UPDATE: Recount results: Torres 861, Blagys 760, Brannelly 821, Stafstrom 810. Thanks to OIB friends for providing recount info.
A razor-thin margin will trigger a recount of ballots in the City Council’s 130th District. Elections officials have scheduled it for Friday at 11 a.m. at the Registrar’s Office in the Morton Government Center on Broad Street. Connecticut General Statutes provides for a recanvassing of votes in cases of discrepancy and for results of less than one half of one percent or fewer than 20 votes. Steven Stafstrom finished just 14 votes behind his council running mate Sue Brannelly, according to unofficial results, forcing a recount. Electors could vote for any two of the four candidates in the 130th District. Republican Rick Torres finished as the highest vote getter, according to unofficial returns, followed by Democrats Brannelly, Stafstrom and Republican Phil Blagys. Torres and Blagys finished ahead on the machine count. Absentee ballots lifted the results for Brannelly and Stafstrom.
Statement from Steven Stafstrom and Sue Brannelly:
We have been notified that, pursuant to State statute, a recanvass of the ballots cast for the City Council seats in the 130th District has been scheduled. We support the recanvass being conducted to confirm the accuracy of the reported results and hope that this process satisfies all those involved.
The recount, according to election officials, will include feeding all 1737 ballots cast from the district into an optical scan voting tabulator that was not used in the district election at the Black Rock School and Aquaculture School precincts. The recount is open to the public. Candidates may observe but cannot participate in the recount.
From CT General Statutes:
Sec. 9-311a. Recanvass on close vote. For purposes of this section, state, district and municipal offices shall be as defined in section 9-372 except that the office of presidential elector shall be deemed a state office. Forthwith after a regular or special election for municipal office, or forthwith upon tabulation of the vote for state and district offices by the Secretary of the State, when at any such election the plurality of an elected candidate for an office over the vote for a defeated candidate receiving the next highest number of votes was either (1) less than a vote equivalent to one-half of one per cent of the total number of votes cast for the office but not more than two thousand votes, or (2) less than twenty votes, there shall be a recanvass of the returns of the voting machine or voting machines and absentee ballots used in such election for such office unless such defeated candidate or defeated candidates, as the case may be, for such office file a written statement waiving this right to such canvass with the municipal clerk in the case of a municipal office, or with the Secretary of the State in the case of a state or district office. In the case of state and district offices, the Secretary of the State upon tabulation of the votes for such offices shall notify the town clerks in the state or district, as the case may be, of the state and district offices which qualify for an automatic recanvass and shall also notify each candidate for any such office. When a recanvass is to be held the municipal clerk shall promptly notify the moderator, as defined in section 9-311, who shall proceed forthwith to cause a recanvass of such returns of the office in question in the same manner as is provided in said section 9-311. In addition to the notice required under section 9-311, the moderator shall before such recanvass is made give notice in writing of the time when, and place where, such recanvass is to be made to each candidate for a municipal office which qualifies for an automatic recanvass under this section. Nothing in this section shall preclude the right to judicial proceedings on behalf of a candidate under any provision of chapter 149. For the purposes of this section, “the total number of votes cast for the office” means in the case of multiple openings for the same office, the total number of electors checked as having voted in the state, district, municipality or political subdivision, as the case may be. When a recanvass of the returns for an office for which there are multiple openings is required by the provisions of this section, the returns for all candidates for all openings for the office shall be recanvassed. No one other than a recanvass official shall take part in the recanvass. If any irregularity in the recanvass procedure is noted by a candidate, he shall be permitted to present evidence of such irregularity in any contest relating to the election.
