Following community opposition, O&G Industries has ended efforts to move its asphalt and concrete processing center to the West End, according to Vice Chairman Raymond Oneglia who writes in a letter, “Given Bridgeport’s resistance to moving the facility, O&G has decided to abandon efforts to relocate the facility to Bridgeport’s Eco-Park.”
A coalition of neighborhood activists formed No To O&G as a rallying point of opposition. Then in March, Superior Court Judge Dale Radcliffe delivered a blow to the company, issuing an order for O&G to “immediately cease and desist from the use and maintenance of a recycling, concrete crushing, storage and stockpiling facility at 1225 Seaview Avenue” in the East End, a facility the company wanted to move to the West End.
Radcliffe also ruled that “compliance with the Order to Comply, and this court’s decision, is in no way contingent upon any relocation of the O & G operation, or the approval of one or more municipal land use bodies, concerning that relocation.”
Mayor Joe Ganim at the time described the company as a poor corporate citizen who must clean up its act immediately declaring “It’s an affront to the residents of the city, it is a clear violation of the laws … it’s gonna stop and it’s gonna stop now.”
Letter from Oneglia:
After reading Mayor Ganim’s oped (“Bridgeport must lead in sustainability” Connecticut Post, June 7), I realized the mayor did get a few things right. Sustainable solutions do “increase efficiency, reduce energy costs, reduce carbon output, and improve quality of life.” And in the mayor’s own words, “there are many obstacles to success.”
O&G has engaged in a year-long struggle with the mayor and the city to relocate to Bridgeport’s Eco-Park our permitted Seaview Avenue Asphalt and Concrete Processing Center.
At the facility, O&G takes in only material that meets the state of Connecticut’s definition of “clean fill” and turns it into road base and structural fill. By doing so, O&G minimizes the energy-intensive mining of virgin material and the city benefits by not having to deal with unwanted piles of material left on dead end streets and in abandoned lots.
Given Bridgeport’s resistance to moving the facility, O&G has decided to abandon efforts to relocate the facility to Bridgeport’s Eco-Park. Not only will this affect the ability of area contractors to legally dispose of, and stage these materials for reuse, but it will also indefinitely delay the productive use of a long-blighted former industrial site.
Another consequence of Bridgeport’s current posture with O&G relates to the company’s effort to establish a new green manufacturing facility in the City. O&G and its New York-based partner are now looking at sites outside of the city and state to establish a new glass processing operation expected to create 25 or more new jobs.
It’s disappointing that in a State so desperate to attract new businesses and grow its existing employment base that we’ve been met with such resistance to expand our footprint in the City.
They will be back.
And we will be ready. There is also concern with other “construction” companies similar to O&G. We are hearing reports of mysterious piles of debris.
I posted info about this news in the previous “dirty” posting(Prostitution,Ethics Commissioner) but I am happy to see that OIB posted this news in a completely separate posting because it is BIG news. A group of people got together and we said NO TO O&G. Special thanks to the Proveys-Joe and Maryann but to every single person involved in this effort. WE proved that concerned citizens can still organize,work hard and make a difference. There are more battles for a better Bridgeport but this cause showed that it can be done. Hopefully,more people will join the cause.
Remember, this the second time that there was a attempt to placed a asphalt plant on South Ave and at the foot of Pleasure Beach on Seaview Ave and Central Ave.
Once again it was Judge Dale Radcliffe coming to the aid of Bridgeport residents, thank you Judge Radcliffe.
Frank, thanks for the heads up.
Jeff..I almost feel like that is a good idea!
*** Even though I enjoy the news articles on local & state wide issues Lennie, I would like you to write a little info. on this Trump-Care bill that the G.O.P is trying to pass & why it’s worst than Obama-Care instead of making it better for Americans overall. The worst part of the bill seems to be it’s negative affects on Medic-Aid. The largest Fed. Medical Ins. Plan that affects and helps millions of Americans, past, present & future. This new ram-it-down the American peoples throat joke of a Universal Health Ins. In order to over-hall Obama Care completely instead of tweeting and making the plan cheaper and better for all as time goes by with a State by State study to make needed changes for the better till America’s left with an affordable Universal Health Care Plan that’s good for all in time!
*** Sorry for the run-on sentences in the prior blog Lennie ! ***