignored. He would greet and talk to ordinary people and hang out around nasty people associated with those types of neighborhoods as you would put it. He made the people living in these pockets of tasteless neighborhoods feel a sense of acknowledgement. This is a quality I always liked and respected of John Fabrizi. He has always been real. The number-one negative comment most voters make of elected officials is, “Once they get elected, you don’t see or hear from them until they need your vote.” If John Fabrizi wants to ride around the ‘hood when he has free time, I would not turn down an opportunity to ride, walk around and talk to the regular folks with him.
Joel, no one had to be there to know Fabrizi was there, he openly admitted in the CT Post he was there. The reason I have issues with this is–Ruby’s II is operating with a loophole to both the second amendment and liquor laws regarding strip clubs. This city is forever looking for loopholes to justify their operations, and I would very much like to see a leader stop this practice and support the spirit of the law, and not find some workaround to support their own agenda. Attending the owner’s birthday party in a private home, no problem, but attending on the property of a business that flaunts their ability to manipulate the state liquor statutes–that gives me pause.
Jennifer, you’re a supporter of David Walker, a Black Rock resident and candidate for lieutenant governor. Do you want David Walker to stand against accepting the votes of folks who frequent Ruby’s II?
Palm plant to forehead, well played Lennie, well played.
Lennie–An elected official does not hold a voter to a ‘higher standard.’ You have to be aware of the relationship between the two parties. The voter will not be asked to make moral, fiscal or judgmental choices for the elected official. You should ask your question about your priest, rabbi or child’s teacher/caretaker. If you saw your kid’s teacher (working or watching) in one of these places would you be OK with that? This person is going to pass moral and behavior norms to your kid. Fabs is going to pass judgment on moral and legal issue that affect the city and its residents. Would you want BPT to become strip joint city? Our schools could have a new technical field of study. Pole dancing could be a P.E. course. This is an exaggeration but this is why an elected official should be careful with their behavior.
The elected official should try to aim his moral behavior at the MOST conservative among the voters as this will include that person and everyone below. The point is to alienate no one, thereby drawing every vote. You could guess this story will turn off Jehovah Witnesses and other very religious people regardless of political affiliation, women’s rights people who see this as demeaning and you can expect Fabs’ opponents to capitalize on this.
BOE SPY, I often raise questions from the perspective of political strategy. You don’t have to like that John Fabrizi goes there, but candidates or potential candidates deciding where people can or cannot go invites a whole set of questions about their relationships, where they go and what they do. Be careful what you ask for. It’s a slippery slope. Rather than say he shouldn’t go there, it’s better to say “I don’t go there, not my cup of tea.” When you say he shouldn’t go there you’re raising the specter others shouldn’t go there.
I am saying it was a bad idea to go there not because of some morality. It was a bad idea because it was bad judgment. Judgment is one of the most important qualities in a leader. We hire our leaders based on their resume. This includes behavior and personal choices. A mayor, as with any CEO, would be expected to have some level of decorum and judgment. Lapses in either of these areas, at best, would bring embarrassment to the entity.
Your idea of ‘if you go to strip clubs, I don’t want your vote’ is a bad idea. Any of the other candidates may say ‘go if you want.’ As a mayoral candidate I choose not to go. Some of the constituents I will represent (children, clergy, the devout) do not view strip clubs as appropriate and I choose not to go out of respect for their beliefs. A political leader may be called on to make sacrifices for the office. Some have even been killed.
Baffled, are you also saying mayoral candidates should stand up and say, “I do not want the vote of city electors who frequent these places.”
I would not vote for a candidate who visits these places. It’s not necessary for them to do so. I for one have never understood anyone who would go to one of those joints. Paying high prices for booze to watch a bunch of topless bimbos try to dance always amazed me. If Fabrizi is serious about running for mayor he should stay out of those dives and watch what he does at the bar at the golf course. Grow up Lennie, no one is asking the polls to say if you frequent strip joints I don’t want your vote.
Andy, does that mean you won’t associate with your friends who go there? I’ve never been to Ruby’s II, but I know a lot of people, many considered upstanding citizens, who go there.
I won’t associate with them when they go there, I won’t go. If people I know are regulars at these joints I doubt we would be hanging around with friends, they would just be people I know.
I see no sense in paying inflated alcohol prices to see bare boobs; big deal, how exciting.
BTW, people who frequent these places are lonely guys looking for something they don’t get at home.
