1. I thought it was the weirdest ugliest Presidential debate I’ve ever seen. Clinton was weak on the email issue which is her Achilles heel. I cringed when Trump said Clinton had hate in her heart. At the end of the debate I asked myself, “What in hell have I just been looking at for 90 minutes?” I thought the town hall format did not work at all.

    1. Frank, I agree with you. Trump is always off script, wanders all over the place, doesn’t answer questions, so naturally Hillary isn’t able to respond, he interrupts when she tries to, ignores time limits, finally she had to fight fire with fire, and to a lesser degree fought back. This election has come down to lewdness and sex. Since our country was established, former Presidents have had their trysts, some we know about and some we don’t, some produced children. In the end what’s important is how a candidate leads, treats all people with dignity and inclusiveness and has the experience and wisdom to be the leader of our country.

  2. I see Clinton is ahead in Lennie’s poll but that is no surprise. The idiots in Bridgeport would vote for a ham sandwich if it were on the Democratic line. She got her ass kicked last night.

    1. Come on Lennie, do a real poll!

      Like: when Donald Trump becomes President of these United States, should we ask him to rescind the Nineteenth Amendment?

      Type 1 for Yes
      Type 2 for No
      Type 3 for Still thinking

  3. Yesterday being a pretty crappy day weather-wise, I took the opportunity to teach a civics lesson to my six-year-old grandson. One of his television shows was talking about the election so I asked him who he wanted to be the next president.
    He thought for a minute and said “I like whoever is in charge today.” I explained that would be Barack Obama. I told him some people would say he was a good president; some might even say he was a great president. But his time is up and we need to pick a new one.
    He asked about who was running and I told him Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
    I explained Hillary Clinton worked for Barack and has been in Washington for quite some time. And Donald Trump had built some of the big buildings he liked in NYC.
    He thought for a few minutes and announced “I want Donald Trump!”
    I told him as long as he thought about it and had a good reason for picking Donald Trump that was how elections work.
    I then explained to him his was a stupid reason and he had better get upstairs and stay in his room until after November 8th unless he wanted to change his mind; GDI!!!
    What’s the matter with kids today!

  4. He is not going to win the election. I am not in love with Hilly, but Trump? Really? I am not going to give my opinion about the debate. But he is not winning and I think we all know that.

  5. Thank God for Donald Trump because he is doing something the entire Democratic Party could never do and that’s destroying the Republican Party. You go, The Donald!!!


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