‘Saints Have A Past, Sinners A Future.’ Ganim Apologizes, Receives Ovation

It’s been more than a decade, but former Mayor Joe Ganim has finally apologized publicly for the corruption that drove him from office in April 2003. Ganim said he was sorry at East End Baptist Church for the annual Emancipation event New Year’s Day. Ganim has been making the rounds in an effort for a political comeback for his old job. Many of Ganim’s political supporters had encouraged him to show contrition. This video was posted on YouTube.

The 2015 mayoral cycle could be a yawner or a wild ride. If Ganim gets in, one thing’s for sure it won’t be boring. Joe has support in African American neighborhoods, but will it hold up once Mayor Bill Finch’s political operation unloads on him? Depends on the kind of race Joe runs. Stay tuned.

Sincere apology or opportunistic? CT Post scribe Brian Lockhart has more here



  1. I am glad he was able to say he was sorry. I lived in Pennsylvania and worked in Manhattan for much of his time as the mayor and I honestly have very little recollection of him, however the number-one complaint I have heard about him is he never apologized for his actions. He and his family paid an incredible price for his poor decisions. I hope he is sincere and really wants to move forward.

  2. I forgive Joe Ganim, but that’s me. I wouldn’t give him a standing ovation. I would not say he has any more support in the black community than Finch, Caruso, Foster, Daniels, Coviello, Ted MEEKINS or Jesus.

    It makes the black community look like a bunch of unenlightened idiots still controlled by reverends who have personal agendas, thieves, adulterers and down-low scum. It is ironic he would choose the East End church (not) as opposed to his Syrian Orthodox Church on upper Park Avenue. I hope Ganim was sincere and gives his time as a volunteer in the East End as a positive force using his charm and law experience. He can help so many people walking among them than going back to his personal agenda. I’d support Ganim after he worked in the community for a few years. That to me would show sincerity. To assume the black community is just going to enthusiastically support you would assume they are just a bunch of dumb fucks! Honestly Joe, some of them truly are and as you know $5 can buy a vote. And a reverend can feel so very important. I hope those days are gone. You have Ron Mackey and Donald Day who think you walk on water, thank you Jezzzusss. I think Finch has many many friends in the black community and not one thing that Finch is reviled for compares to what Ganim has done. If Joe Ganim runs I will not utter one word about his past. I forgive him. I urge him not to run and serve the community for four years and than get back in the game. I am concerned his family will suffer unnecessary humiliation. Not from my lips, I promise.

    1. Steven Auerbach, you said, “It makes the black community look like a bunch of unenlightened idiots still controlled by reverends who have personal agendas, thieves, adulterers and down-low scum,” who do you think you are to make a statement like about the ENTIRE BLACK COMMUNITY and every black minister in Bridgeport? You are out of your fucking mind, how dare you and you work with black children in the City’s school system, you need to move right now. Look, you don’t care for Donald Day and myself, well that’s okay because we don’t give a damn about you but to talk about our people and to call all of us a “bunch of unenlightened idiots,” you have lost your mind. We have NEVER said anything like that about the entire white community of Bridgeport but you feel because you’re white it’s okay.

      1. I think I am Steven L. Auerbach. I stand 100 percent behind what I say. I always get a bang out of a politician speaking at a black church and any reverands running for office is the biggest joke of all. I never said I do not care for Donald Day or yourself, but I can deal with you not giving a damn about me. I was not talking about the whole black community, just those who think Ganim should have the keys to the kingdom, without serving the community for free. You just love race baiting. I am embracing my blackness and disgust from the way some members of the black community actually listen to their pastors on who to vote for and yes that standing ovation in the Church was just the ultimate. Now I know you are torn between Ganim and Foster. Better you advise Ganim how the community would benefit by his service for four years walking among the community. Save your energy, the good news is the black community in the North end, West End and Upper East side do not think Ganim is the savior. I met some of my neighbors. They are repulsed by the thought of Ganim running. They love Foster and Finch and Fabrizi and they are disgusted with the politics of this city. Ron Mackey, as you see it all depends where you are in Bridgeport. The black community does not blindly vote as a bloc based on their pastors and yes I know many of those pastors for many years who are guilty of everything I said. Thank you Jeeezzzuuusss!