Statute in case of discrepancy:
Sec. 9-311. Recanvass in case of discrepancy. (a) If, within three days after an election, it appears to the moderator that there is a discrepancy in the returns of any voting district, such moderator shall forthwith within said period summon, by written notice delivered personally, the recanvass officials, consisting of the mechanic or mechanics, at least two checkers of different political parties and at least two absentee ballot counters of different political parties who served at such election, and the registrars of voters and the clerk of the municipality in which the election was held. Such written notice shall require such clerk to bring with him the depository envelopes required by section 9-150a, the package of write-in ballots provided for in section 9-310, the absentee ballot applications, the list of absentee ballot applications, the registry list and the moderators’ returns and shall require such recanvass officials to meet at a specified time not later than the fifth business day after such election to recanvass the returns of a voting machine or voting machines or absentee ballots or write-in ballots used in such district in such election. If any of such recanvass officials are unavailable at the time of the recanvass, the registrar of voters of the same political party as that of the recanvass official unable to attend shall designate another elector having previous training and experience in the conduct of elections to take his place. Before such recanvass is made, such moderator shall give notice, in writing, to the chairman of the town committee of each political party which nominated candidates for the election, and, in the case of a state election, to the Secretary of the State, of the time and place where such recanvass is to be made; and each such chairman may send two representatives to be present at such recanvass. Such representatives may observe, but no one other than a recanvass official may take part in the recanvass. If any irregularity in the recanvass procedure is noted by such a representative, he shall be permitted to present evidence of such irregularity in any contest relating to the election.
(b) The moderator shall determine the place or places where the recanvass shall be conducted and, if such recanvass is held before the machines are boxed and collected in the manner required by section 9-266, the moderator may either require that such recanvass of such machines be conducted in each place where the machines are located, or he may require that they be removed to one central place, where such recanvass shall be conducted. All recanvassing procedures shall be open to public observation. Such recanvass officials shall, in the presence of such moderator and clerk, make a record of the number on the seal and the number on the protective counter, if one is provided, on each voting machine specified by such moderator. Such clerk in the presence of such moderator shall turn over the keys of each such machine to such recanvass officials, and such recanvass officials, in the presence of such clerk and moderator, shall immediately proceed to open the counter compartment of each such machine and, without unlocking such machine against voting, recanvass the vote cast thereon, and shall then open the package of absentee ballots and recanvass the vote cast thereon. In the course of the recanvass of the absentee ballot vote the recanvass officials shall check all outer envelopes for absentee ballots against the inner envelopes for such ballots and against the registry list to verify postmarks, addresses and registry list markings and also to determine whether the number of envelopes from which absentee ballots have been removed is the same as the number of persons checked as having voted by absentee ballot. The write-in ballots shall also be recanvassed at this time. All of the recanvass officials shall use the same forms for tallies and returns as were used at the original canvass and the absentee ballot counters shall also sign the tallies.
(c) The votes shall be announced and recorded in the manner prescribed in section 9-309 on return forms provided by the municipal clerk and appended thereto shall be a statement signed by the moderator indicating the time and place of the recanvass and the names, addresses, titles and party affiliations of the recanvass officials. The write-in ballots shall be replaced in a properly secured sealed package. Upon the completion of such recanvass, such machine shall be locked and sealed, the keys thereof shall immediately be returned to such clerk and such machine shall remain so locked until the expiration of fourteen days after such election or for such longer period as is ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. The absentee ballots shall be replaced in their wrappers and be resealed by the moderator in the presence of the recanvass officials. Upon the completion of such recanvass, such moderator and at least two of the recanvass officials of different political parties shall forthwith prepare and sign such return forms which shall contain a written statement giving the result of such recanvass for each machine and each package of absentee ballots whose returns were so recanvassed, setting forth whether or not the original canvass was correctly made and stating whether or not the discrepancy still remains unaccounted for. Such return forms containing such statement shall forthwith be filed by the moderator in the office of such clerk. If such recanvass reveals that the original canvass of returns was not correctly made, such return forms containing such statement so filed with the clerk shall constitute a corrected return. In the case of a state election, a recanvass return shall be made in duplicate on a form prescribed and provided by the Secretary of the State, and the moderator shall file one copy with the Secretary of the State and one copy with the town clerk not later than ten days after the election. Such recanvass return shall be substituted for the original return and shall have the same force and effect as an original return.
(d) As used in this section, (1) “moderator” means, in the case of municipalities not divided into voting districts, the moderator of the election and, in the case of municipalities divided into voting districts, the head moderator of the election, and (2) “registrars of voters”, in a municipality where there are different registrars of voters for different voting districts, means the registrars of voters in the voting district in which, at the last-preceding election, the presiding officer for the purpose of declaring the result of the vote of the whole municipality was moderator.
