Sign Companies Bang Boards At Arena

Webster ArenaFrom Mike Mayko, CT Post:

A high-tech battle is brewing between a national outdoor advertising company and the city over a plan to build a giant, state-of-the-art digital billboard at the Bridgeport-owned Webster Bank Arena along Interstate 95.

The new billboard, which would require changes to the city’s zoning laws, would directly compete with a nearby electronic board operated by Lamar Advertising, potentially costing the business big bucks while generating revenue for the cash-strapped, city-owned Harbor Yard operation.

The proposal will go before the Planning and Zoning Commission next month–weeks after financial statements filed with the Town Clerk’s office revealed that Harbor Yard Sports and Entertainment Complex donated $14,000 to Mayor Bill Finch’s failed campaign to change the city charter to give him the power to appoint Board of Education members.

Full story: here.



  1. This was a typical Finch Super Pac 14 thousand dollar shakedown, for his so-called Charter Chance, by using his appointed TPZ Commissioners to guarantee a yes vote on zoning. Just think what he could have done with the BOE?

    God Help Bridgeport!

  2. The billboard companies do have a monopoly and a very strong lobby. I would hope the PZC asks for an advisory opinion from CDOT before they consider the item; find out precedence; find out the traffic engineer’s concerns. I-95 rules are pretty strict on spacing between those electronic signs.

    As for the Arena, I am glad they put a new larger sign on the building. I for one would like to see more Bridgeport advertising on all of the electronic billboards. Creating a sense of excitement as those stuck in I-95 traffic look around for something to while away the time would be a good thing.

    1. Billboard companies have a monopoly because of strictly regulated P&Z regs that were implemented in the zoning re-write of 1999. Lamar, one of the firms you have referenced, has an almost 100-year history in Bridgeport. Clearly what is very disturbing is Mayor Finch’s attack on Lamar. Last time I checked, corporations are and should be about their profits! The zoning regs besides the state statute of 500 feet, also refer to a 1500 -oot rule between signs.

      Finally, this zoning application was not transparent under its legal notice regarding “a text amendment.”

  3. The new signage for the Webster Bank Arena is a fantastic idea. This is an entertainment complex and Ball Park. It should be big and bold and scream for people to come to downtown Bridgeport. Not only would the Arena benefit, but all downtown restuarants as well as city image. Let’s get this city into the 21st century. To bring up the Mayor and his educational initiative is just totally inappropriate and will keep Bridgeport in the dark. His initiative may have failed, but he knows the future of the city is in the hands of education. Finch knows economic development would happen at a quicker pace if our schools were a cut above. Back to the signage, I would hope the zoning board approves this simply because it just seems like a perfect proposal for our entertainment complex. How great to be driving on I95 and seeing a brilliant sign touting upcoming events in the Park City. Let’s keep the politics out of this and keep reality in check.


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