  3. On previous occasions I have noted the need for broad and deep community discussion about public redemption for sins affecting the community. If you are stealing from the taxpayer in big ways and get caught by the Feds, what do you say and then what do you do? Serving the time for the crime is only part of it, really. What is the lesson for folks with less available to them, taking a little bit of time, or stuff, or overtime or sick time not earned and saying it’s OK? How does the process redeem an individual and heal a community? And are there any safeguards (in addition to routine regulations for everyone) that need to apply to sex offenders, or fiscal offenders, etc.? What might they look like?

    Of course Joe is sorry. Certainly sorry he was caught and had to do serious time and cause dislocation to a career that was on an upward track. What is the lesson for youth in that “sorry?” Is it a warning to avoid getting caught at all costs? Because our City governance structure is weaker today than it was in Joe’s time. And practices Joe referenced in his talk still continue.

    I refer to the School Building Committee that has not been OPEN, ACCOUNTABLE, or TRANSPARENT in its activities for years. It was a change from the days when specific committees were chosen for each school to be built. When you have more than 30 sites competing for the capital dollar and when the State is supplying 80% of the money, was the use of private management and one secretly operating Board fits all a good idea? How would you know if you do not know when such a group meets, not be allowed to address them and not have access to important materials at critical times?

    Does Joe have follow-up statements after sorry and regrets to show how he, or anyone for that matter can create a more efficient and effective government in this City than has been settled for? Time will tell.

  4. God bless Joe Ganim, hopefully he will be our next Mayor. “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.” I for one have forgiven Joe Ganim for his shortcomings, and God knows he’s paid the price for that.
    This great city has been taxed to death for the past seven years. This administration has for the past seven years done nothing ’til now, the 11th hour, in hopes of winning your vote come November with false promises for a better tomorrow, but only after November’s election, with lie after lie and year after year the Finch administration has put this city on the verge of bankruptcy.
    We were promised a $600 dollar tax rebate, but that money went to Mayor Finch’s friends.
    Mayor Finch raised our City taxes after reevaluation but not on his friends.
    What was the quote from Mayor Finch “some people’s taxes will go up? And some people’s taxes will go down,” and most people in this city shot up over 30%.
    This administration has yet to balance the budget in the past seven years, not once!
    God only knows what Mr. Sherwood and Mayor Finch have done to this city financially.
    From the BBOE to the City Charter, Driveway Gate, and sexual harassment by one of his Finch’s soldiers, Bill Finch has done nothing to stop the corruption. He has served himself and his friends while the good people of Bridgeport paid through their asses.

    1. Jim Fox, do you keep forgetting you are supporting a different candidate every day? So today it is Ganim, yesterday it was Foster. Tomorrow, Daniels?

        1. When you asked MJF to run and I asked she not let sycophants put her in harm’s way and you said I was a sycophant and I was in Finch’s camp and I said she was not running and I was not working any campaigns. Does that ring a bell, Jimmy?

          1. Let me help you out here, Stevie! Here’s the post, Stevie!

            Steven Auerbach // Jan 7, 2015 at 2:22 pm
            I am hoping Mary-Jane Foster does not let sycophants put her in a bad position.

            Jimfox // Jan 7, 2015 at 3:56 pm
            Steve, now that you’re out of her camp and into Finch’s, she has one less sycophant to worry about!

            Steven Auerbach // Jan 7, 2015 at 8:00 pm
            Jim Fox, Ron Mackey and all Finch Haters. I am not in anybody’s camp. Neither are you. Mary-Jane FOSTER is not running for Mayor. I am not working on any campaigns. I say let the best man or woman win. I simply show the Mayor respect. I simply say when a job is well done I acknowledge it. But for the record, I could not and would not work on any campaign where the followers were individuals I do not respect, I have done that before. It is tough when you have 10 percent of the volunteers DOING 90 percent of the work surrounded by stale, miserable, vindictive, obsequious individuals with their hands out.