Well, well, well, now isn’t that something, those in Black Rock want to see election laws work well here it is, State Law Would Allow Recount For Stafstrom, I guess now the law is no good, you will have to pick and choose which law you want to work and for whom.
Yeah, let’s see if that’s going to happen. Also: A younger Lennie Grimaldi.
www .youtube.com/watch?v=G2bIeSbK61Q
You are seriously twisted.
What is wrong with you? This is great for all of us!
“… there shall be a recanvass of the returns of the voting machine or voting machines and absentee ballots used in such election for such office unless such defeated candidate or defeated candidates, as the case may be, for such office file a written statement waiving this right to such canvass with the municipal clerk in the case of a municipal office …”
This is the part of the law where I have a question on:
“… unless such defeated candidate or defeated candidates, as the case may be, for such office file a written statement waiving this right to such canvass with the municipal clerk in the case of a municipal office …”
Can Blagys request a recount? Is Stafstrom the only one who can waive or request a recount? If Stafstrom waives his right of a recount and Blagys wants a recount, what happens? If there is a recount, will it be a partial recount like in the 137th. or a full-blown recount according to the law? Last week in one of my comments I warned about the ABs being the deciding factor in the 130th. I say the recount in the 137th was a “partial recount” because there was no review or examination of any of the ABs rejected in the 137th district, if any. The registrar of voters had not submitted these numbers of rejected ballots to the Town Clerk’s office as of the last time we (Valle and I) asked for the totals.
I would advise those in the 130th district to check up on the ABs. Ask how many ABs in the 130th were rejected and make sure they are examined during the recount. Record all ABs rejected as it would be a good idea to contact the persons who had ballots rejected. Did someone intentionally mark the ballot so as to get it rejected?
Joel Gonzalez, you have made some points but that still doesn’t change what a piss-poor operation the Republican Party ran in the 130th district. They ALL acted like this was their first election cycle, no pre-planning or post-planning. Just what you read tells you they have no idea about ABs and how they operate and they could have made ABs work for their own side. Maybe you heard but I’ve not heard anything about them trying to register NEW voters. Getting elected is not about yard signs, flyers, riding a bike for two, you have got to get your people out and work your ENTIRE district going door to door asking people for their vote.
“… When a recanvass of the returns for an office for which there are multiple openings is required by the provisions of this section, the returns for all candidates for all openings for the office shall be recanvassed …”
In the September 10, 2013 primary recanvass of the 137th district, only the votes for Valle and Feliciano were recanvassed. Why? Lennie, will the returns for both openings (the four candidates) be recanvassed? The recanvass tomorrow is going to be very interesting. I wished for, predicted and got the opportunity to witness another recount for the purpose of comparing it with the one in September.
“The recount is open to the public.” HMMM will I be the only one from Only in Bridgeport attending???
donj, feel free to serve as OIB’s special correspondent because I cannot attend. Just be sure to set aside a few hours because it will take that long to feed in all the ballots.
I will be there, hope to meet you in person! I am not sure what I will be wearing because I am pretty sure Bob Walsh raided my closet …
I will be the one wearing the invisibility cloak, and hot shoes.
Don J,
I was going to go too. I’ll meet you there. I’ll be the one in the black Armani suit with a very fine silver pinstripe running through it. I’ll have on a crisply starched pure white shirt with a black tie with vertical silver stripes. And a white carnation, of course.
Still wearing your Halloween costume, Bob?
Damn Bob, I was going to wear that!
Troll, put on sunglasses, they’ll think you’re a Fed.
*** Too bad there aren’t recounts in other districts between all those running, which would show residents are really, really voting and paying attention to the current affairs of Bpt’s City Government and the politicians who are supposed to be looking out for our city districts as a whole. The 131st apparently came in last on active voter participation and filed ABs. The district where CT Post newspaper buyers turn to the Police Log page first, then maybe the sports page or entertainment section afterwards, no? *** If the Squeaky Wheel Gets the Oil in Districts Like Black Rock, Then the Wheel in the 131st District Must Be Very Rusty, No? ***
I was thinking with that wardrobe description, maybe Don J would walk up to John Stafstrom and say, “Excuse me. Are you the Troll Bob Walsh?”
Now that would be a Kodak moment!!!