From Keila Torres Ocasio, CT Post:
There was no mention of the months-long sexual harassment probe against Richard Paoletto. There was also no mention of the thousands in back taxes and child support owed by Richard DeJesus.
Instead, Paoletto, who served on the City Council for nearly 15 years, was given a friendly send-off and DeJesus left with no real acknowledgement that it was also his last council meeting.
After months of making headlines for their troubles, both councilmen on Friday announced their plans to resign. Paoletto also retired from his job as acting deputy director of housing and commercial enforcement for the city.
Full story here.
Take a good look at this picture. Will this picture haunt the Mayor or just be forgotten as a non-issue? Time will tell as John Marshall Lee would say. Speaking of JML, he is missed. I hope he is enjoying a nice holiday in a warm climate.
Actually I have been here in New England, Providence over the weekend, and at home or office reading the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. I had signed up for the February 2 meeting but it was canceled. Rescheduled for February 9 but was also canceled. I signed up for this week’s meeting that was last night, but Council President McCarthy only allowed five minutes so matter was cut.
Twenty or more errors in this external audit. Some purposeful probably. Others because of poor oversight and proofreading. This is the best the City can do? Where is the info on bonds authorized but funds outstanding? Where is full info on all projects using abatements or other adjustments to the reality of 100% taxes (not just the Watermark)? And how about a 10-year trend line for our Net Taxable Grand List along with charts showing the growth in the City over the same time period in City-owned property that does not pay taxes?
See Lennie, you can get warm here in Bridgeport getting riled up by the poor work product generated by those at City Hall. What will the results be when the CT Public Corruption group listens to just plain folks? Time will tell.
Lydia Martinez’s quote about DeJesus winning the election next week may be an indication the fix is in, or it is pure arrogance? The question is which one is it?
The door, Richards. Watch that door. Don’t let it hit you in the ass on your way out.
Maybe the headline should have been “Separated at Birth.” Looking at the photo and their character it does appear there could be a genetic link between the two.
Time will tell …
Time will tell who ends up costing the city more. Richard Paoletto and sexual harrasement lawsuits or Richard DeJesus and his back taxes and foreclosed properties.
Time will tell, indeed.
Finch and McCarthy made Paoletto seem like a hero for Bpt. The guy is a pervert. If this isn’t an example of what is wrong with this admin, I don’t know what is. Clearly because Richie was a loyal servant to Finch/McCarthy, they are treating Richie’s perverted behavior like it doesn’t matter, “poor Richie” is the underlying theme here. I ask, can you imagine if someone like Rick Torres was accused of this, Finch/McCarthy would make him public enemy #1, no pay, no questions, FIRED! I blame Finch of course more than McCarthy, I mean Tom doesn’t form opinions on his own as we all know, Finch dictates what Tom says. Two months from now, if Finch is feeling backlash from this and changes his mind on Richie, McCarthy will, too.
So, two opportunities open for “watchdogs” to represent City voters and taxpayers? Is that how you see it?
Will they have city jobs?
Will they have experience from any Board or Commission?
Any expertise valuable to the City Council specifically?
Will they have any fiscal experience to penetrate the Punch and Judy annual budget show?
Will they be able to ask questions and expect answers?
Other thoughts? Time will tell.
I am so used to Ed having an HQ on Stratford Ave I was absentminded when I referred to that.
Ed’s HQ is at 2335 EAST MAIN St. So please, everybody who does not want to see someone like Richard DeJesus or Rev Moales representing our city in a embarrassing way in Hartford, make some time in the next seven days to get to Ed’s HQ at 2335 EAST MAIN ST and help make a difference.
John Marshall Lee, first, welcome back, now to your question, more than likely the choice will be either DTC members or big supporters whom the district leaders will select. I doubt they will meet the standards you rightfully want. Even if these selections are not city workers they will still be under the control of the district leader, the DTC and the mayor. Time will tell.
Let’s set the bar a little lower …
Will they show any back taxes due to the City?
Will they have any environmental or blight issues outstanding with their City properties?
Are they willing to list and share publicly the three most important reasons they are throwing their hat in the ring?
Are their motor vehicles registered within CT?
Have they voted in 80% of the election days in the past 20 years since they registered?
Have they/are they holding down a full time occupation that is not dependent on government at any level?
Not all of these are equally important but these and a few more you can doubtless come up with would be helpful for the public to learn about.
Of course, we can ask that they reside most nights of the year at an address that is within their district. Or is that too difficult to contemplate? Time will tell.
For my penance I will now make 20 more phone canvass calls, find 10 more friends in the district to reach out to and commit to working 14 hours on election day.
Go, fight, win!!!
Jesus, Troll! It’s Ash Wednesday, hope you’re not giving up campaigning for lent.
Hmm … reduced pension … how, I wonder. What is the exact date of his retirement/resignation? If it is April 1, he will get thousands more in pay from at least 14 days of holiday pay, personal days and vacation days! I’m not familiar with his union contract, or retirement package contract. Why doesn’t he receive medical?
Linda Lambeck is reporting Governor Malloy’s proposed new budget includes the following:
Magnet Schools–An additional $36 million for 2015/2016
New Charter Schools–$12 million in 2015/2016 which includes Dr. Perry’s new charter school in Bridgeport
Existing Charter Schools–An additional $7.9 million to expand in 2015/2016 and an additional $2 million to grow in 2016/2017
Malloy is an absolutely disgusting individual. This is exactly why we need Ed Gomes. Moales and DeJesus will support this outrageous education budget 100%.
As someone said to me, “they are just a couple of Dicks” saying good-bye.
Will Denise Merrill see her shadow on February 24?
Will Dan Malloy come down to Bridgeport to help the victors celebrate on February 24? Or will the heavy snowfall (of absentee ballots) keep the Governor up in Hartford? Or will he just put a shovel in his car and come down anyway?