  5. What’s sad about all these guys who break their promises and violate the public trust is they think the only way to come back is by being re-elected to public office. How about committing to doing good works and deeds without the trappings and power of elected office? How about some real humility?

  6. Steve, you should hang your head in shame for the way you have disparaged our black community. I suspect you have a mean gene going on so go ahead and attack me for daring to call you on it. Joe, you have more than paid for your mistakes and comebacks are a part of life. Soldier on Joe because I think not only are our forgiving black community understanding and on your side but, WELL, WE’LL SEE!!!

    1. Lisa, you can call me on it. I did not insult the entire black community, but just so we all understand, it is nice you support Joe’s coming back to the fray. You should be ashamed for not suggesting he serve the community for four years before asking for the keys to the kingdom. I am glad people enjoy misconstruing what I said. I know Mario appreciates your support for Joe even though he knows you are no longer part of his machine. If you, Ron or Donald addressed Ganim’s fall from grace before showing support it would be more credible. Texting, Lisa, as you know does not let emotion come through. Yes I was giving a dig to Donald Day and Ron Mackey. I did not say anything about the black community that was not 100 percent on the money, nor did I assume the entire black community follows the same leader … thank G-d. When I talk to people at 32 different schools, I can assure you there is no great love for Joe Ganim nor am I disparaging him. They are actually very supportive of Finch and Fabrizi. So Lisa, I am not mean-spirited by nature. I am aware on this blog I am the outsider, which by the way is the norm for me. I have no problem being the devil’s advocate. If I am looking for validation for my existence, I can assure you this blog would not be my platform. 🙂 So, Ann-Margret, I mean Lisa, if I offended you, Ron and Donald, I do apologize. I am sorry they do not give a damn about me because I love them. 🙂

      1. Steven Auerbach, you said, “It makes the black community look like a bunch of unenlightened idiots still controlled by reverends who have personal agendas, thieves, adulterers and down-low scum,”

        1. Ron Mackey, I think my entire post speaks for itself. If you choose to imagine I was referring to the entire community, I am not going to engage in your typical race-baiting conversation. My actions speak much louder than my words. I have supported candidates who were black when I was the only white person there so keep your holier than thou I am the black martyr attitude in check. I think you know better, if you do not then shame on you!

      2. Steve, I know for a fact the teachers you speak to in 32 schools are not Finch fans. He has underfunded the BPS for three consecutive years and was recently quoted as saying “I love charter schools.” Moales was his treasurer and he wouldn’t be on the BBOE if it weren’t for Finch. Moales has done nothing but disparage BPS teachers, unions, true public education, etc., and Finch has to own Kenneth Moales.

        1. Maria, first, I do not discuss city issues with teachers who do not reside in Bridgeport. Most teachers in the Bridgeport school system do not reside in Bridgeport. I stated, “I talk to people,” that includes administration, security, parents and yes teachers–the few who do reside here. That is why getting an endorsement from the Teachers Association is not helpful to Mayoral candidates. Foster and Caruso were the recipients of such endorsements and the kiss of death. If that holds true Maria, Finch should be in good shape, no? I know it’s not what you want to hear, but it is ironically, a fact.

          1. Steve, there are over 300 BEA members who live in Bridgeport, however there are over 1,000 CEA members in Bridgeport. Now add in their spouses, children, parents and siblings. Teachers are also knowledgeable and informed on issues and they get out and vote. The vast majority would not vote for Finch. I have about 10-15 current and retired teachers in Thomas Hooker and they all dislike Mayor Finch.

          2. Steve, sometimes I think you just don’t understand how many people in Bridgeport really dislike Mayor Finch.

            As far as your question, it is a yes. The vast majority of teachers and retired teachers in my neighborhood would vote for Ganim over Finch. Mayor Finch plotted the illegal takeover, he was instrumental in bringing Paul Vallas here, underfunding our schools, promoting charter schools, etc. Do you really think the majority of BEA and CEA members have a fondness for Finch?