Andy, honestly. Although I respect your opinion, I am also confused. There are areas that are supposed to be set up for this type of activity. This is not something new nor a breakdown of current social norms. You either go to these joints or you don’t. For many it is a bonding rite of passage, like a Bar Mitzvah. 🙂 Would you be happier in a country like Russia that now fines people for swearing and has banned Russian woman for buying Victoria’s Secret type lingerie? Is this your Catholic brand of Sharia law? If the clubs are legit and the woman are not prostitutes, what do you care or better yet, what business is it of yours? Some of these clubs around the world are quite exotic, immaculate and policed. Some have the best buffets. What’s wrong with ice-cold beer, oysters, clams on the half shell and watching beautiful woman dance while hanging out with friends? I will not attack John and Mary for attending this club. I will not attack my banker, accountant and eye doctor for attending these establishments. I would demand immediate termination of any city employee I ran into. I guess it’s like Bill Clinton enjoying fellatio with Monica Lewinsky. If Hillary forgave him who am I to judge? I find Monica’s mother more disgusting for keeping the blue dress with Clinton’s DNA on it. Andy, you have to be careful. You paint yourself as this G-d-fearing man and very self-righteous. You are not. You never turn the other cheek. You can sometimes be downright cruel and who are you to judge? You may hate Fabrizi but honestly, you’re going to judge him attending a strip club. Who the hell cares if he went through the front door or around the back? Whether John Fabrizi runs for Mayor or not, this is not an issue for Bridgeport Connecticut. These are the kind of issues for bible-thumping evangelicals who preach fire and brimstone while doing every form of perversion known. I give Fabrizi a full pass on this one. Andy, what would Jesus say? Probably a lot less of an issue than in ancient Rome and Greece.
Steve, don’t start that shit about being happier in another country. Who the hell are you to mention the word Catholic brand of Sharia law. So you in your liberal bullshit opinion equate Catholicism to Sharia law where they believe in honor killing and stoning women for infidelities.
I never turn the other cheek and yes reality and the truth can be cruel at least people know where I am coming from and if people don’t like it, tough. I paid the price to speak my mind and if I don’t like strip joints or topless joints why should you give a shit?
Steve, I don’t know what Jesus has to say but will find out when I get there. I know I lived my life the right way, can you say the same?
Steve, here is a piece of advise. Don’t read my posts because they are too honest for your everything-is-wonderful mentality.
Andy, do not get me on Catholics and Sharia law. Let me ask your grandchildren how great you are. Cut the shit Andy, you are probably never gonna meet Jesus except when you are on your way to hell in a handbasket. No offense. The truth is often painful. I try not to judge lest I be judged. My liberal bullshit? Really? For 2000 thousand years you have worshiped graven images and turned your back on child molestation in the churches. You actually believe your ordained priests are called by G-d instead of a job like everyone else. You profess to be a G-d-fearing man but you are not. You have earned your right to say what you feel. Well, other people have earned their right to go to strip clubs, get married in the eyes of God and then get divorced and get married in the eyes of God again. Graven images abound and are in every single church. Every year a new group of saints are ordained, for what??? Miracles? Are you fucking kidding me? Get off your high horse about Fabrizi and strip clubs. Pat is very lucky her husband doesn’t need to look elsewhere, other men are lucky their wives do not question their fidelity when they go to these clubs. It is a beautiful world Andy when you try to see it that way. It is also a terrible place when people take off their rose-colored glasses as God had originally intended the world to be and instead see the world through shit-stained glasses and assuming everyone sees the world through your eyes. 🙂 You need to chill, Andy. Spend time with the grandkids, life is short and changing quicker than you can blink your eyes. Man really isn’t any better than the animals, we all share this space and should respect everyone. We do not live in a vacuum, Everything is not black and white and not everyone is a Jew or a Christian. Enjoy the journey, man. I will tell you what Jesus would say to you. Look after your fellow man and feed him and teach him. Do not sit in judgement, that is reserved for G-d. Do not expose people to pictures of abortions. God knows what’s in your heart and will judge accordingly. Oh yeah, he would tell you to laugh your balls off. You will be happier and live longer.
You sanctimonious bastard, you are the one who brought religion into this conversation. Dumbass, look at your previous post, it’s you who brought it up. Why are you pissed at me because the Catholic church thinks homosexuality is a sin and Shia law kills homosexuals? Steve, how did you equate me with this because I don’t go to strip clubs or hang with people who do. Have you heard me yelling to close them? NO. Have you ever heard me say one bad fucking word about gays? No you prejudiced prick, you have not.
