1. The history of humankind and our ascent on the food chain is directly traceable to our “social” — cooperative, mutually-supportive nature. “Socialism” defines the essence of the adoption of “civilized” life by human beings.

    “Socialism” defines “civilized” life.

    Bernie Sanders will be the next POTUS because Americans recognize the error of our aberrant fling with Darwinistic Republicanism/hyper-capitalism It brought us the Vietnam/Cambodia, Iraq, and Afghanistan conflicts, and everything bad in between. It has bankrupted our nation and impoverished tens of millions of Americans (as well as killing many thousands of our brave sacrificial lambs called to serve in our armed forces) while making its proponents–individuals–as wealthy as countries (in many cases).

    Billary is just a Republicrat who helped design and/or resonated with bad Republican trade deals, WALL STREET DEREGULATION, and the creation and promotion of a chaotic (indeed, hazardous and tyrannical) healthcare system that makes medical treatment and medication much less accessible and/or unaffordable to the very individuals it was purportedly designed to help. (As it turns out, when all is said and done, only the insurance companies have benefited from the ACA, per its actual design/intended effect.)

    Real Democrats will be voting for a real progressive–Bernie Sanders. Hillary will find herself seeking Republican comfort at the Democratic convention when the delegates realize the Party needs Bernie to win in November. The country has had enough of the Country Club Set squandering our country’s legacy, killing the American Dream, and sending our soldiers overseas to kill fellow human beings and die.

    If we are to examine the five candidates, only one–Bernie Sanders–is focused on avoiding destructive foreign policy initiatives and promoting positive domestic policy initiatives.

    We know Trump’s crazy, inconsistent, bellicose babble, Ted Cruz’s regressive, dangerous rhetoric, and John Kasich’s retro-Reagan take on the tasks facing the POTUS.

    And we know Hillary’s record. Think: unaffordable insulin for diabetics; our Ambassador and embassy staff slaughtered in Libya ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF 911 by terrorists given free reign in Libya due to SOSUS Clinton’s Libyan regime change initiative (and think national security/e-mail indiscretion fiasco); think NAFTA, TPP, 2008 financial meltdown, millions of living-wage manufacturing jobs lost (including tens of thousands in CT), due to Clinton supported/initiated trade and financial-sector deregulation policies.

    Any thinking voter knows the Republicans and Republicrats can’t be allowed to further harm this country and the rest of the world. It’s time for a pragmatic, social-minded person to get this country back on track at home and leading the world in a positive direction. (Billary should retire to a Greenwich back-country home to write their memoirs–that is to say, re-write history in their favor.)

    The American public is ready for Bernie and will put him in the White House in November.

    1. Jeff Kohut, VERY ELOQUENT. But Sanders will get nothing done as POTUS. It’s nice to be idealistic but sometimes we need to get back down to earth and deal in RealPolitik.

    2. Well said, Jeff. Everyone already knows Bernie is a Social Democrat and nobody cares. He’s the real Democrat in the tradition of FDR and HST. Hillary is the one with the high negatives, a ton of baggage and a zero energy campaign.

  2. Actually I am very encouraged by the support that Senator Bernard Sanders has received and, hopefully, this is the death knell of the Reagan/Goldwater small-minded conservatism that has been predominant for the last 30 years/


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