Where does the opening of Bass Pro Shops place as an economic development achievement?
- It's nice but don't go overboard (46%, 144 Votes)
- More significant than the ballpark and arena at Harbor Yard (25%, 77 Votes)
- Equal to the ballpark and arena (17%, 52 Votes)
- Insignificant (13%, 39 Votes)
Total Voters: 312

Apples and oranges and better than a Walmart.
*** If they wrap up and leave in ten years, then what? *** For every one new business that comes into Bpt, it seems like two leave! ***
To quote a great man; “Time will tell.”
Fishing for Taxpayer Cash
Bass Pro’s Record of Big-League Subsidies, Failed Promises, and the Consequences for Cities Across America
This report offers an in-depth look at Bass Pro’s record as an economic development anchor in cities across the country. Bass Pro, an outdoor sporting goods store, has won hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies from cities and states by promising retail tourism, development, and economic revitalization. A review of Bass Pro-anchored projects shows that while Bass Pro itself tends to attract shoppers, it frequently fails to deliver on promises of economic benefits.
The Public Accountability Initiative’s initial interest in this subject was prompted by a Bass Pro proposal in Buffalo, NY. The report has a special focus on that proposal, which is typical of Bass Pro projects around the country.
Key findings:
Bass Pro-anchored projects throughout the country have won over $500 million dollars in taxpayer subsidies.
Bass Pro often fails to deliver on its promises as an economic development anchor and major tourist destination–promises which were used to reel in government subsidies. Its stores successfully attract shoppers, but often do not produce sought-after economic benefits associated with major tourist destinations.
A Mesa, AZ development anchored by a Bass Pro has been described as a “ghost town” and “dead” and spurred the state to pass a ban on retail subsidies.
A taxpayer-subsidized Harrisburg, PA Bass Pro is struggling to attract tenants to the mall it anchors, leading to lawsuits, stalled renovations, and increasing stigma. Though the Bass Pro was expected to hire 300-400 employees according to initial projections, it had hired only 101 employees three years after opening.
A Bass Pro-anchored mall in Cincinnati, OH, is only 35% leased and has been described as “positively post-apocalyptic” and “pretty much on life support” by visitors.
Taxpayers in cities across the country have been left with high levels of debt and fiscal stress as a result of Bass Pro projects.
The Bakersfield, CA Bass Pro site–still in development–is home to a waterless ditch that was intended to serve as the store’s canal. The site has sat vacant for ten years.
Bass Pro has gone on a building spree over the past ten years that significantly undermines its claims that each new store is a major tourist destination. Bass Pro sometimes builds stores in close proximity to each other, despite having promised to maintain a store’s attraction as a retail destination that will draw visitors from hundreds of miles away.
Key findings about the Canal Side Project in Buffalo, NY:
A proposed Bass Pro store is the cornerstone of Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation (ECHDC) plans for revitalizing Buffalo’s waterfront, and the project includes $35 million in direct public subsidies for Bass Pro.
Although the ECHDC has justified subsidies allocated to Bass Pro by arguing that the store would serve as an anchor tenant, the prospect of a Bass Pro at Canal Side has so far failed to attract additional tenants.
The ECHDC’s estimates of Bass Pro’s tourist destination potential are significantly inflated. Its geographic market would barely extend beyond the limits of Western New York, due to the presence of stores in Auburn, NY, Toledo, OH, Toronto, and Harrisburg, PA. Bass Pro canceled plans for a store in Akron, OH due to a lack of perceived demand in Northeastern Ohio.
“Time Will Tell.”
Not Kosher. Too much Public Pork!
There’s no category for “An insane use of waterfront land in the city center–this thing belongs out in Milford somewhere!”
Re-posted from previous thread so you do not escape the point. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
The Bridgeport Rescue Mission does outreach ministry including food vans on a regular basis throughout the area. On Thursday evenings (except for Thanksgiving) the food van shows up on Stratford Avenue, a few blocks from Steel Point at 6 PM and is open until 7 PM to people from the neighborhood who come for a hot meal, packaged in plastic with utensils and including dessert. (Each month, volunteers from the Fairfield Rotary Club help staff that dinner hour meal on the first and third Thursday of each month.)
Last night we served Thanksgiving dinners with large portions of turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cut green beans, cranberry sauce along with cookies and candy for dessert. About 90 meals were requested and fully met with good holiday cheer.
Steel Point today has replaced homes, businesses and clubs over a long, fallow period for taxes, jobs, and fiscal help to the City. I did not hear any of the people coming to the van singing the praises of Steel Point consumerism yet. But they certainly appreciated the well-prepared holiday meals that were available for the asking. Shall we keep a “watchdog eye” on the basic changes happening? Time will tell.
JML, thank you and the other volunteers for their hard work.
The weeping you hear in the background is Stevie A after reading all those horrible things the Fox wrote about Bass Pro.
The truth hurts, Stevie.
And you will want us to wait another 20 years for something else?
Three gobbles for JML and the Fairfield Rotary Club!
www .youtube.com/watch?v=iCM7xAg1tXw
Crony Capitalism–socialize the risk and privatize the profit.
Crony Capitalism–privatize the risk and socialize the profit.
“Its stores successfully attract shoppers, but often do not produce sought-after economic benefits associated with major tourist destinations.” So Bass Pro does bring people from other towns, and it’s the only one in Connecticut. So Bass Pro does its part. What other tourist attractions that will be built are up to the Cities they’re in? Bridgeport is in a very strong situation to build on Brass Pro’s ability to attract customers to Bridgeport’s store, which is their main goal as a business. What Bridgeport does with the real waterfront Property of Steel Point is now in Joe’s hands. I seen him in a photo on Facebook in front of Starbucks, like WTF. Joe has to make sure Steel Point, not to mention Pleasure Beach, and other parcels of land are developed to its highest potential, centered around tourism. To bash Bass Pro is premature or anti-Finch, Joe, but I’ll lean toward Anti-Bridgeport, though. Time will not tell, In Time we will see.
If Jim Fox telling the truth is considered bashing Bass Pro, well … Bass Pro doesn’t have much of a reputation to stand by, now does it?
Yes, and I took a quote out of his post. “Its stores successfully attract shoppers, but often do not produce sought-after economic benefits associated with major tourist destinations.” It’s a successful business that brings people from other towns to its stores, since it’s the only one in Connecticut. So that could mean Bridgeport has something every other town and city in Connecticut doesn’t have. I see it as a positive for Bridgeport. Again, one store doesn’t make a tourist destination. I don’t think he’s bashing Bass Pro more than he’s bashing either Bill, Joe, or Bridgeport.