Listen Steve, I have never turned my back on wrongdoing, just so you know I am an agnostic. For you to assume I am Catholic is bullshit, BTW those child molesters should be executed. Steve, get off your high horse, reread my original post and stop ranting about the Catholic church. Don’t worry about where I am going when I die, worry about your sick sense of justice. My grandchildren are none of your business.
Lennie, I’m not telling any mayoral candidates what they should or shouldn’t do. I’m not telling voters what they should do or not or how they should vote. I have an opinion that strip joints are demeaning to women and demoralizing and debilitating to communities. I’m not a candidate for office and voters need to vote their conscience. I know I will.
“FaBreezy is not a detergent, it just hides the smell.”
Lol … John will be John, does it really matter what he does or who his friends are? He’ll drop out of this before the end of the summer, guaranteed. I just hope a real, viable candidate emerges eventually.
I want my pasties.
I have been at Ruby’s II many times, going back to Mayor Joe. I have seen Senior Bankers, City Officers, many City employees, City Council members, during working hours, having a great time. You name it. The code is what goes on in Ruby’s stays at Ruby’s.
MAGOO, how is your vision these days? What goes on at Ruby’s is family entertainment, or not? And the point is “what goes on in … (fill in the blank) … stays at (fill in the blank, again)” as a current saying is repeated, is not as easy as it sounds in a day when electronic devices make words like “privacy” or “confidentiality” seem silly at times.
Mentioning City Council members having a great time just shows they have a distinctly different actual sense of the words OPEN, ACCOUNTABLE and TRANSPARENT than when I use those same words before them in Council Chambers. They do no look like they are “having a great time.” I guess it really depends on how open something is, what transparency is covering, and whether what a person is accountable for is real in the first place.
By the way, since I often touch on the subject of monitoring, you mention the Ruby’s code. Who enforces the code? Can we hire them for a few days to get the Council eyes back in their sockets reading the Charter and Ordinances and living up to them? Kind of like “truth and consequences.” Time will tell.
John needs to be more cognizant of how anything he does will be scrutinized.
What I find remarkable is the CT Post can cover this drivel, but completely ignore serious matters of governance and ethics.
Gee, Mr. All-Warm-And-Liberal: How many votes do you think Fabs won by showing he’s pals with the operator of a titty bar Black Rock has been trying to run out of the nab? You think residents feel the love of a potential chief exec who might submarine attempts to use zoning to get the joint in the future, or worse, let the bar use zoning to expand because we all know just how swell zoning works in Bridgeport. If that kind of gossip gets spread around from the Rock, how long do you think other districts will take before they get weird on the comeback idea?
For the last time, where in hell are my pasties?
For the last ten years, ever since Janet Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction,” pasties are so passé. Shields are in.
What’s the big deal? It’s not as though Johnny Fabs patronized a whorehouse. He attended a birthday party in the backyard of a strip joint. Shame on all who are making a federal case of this.
At least he doesn’t have Christina Ayala’s record of domestic violence, intoxication and fleeing the scene of an accident.
He may not have a record of domestic violence but he wrecked a city car up by Huntington Tpke one night and the cops looked the other way. And public intoxication? Please.
JML why don’t you GO BACK inside the club and refresh your tired memory? Maybe you will see and or find some old friends. P.S I see very well, thank you.
Sorry Andy, I shouldn’t be concerned about your grandchildren, but I do talk to them or better yet, they talk to me. You might want to focus on them. Time stops for no one. Not for a sanctimonious bastard such as myself or a salty prick like yourself. 🙂 Do you feel better now? I do. You know Andy, I just love pressing your buttons. I hold you in high esteem as well as Pat. Your granddaughter is very sweet.
Boys are stupid. 😉
The truth Mustang, when you wear your stilettos, don’t you feel sexy and wish there were a pole nearby to strut your stuff?
See my above comment. 🙂
🙂 Oh no, you didn’t.
I don’t know the owner of Ruby’s but I surmise Fabrizi went there because he anticipated a campaign contribution. It wouldn’t have been a big deal EXCEPT Fabrizi has shown bad judgement many other times like his substance abuse while in office, driving while intoxicated and thinking he could have a back-door meeting with a judge. Sorry, but he seems like the same Fabs to me.