            I can’t speak for other neighborhoods, but I can tell you the dislike of Mayor Finch in Thomas Hooker is palpable. That isn’t rhetoric. I have knocked on over 1,000 doors in this neighborhood personally, and I know what I hear.

            What is really interesting is I have NEVER brought up the topic of Mayor Finch, however resident after resident tells me how much they dislike him. I have NEVER had a single voter tell me a good thing about him or compliment him as the Mayor.

            I was having an intense conversation about Malloy before the election with a father and son. I could not get them to even consider voting against Malloy. The next minute one of them brings up Mayor Finch and how horrible he is for Bridgeport.

            I looked at them and said Malloy and Finch are cut from the same cloth and are no different, but they kept defending Malloy while unleashing a barrage of insults about Mayor Finch.

          3. Maria, the saddest part of your post is the Thomas Hooker area is the Mayor’s home turf. I do not believe they are all anti-Finch. I guess we will see on this one. I will be in the Nob Hill area on Tuesday. I will ask a few neighbors.

          4. Steve, Mayor Finch votes at Beardsley School, not Thomas Hooker.

            I also want to let you know there are not many active voters in Nob Hill, however there is one retired teacher there who I absolutely adore.

          5. Maria, the Mayor may vote at Beardsley but Hooker is up the street and closer. I would consider that his turf. There are many voters at Nob Hill and there is more than one teacher living there who is not retired. One is from Waltersville and her brother was a tenant of mine, just sharing. I think if you ask Richie Paoletto and Mike Marella you might find out how many people actually vote. I do not think the majority of them are at all concerned with the educational system. They are more into the neighborhood, taxes and development. But not going to get into an argument that would assume these residents would put Ganim back in office. I think you’d vote for John Marshall Lee if it meant getting rid of Bill Finch. 🙂 Am I right? I’d venture to say you’d vote for Ann Barney or Pat Fardy if it meant getting rid of Finch. You’d probably vote for Andre Baker to replace Finch so it is no surprise you’d see Joe Ganim a 10-year Mayor and convicted felon as a viable candidate. Honestly, we are a pathetic city with so few options.

          6. Steve, how can you think it appropriate to tell me about what voters find important in my neighborhood?

            I have canvassed this neighborhood five times since June 2013 and know the vast majority of active voters by name.

            I do not know a single schoolteacher in Nob Hill who is an active voter. Maybe they reside there, but they are not an active voter.

            You are 100% wrong on my ever voting for Andre Baker. I would consider voting for Bow Tie if there were an election for a Board of Finance. I am unsure about Pat or Anne. I will NEVER vote for Andre Baker again, not under any circumstances.

            You only get to fool me once. He has met that quota.

  7. Now Stevie, this I want to hear. Please name the black candidate you supported and were the only white person there. Come on, Stevie. That was your statement now back it up with facts not fiction or in your case friction.

    1. Bob Walsh, the new spokesperson for the black community, most recently, Scott Hughes. One of maybe six white people initially. Since Bob you had the audacity to ask. And I might also add two of his biggest supporters, treasurer and spokespersons happen to be black and two very very very good friends of mine. Thanks for asking, Bob Walsh. You disgust me, just for the record.

          1. Andy, Bob Walsh had the audacity to insult me with your favorite word “sanctimonious,” that bastard! 🙂

  8. As a taxpaying resident, I personally do not forgive Ganim for his lying, cheating ways that set the city back for years as investors shied away from a crooked city government. It has taken Bridgeport all these years to gain some semblance of honesty back. If he were ever mayor again, who would trust him? As an individual, I do forgive him for his crimes, and he has been duly punished. I hope he has a happy life, but not as a lawyer nor as my mayor.

    1. Bepo (in the know or out of the know to be determined),

      What actions or reforms have occurred and taken hold to support your comment: “It has taken Bridgeport all these years to gain some semblance of honesty back.”?

      Ganim went to work during the time the Financial Review Board oversight over every dollar spent and all borrowings, etc. left us with a $55 Million City Fund Balance. In the dozen years since we have descended to around $10 Million of unreserved, undesignated and liquid funds when all is totaled. Where is the reporting honesty in this descent?

