City Councilman Ernie Newton raised about $6,500, a large chunk of it from the family of Dennis Bradley whom incumbent Herron Gaston defeated two years ago in a Democratic primary while Gaston compiled roughly $15,000 in his reelection bid, according to the latest reports filed with the State Elections Enforcement Commission.
Newton claims he’s raised about the same as Gaston from donations coming in after the March 31 filing deadline.
See Newtown report here
See Gaston report here
These reports aren’t dough to dough because the candidates are utilizing different fundraising mechanisms.
Gaston is raising money of smaller donations under the state’s Citizens Election Program of publicly funded races that will avail him a grant of about $110,000. $320 is the largest personal donation allowed under the program to limit the influence of money in elections. Based on this filing Gaston is close to reaching the threshold of donations to submit a grant request.
Newton is raising money outside the voluntary program that allows a maximum personal contribution of $1,000. The Bradley family has made several $1K donations. Newton’s first fundraiser was hosted by Bradley at his Bridgeport law office.
Newton supported Bradley’s reelection two years ago when he lost a tight primary to Gaston. Bradley is defending federal allegations of election fraud that are still pending.
Newton is barred from the public financing program because of his federal conviction 20 years ago related to his service performance in the state legislature. Newton has rebuilt his professional career assisting the transition of the reentry community in work training, job search and housing.
A large chunk of money raised by Gaston comes from Hartford lobbyists that often help finance the reelection seats of incumbent legislators.
Gaston, a city faith leader and executive at the University of Bridgeport, is the heavy favorite for the convention endorsement next month, a date to be determined by the state party. Newton will need 15 percent delegate support at the convention to qualify for an August primary. In lieu of that he can petition onto the ballot.
While Gaston will likely have about $110,000 to spend Newton’s fundraising goal is about half that amount, reasoning his strong name recognition does not require matching Gaston’s number.
The 23rd Senatorial combines roughly two thirds of Bridgeport and a portion of western Stratford. Its election lineage the past 50 years covers Salvatore DePiano, Margaret Morton, Alvin Penn, Newton, Ed Gomes, Andres Ayala, Gomes again, Bradley and now Gaston
Money and power clearly connect in Only In Bridgeport narratives. But doesn’t the equation also include “man/womanpower” and “message”. Where are the principled policy messages for each of these Democratic State Senatorial candidates? Are such messages unimportant in the hearts and minds of those who run, and those who nominate them? At a time when the State budget is being discussed and well funded currently, though educational equity is not enjoyed by Bridgeport students, isn’t message to adults critical? Will such a message and demonstrated activity on behalf of City youth create more voters at the polls from the current ranks of eligible, registered, but non-voting? What will get folks to actively live their civil rights? Time will tell.
To what avail? What message are you seeking? They are both black, Democrat, and God is on their side. The D, Democrat Party’s message is inherent. No?
To Moses point, name recognition. This is a political popularity contest. The D’s have prevailed in the
Port, messageage received. Well, I guess you can add whatever coded side/team you “Identify” with.
John, what coded side do you identify with? : How did it come about? At what age did you start identifying with it, Had it progressed through the years? Are books a continuing factor in the progression? Did you read the Gospel of Philip? Was it Identifiable? Can it All be just your imagination, a fairytale if you will?
Where do the facts and fiction end, lies start, and where does the truth begin, Acquiring minds want to know.
P.S. Or perhaps it’s a necessity to the grotesquery of human nature?
While time will tell I hope you answer these questions in a timely manner. 🙂
We have total so far of 15,000 thousand in the bank,our cut off was March 31 the other check came in after the 31 cut off date. We are looking forward to take our message to the people of Bridgeport and Stratford. I don’t need a hundred thousand dollar to when this election. We will raise about 50,000 dollar. The other 50,000 is my name recognition and my years of serving this City as the first black president of the City Council, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Deputy President Pro-Tempo of the State Senate and know President Pro-Tempo of the City Council. I’m not the new kid on the block. I help build the block.
Moses, what is that message? Perhaps you were the first black president of the City Council but Gaston is black and a reverend, So God’s a push too.
Our total to date 18,0000.00 in the bank. Our money comes from every day people. Not Lobbyists. I’m bought by the people who I’ve represented for years. When I Win the people Win.
I looked through the paper work. alot of Newtons money is not even from people who live in Bridgeport.
about 14 of Newton’s donors are not from Bridgeport, compared to about 12. with over 30 years in Bridgeport politics I would have thought Bridgeport donors would be higher. based on donorship looks like hes the Moses of the suburbs.
Gaston’s donors are about 137 from Bridgeport vs 111 not from Bridgeport. the count may be a little off but proportionately should not be too off. based on donorship.
To be fair to Moses, percentage-wise they seem comparable to Port’s donorship to non-Port residents’ donorship.
I would like to see the aggregate/amount between the two. John, hook a brother up with those numbers? 🙂
The public financing program seems to be a political racket. From my understanding, you must receive $1700 in small donations to gain $110,000. Gen Now get in on this racket. Why spend Big Daddy’s money to build up your political influence? Go out and get some sheep candidate to access that public financing programs money, raise the needed minimum base, through Big Daddy shell game to collect the $110,000. Your sheep/candidate doesn’t have to be a winner, even a real contender to spend Big Brothers/taxpayers’ money. It’s a win-win, You guys get to spend $100K to gain political influence, win or loss and Mama Bear Callie gets that extra LV handbag. 🤣
P.S. Mama Bear Callie, in your equity/equality, shouldn’t everybody have the same financial expression lifestyle as you? Ask Bid Daddy share his secret to those in you organization. by year’s end, everyone at those Gen Now meetings you hold should have their own LV band and live in the financial luxuray as you and Big Daddy. No?
love or hate gen now but at least someone is challenging the machine. ganims steelpointe project took 30 years to produce a chipotle.
Please, while you may be right, love or hate them, 20,000 shades of ballots, but you only love them because you hate G2.
As for that machine, Gen Now lay down with Mario, and Wanda in that thing you hate so much. JS
Robert I actually dont really care for either. the problem with people you is that youre a black and white binary thinker. i really dont care much for ganim or gen now. what I do care about is a one party system and the lack of checks and balances. any time you have a one party system you will end up with the mess you have in Bridgeport. keep thinking the way you do and maybe youll get a chick fillet next to steele pointe’s chipotle in 2050.