Bye bye SuBy. The Connecticut Working Families Party is urging Democrats to split their ticket, Ned Lamont for governor and union activist Eva Bermudez Zimmerman for lieutenant governor in the August 14 primary. The support is both a repudiation of the convention-endorsed Democrat for lieutenant governor Susan Bysiewicz and an embrace of 31-year-old Bermudez Zimmerman who’s building a ground operation she hopes vaults her to the general election. She’s on Line B next to Mayor Joe Ganim who is challenging Lamont.
The WFP also announced endorsements of Shawn Wooden for state treasurer and William Tong for attorney general.
If they win their primaries, each will run on the Working Families Party ballot line–Row C–in the general election.
“2018 is a decisive year for the people of Connecticut,” says Lindsay Farrell, State Director of CT Working Families Party. “We face unprecedented attacks on our basic human rights by federal Republicans and must elect champions who will resist those attacks and defend Connecticut’s values of fairness, justice, equality, and opportunity. At the same time, we need to do more to uplift working people at the state level with smart, forward-thinking solutions like paid family leave and a $15 minimum wage.
“We are excited today to endorse Ned Lamont, Eva Bermudez Zimmerman, Shawn Wooden, and William Tong because we believe each of these candidates will do the best job of uplifting Connecticut’s working families, standing up for our communities under attack, and resisting the growing interference of corporate special interests in our state.”
The union-backed WFP has has been instrumental in electing members to the Bridgeport Board of Education as well as returning Ed Gomes to the State Senate in a 2015 special election. Bridgeport, which boasts the largest Latino population in Connecticut, is key territory for Zimmerman who marched in Sunday’s Puerto Rican day parade with several other candidates on the August and November ballots.
The Bermudez Triangle!
Who is supporting and endorsing Joe Ganim for governor and who are the elected officials and political organization and labor organization who are endorsing Joe Ganim?
So far just Stevie A.!
Jim’s correct, only Little Stevie Auerbach is supporting Little Joey Ganim. They play together in the same sandbox…
It will not be the first time that one man changed the course of history but alas, I am not sure I am the only one supporting Joe. If I am I am . :-). Endorsements are nice but worthless and forgotten the next day. WFP just endorsed EVA and NED an endorsement from them means nothing.
Not true. There are endorsements and then there are ENDORSEMENTS. Depends on which one it is.
Sometimes groups may endorse and do very little else.
Other times they endorse and with their endorsement comes manpower to ID voters.
This may be the second at least for Aaron Turner’s part of the district because they get all three candidates covered.
Well, Bob Walsh I remember The endorsements for Bil Finch were coming every hour on the hour. From Unions to Upstanding elected officials. GANIM won! WFP endorsed Howard Gardner – one of the best candidates for the Board of Education. Oh well. Dennis Bradley has a huge amount of support. I am not certain that Ed Gomes endorsement can help.
Tony Barr is working the same district as Maria. He has proven to be an amazing Campaigner. He beat Maria P. for the Town Committee. Dennis Bradley has been receiving an awful lot of News coverage for his good works. Not really sure how that race will go. Best wishes to all of the candidates. Aaron and Dennis both have excellent qualities.
Tony Barr didn’t beat me, Mario Testa and his massive operation did.
There was more effort put into the 138th District for the DTC election than the mayoral.primary in 2015.
And, with all that massive effort Mario beat me by 6 votes and my team by up to 40 votes.
I had major back surgery on November 6th and another surgery just two days after the DTC election in Match. I could not walk and knock on doors due to my health.
I have been reconnecting with many voters and have been well received. Many people thought I had moved out of the neighborhood because they have not seen me since the summer of 2016.
While I have been walking the neighborhood I have been distributing the March CT Post article which detailed that Tony Barr was a drug enforcer for a drug gang and tried to murder a police detective with a machine gun. He went on to serve over 20 years in prison. He was rearrested in 2016 for threatening to blow Mayor Ganim’s head off at City Hall. Residents have been pretty appalled.
I feel that my job is to educate voters by providing factual information about candidates. I am trusted in my neighborhood because I am well informed, knowledgeable and I am not a political.mercenary who promotes candidates based on a campaign check.
Yesterday, I was literally on doors when two separate vehicles with voters stopped and flagged me down. They were happy to see me again and we had a great time reconnecting. I locked down all four votes for Ned Lamont and Aaron Turner.
“Endorsements are worthless.” That’s true Stevie. Yours weigh more than they’re worth.
An endorsement is all well and good, but how well do they perform in getting their voters to the polls? For that matter any organization?
I am canvassing the 138th District asking voters to vote for Ned Lamont and Susan Bysiewicz on Row A and to then drop down to Row B to vote for Aaron Turner.
The corrupt DTC held a fundraiser for Eva Bermudez Zimmerman. Those connected to the DTC would have never done so without the full authorization of Mario Testa and Joe Ganim.
Eva can’t claim to be an “outsider” when the corrupt DTC is behind her and she is allowing it.
That would be like me saying I am totally opposed to the privatization of our public schools and charter $chools while allowing leaders in the charter $chool movement to host a fundraiser for me.
Ethnic diversity is important in our elected officials, however diversity of thought is even more important.
Maria, have you asked Ned Lamont if he supports charter schools?