      The internal auditor was dismissed so no one is there to look at risks to the City in the way we operate. Specifically no one took on the responsibility of annual reporting and triennial audit a City Ordinance authorizes. Where is the knowledge of our regulations and enforcement honesty?

      When the City Council, the last bastion of elected representation in the City will not respond to allegations of illegal use of taxpayer funds in June 2013 by 15 of 20 Council persons directing the purchasing department to send nearly $30,000 to charities for political reasons, and hiding this fact with untimely reporting of same, where is this honesty you mention? This is a mere sampling of actions that wrestle with your “semblance of honesty” opinion.

      Your response? Time will tell.

        1. Thank you for clarifying your statement about “some semblance of honesty.” It is important for all of us to stay informed on what forms our current reality. Just because there is no current local ‘scandal’ of one kind or another on the front page of your paper or electronic unit, does not mean we are improving. The PR folks know full well how to create semblance, and it is to avoid the areas in which they are fully vulnerable, and to deal with other ‘soft’ areas glancingly, that is with partial truth.

          Perhaps you can provide some additional examples of areas where the reality is different from honesty that OIB readers have not heard about yet. Time will tell.

      1. Bepo’s tax break for 2009. Her Finch tax break!
        2014 $4,929+0.8% +0.8%
        2011 $4,888+5.6% +5.6%
        2010 $4,630+2.3% +2.3%
        2009 $4,525-17.1% -17.1%
        2008 $5,456+4.2% +4.2%

        1. Jim, you’re so wrong. We bought our house in 2013. And what do my taxes have to do with Ganim’s corrupt influence on Bridgeport? Bad try deflecting the topic of this thread. And I am certainly not “under a rock”–having a popular web site and Facebook page, Bridgeport In The Know, a trendy neighborhood FB group Black Rock Bitches and a topical monthly WICC radio segment. The only rocks around here, Jim, are in your head.

          1. That was your old address in 2008-2009 tax revaluation, BEPO!
            You certainly saved a lot of money to make the move to your new rock.

          1. Jim Fox, if that is fact, I hope they are addressed I am not hoping to cover up any scandals. You have it in your head I am Finch’s cheerleader and sole supporter. I am certain he has issues. I just stated there is nobody running with a platform who can or is willing to address these issues.

  9. Getting back to Mayor Ganim, I think Mario Testa put it in proper perspective. His thoughts were eloquently stated and considering his longtime personal relationship, I believe heartfelt. “If Joe Ganim were to run again, it would be an uphill battle given Mayor Finch’s accomplishments and war chest.”

    On a side note: Tomorrow, Sunday 2:30 at the Watermark on Park Avenue there will be a talk on Political Corruption in Bridgeport given by Bob Sullivan. I just declined the invitation by a friend because I am sooooooooo tired of the same crap over and over and over again with the same starring characters over and over and over again. I am just mentioning it because I never run into anyone from this blog at any positive gatherings or these gatherings and not being sarcastic here, I think Andy, Ron, Donald, Bob and John Marshall Lee might enjoy it. If you do, call Watermark to make a reservation. 🙂 Free and open to the public.

    1. Thanks for the heads-up on the talk. I have read the book he published this past year and found it informative, especially for periods of time before I came to be specifically interested. The time period covered also provides a big picture that indicates structure of government and fiscal environment have a significant effect on those involved in politics and government. So “charter reform” and awareness and enforcement of Charter and Ordinance duties is critical. That can be seen again and again.

      Sorry you have a headache Steve, but were you to look at the serious effort to get to the bottom of issues and move them in a good long term direction occurring at the BOE, in my opinion you might consider headaches may be a part of the solution. Am I hopeful? You bet I am and little things changing feeds my hope. Stop worrying about a specific person in a specific moment and look at the overall issue and connect with what is happening. It may be better than aspirin, or absence from considering the serious issues that exist in the gray. Time will tell.

  10. It is fully appropriate that Joe Ganim finally apologized for his past actions. However, people who have been convicted of public corruption should be banned from holding public office. That includes Joe Ganim.

