Bill Finch’s eight-year mayoralty comes to a close next month. How do you assess his overall job performance?
- Poor (46%, 151 Votes)
- Fair (25%, 82 Votes)
- Good (21%, 69 Votes)
- Excellent (9%, 29 Votes)
Total Voters: 331

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More economic development happening in the Finch administration than in the past 50 years, new schools, new parks, an improved reputation, yeah, Mayor Finch has done a real poor job. What we need is Joe Ganim. How absolutely sad and disrespectful or just plain ignorant!
Please! The City is insolvent!
Joe Ganim will walk into a nightmare!
Ganim doesn’t care about Bridgeport, he just cares about keeping the Ganim/Testa wine cellar filled.
I like
1. Thunderbird,
2. Wild Irish Rose
3. Night Train
4. Cisco
5. MD 20/20
6. Ripple
right out of the bottle. A paper bag is optional.
Oh what does the Fox say! Hilarious–may your cup always runneth over.
Steve, how did you convince 14 other people to vote excellent?
Hahahaha, Q.
Quentin, that was funny. I do not know OIB readers. I will say those who pressed poor were mostly Ganim people, Bridgeport Kid and Torres’ son and of course the Foster people who gave her a stunning victory, Bob Walsh and Andy Fardy. 🙂
Mary-Jane Foster has lousy name recognition, Steven. Those who do know her have a negative opinion. At this point the election is Rick Torres’ to lose.
You’re betting on a losing horse, yet again.
Rick Torres? Is there a Rick Torres on the ballot?
Bridgeport Kid, you are correct, my candidate has less name recognition today than she had four years ago. Of course we hope to change that. I know the Ganim camp is getting nervous. So much so, Lisa Parziale had to enter Foster’s headquarters because she was upset with a few Foster signs on public property. What she didn’t realize was they were strategically placed next to the Ganim signs that have been there for seven months. I always said Ganim sure knows how to get his name out there. I was so concerned about Lisa Parziale’s well being, I had to go down to Ganim’s headquarters to see if she was okay. I was told she was so crazed that Foster’s team was petrified and actually were reacting to her with extreme fear. Too bad Evette Brantley was not there to witness this. I would have loved to see what Mary-Jane Foster would have said or done. Maybe slap her down, get the police involved and maybe, just maybe MJF would make the front page or maybe just send out a press release. I have probably repeated this story to more people than those who read the paper.
Lisa Parziale relax, signs don’t vote. But people are beginning to see there is a candidate named Mary-Jane Foster and we expect in three weeks we will have done our job. Hmmmmmm, maybe not!