Is that a rhetorical question?
I’m confused.
Is Eva supporting Ned Lamont or Joe Ganim?
Is Eva trying to access the Citizen’s Election Funds or is she self funding like Ganim?
Is Eva using Ganim or Lamont?
I’m confused.
Eva and her husband are longtime labor organizers. The vast majority of organized labor is behind Ned Lamont. The Working Families Party just endorsed Ned Lamont and Eva Bermudez, therefore Eva isn’t going to publicly align herself with Ganim. However, every time she is in Bridgeport she is parading around with entrenched DTC operatives. In my opinion, she is allowing herself to be used.
Ganim and Mario are tactical politicians who are attempting to publicly support Eva because it helps Ganim with the minority community and she is on Row B with Ganim. It has nothing to do with a belief in her position on relevant issues or her platform. They are using her.
Eva has not publicly denounced Ganim nor made it clear that she is not aligned with him. Neither has she publicly supported Ned Lamont. I recognize that is difficult because Ned Lamont is publicly supporting Susan Bysiewicz.
On an important side note, please consider contacting the following U.S. Senators voicing your opposition to Donald Trump’s nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court.
The nominee is an affront to women, minorities, the LGBQT community, the middleclass and poor.
I personally called Senator Blumenthal’s and Senator Murphy’s office.
I also emailed the following key senators who will be swing votes on Donald Trump’s nominees.
Heidi Heitkamp North Dakota
Claire McCaskill Missouri
Joe Donnelly Indiana
Joe Manchin Wyoming
Pro-Choice Republican Senators
Lisa Murkowski Alaska
Susan Collins Maine
It took me thirty minutes to contact all eight (8) senators.
I read all the comments in this posting. Your points appeared to make sense until your comment about President Trump’s Supreme Court appointment.
And what is it Tom that has you confused about Trump’s SCOTUS nominee???
Are you saying he is in favor of Row v Wade? In favor of equal protection under the law for the LGBQT community? That he favors the poor and middle class over the wealthy and businesses???
Please tell because if that is it then the Donald nominated a liberal justice to the Supreme Court and I think America should get on board.
ROE, ROE Your Vote!
Bob, your points appear to be from a Chuck Schumer press conference.
Or, maybe it was Woopy Goldberg on ‘The View’. You are just parroting what ‘the resistance’ has adopted.
Those familiar with his 300 opinions suggest he is moderate and has assured his rulings will comply with a careful interpretation of the constitution. But then, he is not a flaming asshole liberal so he is not your idea of a SCOTUS candidate.
Personal, it shouldn’t be out-right illegal, but should be after 16 weeks, enough time to determine any physical defects of the baby and enough time to make a choice decision, before a fully,completely human is developed. Except for the health of the woman. I think it’s ultimately up to the women. If the father wants her to have an abortion he should only be bound to pay child support up tell the age of 12, as will as giving up all legal rights to the child. You don’t need a law degree to from a judgement. And good luck people. JS
Robert, let’s your mother or sister got rape but they can’t get an abortion because of the trauma they waited pass 16 weeks and because of that judgement they must have that baby from that rape.
Hey “All things black” stop reaching, Ron. They never truly get over the trauma. Let’s say she thought she was over the trauma and decided to have the baby, then realized, she wasn’t, and it was a mistake. Should she get to kill the child after give birth? It’s not my judgement for her to decide as to either keep it or abort it. I’m calling it, an it, because I don’t consider it a complete human at that point in time. Please stop reaching, but for you, except for incest, rape, they get to wait to decide up until when their water breaks, and the health of the mother of course. Happy? No, and do you know why? Because you really don’t care about the victims and the trauma they go through. Some rape victims have the baby and either keeps the child or put the baby up for adoption. But whatever. Also, the rape and incest angle are not a litmus test for the right to kill a baby. Decide and 16 weeks is fair for all the trauma victims who makes that decision. PS. Speaking of trauma do you know how many women are physical and emotional traumatized for getting an abortion regardless of being rape or incest? But I don’t expect All things black, Ron to neither comprehend, nor be fair in judgement about it. You once told me to stay in my lane. I will reciprocate it to you. It’s my judgement not yours.
Typical male talk about a woman NOT being in control of their body unless a male tells her that’s it’s ok. Again, Robert stay in your lane, a woman’s right of choice is up to the woman and you want to add your dumb thought.
Did you actually read what I said? Forget about staying in your lane, car pool dude. “Typical male talk about a woman NOT being in control of their body unless a male tells her that’s it’s ok. Again, Robert stay in your lane, a woman’s right of choice is up to the woman and you want to add your dumb thought.” What does this even mean? SMH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQCU36pkH7c
That’s true, Ron. Pseudo pious men want to control every aspect of the reproductive process. Remember when Viagra hit the market? The geriatric old men in Congress saw fit to have it covered by health insurance. Birth control for women was not until the women of the Hill stood up and said “Your pharmaceutically assisted hard on is less important than our reproductive rights.”
*** France is in the World Cup Finals; playing the winner of whom will be de-termined tomorrow between England vs Croatia. France, whom was bailed out in World War/2 by England would be a much more interesting game, however you cannot dismiss the game-ship of team “Croatia”! Either way, it will be “very interesting”, no? ***