  11. I think those who only reside in CT for five years should be forbidden from seeking statewide office. It is frequently referred to as being a “carpetbagger.”

    1. Maria, fortunately I have lived here for over five years. Remember, Hillary did not even live in NY when she announced for the US Senate. How long has Steve Stafstrom lived in Bridgeport? Facts are stubborn things.

        1. Bepo In The Know, I am unclear as to whether your comment was about Steve and Dave but directed at me, or were you writing a response to Dave about Steve. Can you clarify?

        2. Madeline, I’m not running for local office. I would respectfully suggest my overall public service and non-profit experience is much greater than Steve’s. However, that point is really not relevant to the subject at hand.

      1. Dave, have you resided in Bridgeport for even six years? I am not a supporter of Steve Stafstrom, or any other Stafstrom for the record. I am not a Hillary supporter either. I hope Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders run for president.

  12. Other than Lennie, I may be more familiar with Ganim’s transgressions than others posting on OIB. It’s history and we should learn from it. We should forgive him for what he did if he is truly sorry, but is he? It appears the DTC will support the candidate most likely to win a primary. Finch has the money, a message funded by Bridgeport taxpayers and an organization, the DTC and city employees.

  13. Steve, I find your characterization of the black community as unenlightened idiots and all it takes to secure a vote in the black community is a $5 bribe. At first I thought your post was malicious then I came across this quote that summarizes what I think about your post.”Never attribute to Malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

    The black community as well as Mackey and I support Joe Ganim because we understand our lives were better under Mayor Joe Ganim. No tax increases, blacks being hired in city jobs and an abundance of blacks in leadership positions in city government. We also understand under Mayor Finch we aren’t being hired in positions as police and fire departments and have the lowest number of blacks in leadership positions for any Mayor prior to Mayor Joe Ganim.

    While we don’t think Mayor Ganim can walk on water, we do believe he is better than the status quo. How come the black community can’t do what’s best for them without worrying about any other segment of the Bridgeport population other than themselves? The black community shouldn’t do what’s best for you or your ilk. The black community understands with Mayor Ganim we get a mayor who wouldn’t lie to us, wouldn’t promise us anything he couldn’t do. Mayor Ganim was always straight with the black community and always told us what he wouldn’t do, what he couldn’t do, what he will do and what he won’t do. We respected his honesty and he never bullshitted us about anything, unlike the status quo, ya boy Finch.

    Now you may certainly have a problem with Joe Ganim running again as that is within your purview, but don’t you dare try to tell the black community what it should do or what’s best for the black community because you don’t have any idea what’s best for us. Nor do I believe you have this abundance of black friends because no black would subject him or herself to your antediluvian and antiquated views about blacks. You understand there is a marked difference between knowing blacks and having black friends and you have no black friends.

    1. DONALD DAY, in your vain attempt to rehash this conversation that finished with your alter ego Ron Mackey, you made the most ridiculous comment. “At least with Joe Ganim, you would not be lied to.” Mr. Day, the truth; is that not a joke? He lied to the entire city. For the record Donald, do not assume even half of Bridgeport’s black community wants to see a convicted felon in office. It is nice you support Joe. You may speak for the black community that allows politicians to speak on their podium. I RESPECT Joe Ganim’s financial contributions to some members of certain factions of the black community. It does not give him the credibility to selfishly run for mayor. REMEMBER Donald, the next wave of voters were 8 years old when Joe Ganim “LIED” and denied all allegations. I AGREE with Phil Kuchma, it would turn the city into a circus. By all means support GANIM, keep in mind the black community in the North End does not share your love for Ganim. If you took my post as an insult I apologize as I did to Ron. My apology or post is not going to help or hurt your cause. All I need to hear is Marilyn Moore your fearless leader support Tea Ganim, then Mary-Jane Foster and I will think I’m in the Twilight Zone.

  14. Dave Walker, no, I do not agree with your message. As long as a candidate seeking office meets all the legal requirements to seek office, they should have every right to do so. The electorate will decide if they should be elected or not.

