1. If the manner in which all other Boards and Commissions seem to be managed by recent Mayors, it can be seen that criteria for selection do not favor folks who are conscientious, with lots of community board experience, balanced as to diversity, and have some technical or real life expertise that can be of value to such a Board or Commission.

    Vacancies develop and many times are allowed to persist for years.

    Training or at least orientation are not conducted routinely though such would make for wiser decisions.

    Evaluations of even the most rudimentary form are not conducted. Yet some serve for what can be established as “political” reasons, and that indicates they are under the control of the DTC more often than not.

    Library seems to be different, and probably has the highest average educational attainment per capita of any such group in the City. Do you think this is a step in the right direction, as I do? Time will tell.


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