From the CT Post:
Three gunmen who rushed into a parking lot party in the Trumbull Gardens on Thursday, the flash from their semi-automatics searing the early morning darkness, were intent on leaving no witnesses, an eyewitness said.
“One of them yelled, ‘kill them all’ as they began firing,” a woman resident, still shaken hours later, told Hearst Connecticut Media.
Full story here.
Haha, Joe is an expert getting himself taken in photographs.
I hope Joe doesn’t get like US Senator Richard Blumenthal and pop up everywhere a camera or a reporter goes for a story, but it looks like he is.
When the ‘burbs are paying double what Bridgeport is and the benefits are so much better and cost much less, this does fall on the Mayor’s lap, good cops get trained here and move on to greener pastures.
Ganim hangs with Charlie Stallworth, one of the weak black leaders with their hands out. He has commercials on TV, with dreams of a mega.church. He knows how to get himself publicity and so does Joe.
Was Mary -Jane Foster there?
I know Finch was there and on Channel 12 he was captured in a very heartfelt sincere melancholy way. Every hour on the hour. It was a very very sad day. I am not sure Mary McBride offered any consolation other than supporting Joe.
Of course Mary-Jane Foster was there.
I knew she had to be but apparently the news and blog didn’t acknowledge that.
Why don’t you remove your head from Finch’s backside? This is a Mayor who has known for several years the PD would be decimated by upcoming retirements. What did he and his puppet chiefs do, NOTHING! They chose to let the PD sink to historic lows while using the savings to hire his buddies to city jobs. Corruption is rampant in his administration as well and you choose to overlook that as he points a finger at Ganim. Hypocrites abound. Finch chose to have a press conference outside stores where clerks were killed twice touting low crime. A blind man can see it’s all BS, yet you say Ganim showing up is political. You too are a hypocrite.
Are you crying?
Using a tragedy to get your Finch agenda out, you’re getting lower by the minute.
BPT REBEL? What every other candidate was there because why??? The only political leader who was there appropriately was the chief elected official Mayor Bill Finch. His agenda, offering condolences on behalf of the city of Bridgeport.
Someone said Finch was there with his Campaign Manager?
Quote of the week!
“We’ve made progress and we have the lowest crime rate in 40 years,” Finch added.
No more Guns Bass Pro!
No more Guns Bill Finch!
No more Guns Bass Pro!
No more Guns Bill Finch!
Jimfox, a recent report stated crime is at 40-year low nationwide but they have no reason why it has dropped that low. Finch is taking credit for a national trend unexplained low in crime.
Had the TIPS program been supported and promoted by the City, the residents could have been part of the solution as part of the intelligence sharing of situations in the community which makes them fearful for their safety. If a resident sees something and has a safe, confidential and autonomous way of providing info on guns, drugs or crimes they can make their concerns known in a personally safe way with TIPS. It bears repeating.
Is it now time for the TIPS program to be supported by Mayor and Police Chief? Anybody remember their past actions relative to that low cost, publicly safe way for local residents to SAY WHAT THEY SEE but in safety? Not telephone. Not twitter or email. Snailmail. An idea from voters and citizen activists around gun violence in past years, presented to the Council and for all purposes ignored by King Bill and General Gaudett (probably on orders because the idea did not originate in the MO)? Just an idea from two black men who shared it with a white man in Council chamber several years ago. One had lost his son to gun violence. Why was this ignored? Time will tell.
Who in hell are these supposed black leaders I keep hearing about? Who are the white people leaders in Bridgeport? What makes anyone think, feel or believe most black people in Bridgeport think our religious, political or business leaders speak for the black community as a whole or the black community needs a leader?
What’s happening in Bridgeport isn’t a black problem, it’s a Bridgeport problem.
Give the black community jobs and a reason to care and the problems will get exponentially better. Quit giving Bridgeport jobs to white males from the suburbs and give them to the residents of Bridgeport and the problem will get exponentially better. Why is Bridgeport giving jobs that raise the standard of living for white suburban males at the expense of Bridgeport residents?
Exactly, it is a white black issue for you–always. White honkies from the suburbs don’t need to eat. And Bridegporters working in Westport, Stamford and Trumbull don’t need to eat!
Who was the last mayor elected in Bridgeport who grew up in Bridgeport?
Mary Chapar Moran, John Fabrizi.
Wrap your head around this, suburban white firefighters make excellent officers and firefighters and will put their lives on the line for the public and for their brother firefighters irrespective of their ethnicity. Black firefighters who are Bridgeport residents make excellent officers and firefighters and are willing to put their lives on the line for the public and for their brother firefighters irrespective of their ethnicity.
The difference is in the last 25 years no suburban firefighters have moved to Bridgeport, that pays their dangerous. On the other hand every black firefighter hired in the last 15 years from Bridgeport still lives in Bridgeport and a lot have purchased a home and all own vehicle.
If we are getting great homegrown officers and firefighters and they are paying taxes and spending money here then why aren’t these individuals a preference in hiring? It’s not about black and white, it’s about making individuals from Bridgeport a priority in hiring. The rule should be, don’t have to end up as Bridgeport resident, but MUST start out as one.
Where’s that joke of an executive director of the housing authority Lee Byers? Guess he never had to deal with major crime in his previous and only housing authority experience in South Bend Indiana. If he spent more time working on the real problems and stopped trying to be a union buster, something real might happen. Btw, his last directorship, a tiny authority, is listed by HUD as being low performing after implementing his changes. Now the Bpt housing authority is an even greater mess!