    1. Maria, then you must not believe in good governance and the City Charter. The fact is, the City Charter says “No” and that Charter was approved by the citizens of the entire City and not just one Council district. I respect you as a person but strongly disagree with your views on this matter. Avoiding conflicts is fundamental for a healthy democracy and good government.

      1. Dave, I said as long as they meet “all the legal requirements,” therefore that includes the City Charter. I am completely opposed to city employees serving on the city council. In other words, I agree with your specific position on this matter 100%.

  15. Sounds like it was written by a rainbow coalition writer, just missing a few rhyming words. I wasn’t aware there was a Baptist Church in such a liberal state. Why wasn’t the speech given to those whose pockets were greased back in the day? Would they not be the same ones who would put him back in office?

  16. Ms. Pereira,
    You mean without ever reading my posting, you were able to term it a “diatribe?” Does the person who read what I had written and took the time to inform you have a sense of humor about word usage? About calling someone Bow Tie?

    (By the way, it is good to read you may at some future time find me a worthy candidate for a finance body in the City. Might you name three or four others who are students of this discipline and thereby possibly qualify for your endorsement?) Time will tell.

  17. Those folks on OIB raised in one Christian denomination will not find Joe Ganim’s talk a full confession process. He continues to say he is sorry, but he doesn’t really say he is “heartily sorry for having offended” the deity or all of those he was elected and committed to serve.

    That same Christian tradition often imposes a penance. Going to prison is not a penance because your admission, remorse and full confession are necessary before the penance. Joe did the crime. The court sentenced him to do the time. The community has been waiting for him to ‘suck the lime’ and taste the sourness engendered by his actions.

    Genuine penance might well go to using his brains to help the community understand needs correction through Charter reform. He can do that without seeming to run for office, right? His experiences make him a prime candidate for engaging in such an effort. And the result would be priceless in terms of community value. How do citizens put their trust in a candidate but at the same time know methods, checks and balance, audits, etc. are methods of verification for that trust? Time will tell.

  18. Maria, thank you for making it clear you do not believe City employees should be able to serve on the City Council. We are in agreement and I am pleased to know that. Thanks again.

  19. No argument there, Dave. This is Bridgeport and the game remains the same. Awaiting a game changer to step up to the plate and take our city down the right path. As JML says, “Time Will Tell.”

  20. Dave Walker, there have been many individuals found guilty of a crime in a court of law, however they were later found to be completely innocent.

    Do I think Joe Ganim was guilty of violating the law? Yes, I do. However there have been many individuals convicted of crimes they never committed.

    What about all the Wall Street executives and bankers who brought this country to its knees due to their unscrupulous business practices? How many of them were convicted and sent to prison? The U.S. government bailed out the banks with middle class taxpayer funds and many of these banking executives were actually paid bonuses for bringing us to the verge of a complete financial collapse.

    When the elite are convicted of their crimes like the middle class, poor and minorities are, then I will pass judgment on the likes of Joe Ganim and Ernie Newton. Until then, they deserve the same opportunities as the rest of us.

    The only thing I am opposed to is having convicted felons work directly with children. When I am referring to convicted felons I am referring to sex offenders, drug dealers, murderers, etc. You never place innocent children at risk in order to give adults a second chance. If they want to work in a administrative capacity, a trade, public works, retail, etc., they should have every opportunity to do so.

  21. Here is a perfect example of the price elitists pay for their crimes versus an individual from the middle class, poor or minority community.

    This guy is serving three months in a halfway house and probation for his illegal funneling of $30,000 in funds to Rowland for political work while Ernie Newton received a seven-year federal prison sentence for taking approximately $10,000 in bribes and using campaign funds for personal use.


    Now the state is spending thousands to prosecute Ernie Newton for $500 in questionable campaign contributions.

    Is there anyone on this blog who honestly and truly believes if Mayor Finch, Timothy Herbst, Mayor Boughton, Governor Malloy etc. were ever accused of $500 in questionable campaign contributions, they would be prosecuted in a court of law? Wouldn’t this just be handled by the SEEC?


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