Claiming State Rep. Christina Ayala and her mother Democratic Registrar of Voters Sandi Ayala engaged in a conspiracy to commit voter fraud, the State Elections Enforcement Commission on Wednesday voted to refer its investigative findings to the chief state’s attorney for possible criminal prosecution. Some of the commission charges alleged are felonies.
According to a report issued to the commission by SEEC investigating attorney Kevin Ahern: “There is evidence that she ran for elected office twice from this false address during the period, including for the office she currently holds. There is evidence that she also applied for funds from the Citizens’ Election Program using this false address. Additionally, the investigation revealed evidence that Representative Ayala fabricated evidence in response to this investigation, with the intent of misleading Commission staff. The investigation also revealed evidence that Bridgeport Democratic Registrar of Voters Santa Ayala, Representative Ayala’s mother, knew of and may have cooperated in Representative Ayala’s fraudulent activity.”
The commission asked the chief state’s attorney to investigate Christina Ayala and Sandi Ayala.
Speaker of the House Brendan Sharkey, in response to the allegations, stripped Christina Ayala from membership on three legislative committees.
Full statement from Ahern:
Statement of Attorney Kevin Ahern to the Commission, October 16, 2013
On December 19, 2012, the Commission voted to initiate an investigation into whether State Representative Christina Ayala of Bridgeport had been impermissibly registered to vote and had voted at 604 Noble Ave., Bridgeport, an address at which she was not a bona fide resident. Additionally, the Commission voted to initiate an investigation into whether Santa Ayala, the Bridgeport Democratic Registrar of Voters, had knowledge of Christina Ayala’s improper registration and may have conspired with Representative Ayala to commit a fraud. The investigation revealed evidence that Representative Ayala falsely registered to vote at the address in Bridgeport in July 2009 and remained registered at this address until January 2013, after the initiation of this investigation. There is evidence that Representative Ayala voted in nine different primaries and elections from this false address during the period. There is evidence that she ran for elected office twice from this false address during the period, including for the office she currently holds. There is evidence that she also applied for funds from the Citizens’ Election Program using this false address. Additionally, the investigation revealed evidence that Representative Ayala fabricated evidence in response to this investigation, with the intent of misleading Commission staff. The investigation also revealed evidence that Bridgeport Democratic Registrar of Voters Santa Ayala, Representative Ayala’s mother, knew of and may have cooperated in Representative Ayala’s fraudulent activity. After investigation, Counsel recommends that the Commission refer this matter to the Chief State’s Attorney’s office for a criminal investigation of State Representative Christina Ayala for the following charges:
1) General Statutes § 9-360 for fraudulently voting in an election or primary in which she was not qualified to vote.
2) General Statutes § 9-361 for unlawfully voting in a primary in which she was not eligible to vote.
3) General Statutes § 9-357 for fraudulently procuring herself to be an elector.
4) General Statutes § 53a-157b for making a false statement on 3 voter registration forms and on a SEEC Form 1 intended to mislead a public servant in the performance of such official’s function.
5) General Statutes § 53a-155 for fabricating physical evidence with the purpose of misleading a public servant engaged in an official proceeding against her.
After investigation, Counsel recommends that the Commission refer this matter to the Chief State’s Attorney’s office for a criminal investigation of Bridgeport Democratic Registrar of Voters Santa Ayala for the following charges:
1) General Statutes § 9-355 for criminal negligence and/or fraud in the performance of her duties as a registrar of voters
2) General Statutes § 53a-48 for conspiracy to commit conduct, which constituted a crime and which was committed.
Counsel recommends that the matter remain open at the Commission and that staff be permitted to conduct further investigation under those statutes in Title 9 under which the Commission has civil jurisdiction.

More coverage from CT Post: www.ctpost.com/local/article/Possible-felonies-cited-for-Rep-Christina-Ayala-4900441.php
SIDE NOTE: condolences to the family of Mr. Michael Nidoh who lost his mother this past week. Mike recently retired from the city of Bridgeport. He has been a font of knowledge and a go-to guy for at least six different administrations, Republican and Democrat. His departure from the office of Planning and Economic Development leaves a deep void. The knowledge he took with him–priceless. If you haven’t heard from the city, let me say you are a talent that will be missed and you have the sincerest condolences from all those who had the pleasure of knowing you and your total dedication and constant whining. 🙂
As for the top story, it cannot be good for the reputation of our city and that’s all I care to say.
*** My condolences also to Mike & family on the sad loss of his mom, may she rest in peace with “God in Heaven.” I warmly remember Mike who had a funny sense of humor from time to time while both of us served on the city’s school buildings committee during the Mayor Fabrizi era. A wealth of knowledge indeed especially when it came to city economic planing & development issues I would approach him or Ed Lavonowits on when seeking more info and guidance on matters that might already either be or coming up in front of my committee or full city council. A man who should have been appointed dept director after Nancy Hadley’s departure in order to keep that dept moving forward instead of going into Zombie Motion like it did. *** Enjoy Retirement! ***
I played softball with Mike (great guy). My condolences to him and his family.
So someone is watching Bridgeport. I wonder what else they see.
If Christina Ayala doesn’t resign after this latest piece of news, then … Seriously, stop dragging the city and its residents through your mud! Bridgeport deserves better elected reps.
The Chair of the Bridgeport delegation should have already called a caucus for the purpose of speaking in one voice their urging for her to resign.
FINALLY!!! Someone is paying attention. I hope they throw the book at both of them and at the very least prohibit both of them from ever holding public office. Could things be looking up??? I remain ever hopeful!
