Paging Cigar Aficionados –The Mayor’s March Madness Fundraiser

Holy Havana, at these fundraising prices let’s hope the mayor lights up Cohiba cigars for donors. And how about a Connecticut wrapper to boot?!

Mayor Joe Ganim will host a whiskey and cigar night at The Original Vazzy’s Thursday night.

The other three mayoral contenders–John Gomes, Marilyn Moore and Lamond Daniels–are also fattening up respective campaign treasuries for the first quarter fundraising reports due in April.

The competition to raise money is fierce. What does each candidate need to wage a competitive race against a well-financed incumbent in a potentially large field?

In the first quarter it’s all about making a statement to build attention and enthusiasm among operatives helping to build coalitions.

Campaigns are built on dear ol’ MOM–money, organization and message.

Spring is in the air, love in the air. Right now all the candidates desire financial love.


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