EVERYBODY knew this was out there. It is just it appeared no one cared. Amazed (and pleasantly might I add) this rock is being turned over. Let’s see how many creatures crawl out from under. This should be JUST THE BEGINNING folks.
About time!
Paging Jim Fox, can we see that list again?
This was in the afternoon e version of the CT Post as it relates to Christine Ayala. “Not reachable by phone all day, she was found around 4:30 p.m. sitting at her father Tito’s bar on Beechwood Avenue knocking back shots in celebration of her sister Anis’ birthday.” Does anyone see a problem here?
*** Well it certainly seems like a “backdoor” way to try to drive both of them out of their respective political jobs since neither would ever cave in to resigning regardless of what negative turn of events may have happened, media pressure or general public gossip at hand. Now when I think of the countless times at different political State or City levels when candidates in Bpt have run for office and have not really lived in the districts they were to represent, or candidates who have gotten a slap on the hand more than once from the SEEC behind A/B fraud in general, it makes me wonder why them and why now has the SEEC decided to show some K-9 teeth before the upcoming Nov. elections? And it will also be quite interesting to see just “who” will show any type of support and why, and “who” will be ready to show no concern and good riddance to throwing them under the political and judicial bus as examples? Is it the right time and case to really enforce and do the job the SEEC, etc. has been reluctant to do in the past, or is it merely a way to get rid of two unwanted pols who have strainedand overstayed their political use and welcome? *** TO BE CONTINUED … ***
You are so right. Why here and why now? Why not Lydia and Americo’s ABs? Why not Finch, Wood and Becarro’s PAC?
One of the immediate problems this poses is she has been taken off three committees. This makes the Bridgeport state delegation less powerful in Hartford. The House Speaker has removed her from the appropriations, housing, and children committees. The fact she was on the appropriations committees is very unique because this committee holds a lot of weight in terms of the state budget. But now we lost a person on that committee. The other issue is, regardless of what happens legally, I imagine it won’t be likely for her to be placed in status positions on committees in the future. For example, Senator Gomes ended up being the co-chair of the housing committee within a few years as senator. But in her case I worry about the extent of responsibility she will be given in the future even if this all settles. Again, we all lose in the end because Bridgeport essentially loses power in Hartford in what already is a suburban-dominated General Assembly.
I don’t understand why the Democratic party continues to support Santa and Christina. All have known for many years the antics of Santa Ayala are not simple mistakes. Everything she has done over the years has been planned and carefully calculated. Let’s get real, DTC. Does anyone really believe Santa did not know where her own daughter was living? It’s not like they don’t live in the same state. I hope they both go down; maybe they can take the rest of the corrupt idiots with them.
My most sincere condolences to Mike Nidoh, as a co-worker and friend he was a GEM to be with and a pleasure to work with and he is greatly missed by all. P.S. The hell with the Ayalas.
*** You can assign all eight of the Bpt legislators (two senators and six representatives) to the most status position committees and still not get anywhere towards real political benefits for Bpt. They do not work as a team but rather as individuals all looking for personal gain one way or another. Some don’t have a clue, others are merely pawns and lazy when it comes to pushing for political relationships that can be supportive at times. And all who have been there for more than two terms have gotten too comfortable and set in their nonproductive ways! However every now and then 50% of the usual real workers come through with something good for Bpt. ***
In a statement, Mayor Bill Finch, who had avoided commenting on Christina Ayala’s troubles until recently, said he was alarmed by the allegations against both mother and daughter.
“These are a very serious, alarming and troublesome series of allegations regarding election laws involving Christina Ayala and Santa Ayala,” he said. “These allegations seem to reflect a very disturbing pattern of behavior, but at this juncture they are just that–allegations–which must be investigated to the fullest extent by the appropriate authorities. The investigation will have to run its course, and I will reserve further comment until the findings are in.”
They are not ‘just allegations.’ One was actually caught once or twice cheating on the ABs. These allegations do not SEEM to reflect a very disturbing pattern of behavior. These charges CONFIRM a wanton and reckless disregard for the democratic process and the laws that protect that process.
Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice shame on me, again. Fool me three times. Thanks for helping me get re-elected. I wonder if either of these two get jail time if they will take the house of cards with them or go it alone?
Does the City Charter contain any type of equivalent to “Administrative Leave” pending criminal investigation for elected officials?
The electorate voted Sandi into her position as Democratic Registrar WITHOUT a pending criminal investigation on her record and it does not seem fair we as voters and taxpayers should have to put up with her still being in office when there is a question of her participation in criminal wrongdoing. Isn’t the Deputy Registrar in office to fill those shoes in cases like this?
*** As OIB bloggers continue to accuse, hold a public opinion trial and conviction, with a variety of ideas on type of sentencing; they should remember regardless of past history debacles with these two pols. It is still an on-going investigation on “allegations of a conspiracy to commit voter fraud!” An accusation that has come up from time to time in the past concerning other pols and elections in the city of Bpt but never acted upon by the SEEC as a criminal matter but rather a civil one. So why the big change now and show of force by the SEEC? Who is putting the pressure on whom to rid the party of these two after such a long time of playing pretend by the city and state DTC and SEEC, I wonder? *** TO BE CONTINUED … ***
Mojo–You may have it backwards. You are assuming someone is applying pressure to push these charges forward. Maybe in the past someone pushed to make the charges stop? Now with the DTC losing influence, they did not have the juice to get any of their three candidates on the ballot for the BOE, they do not have the juice to torpedo the investigation. It could also be these two have used up all their favors. The DTC is tired of having Ayala egg on their faces and has decided to ‘cut them loose.’ There comes a time you are more trouble than you are worth.