Congressman Chris Murphy on Saturday won the Democratic endorsement for U.S. Senate at the party convention. Former Connecticut Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz received enough delegate support to wage a primary for the seat of a retiring Joe Lieberman. From the Murphy campaign:
NEW BRITAIN—Chris Murphy won an overwhelming majority of delegate votes today at the Democratic State Convention, winning 1,378 out of 1,842 delegates to secure the Democratic nomination for the United State Senate.
“The foundation of our message on this campaign is that nothing is impossible if we set our minds to it. I know this because almost every fight I’ve taken on in my 15 years of public service involved the conventional wisdom telling me it couldn’t be done, but we proved them wrong,” said Murphy. “It’s been a long time since a statewide convention delivered this kind of resounding margin, and it came today from every corner of the state, from every congressional district, from cities, from suburbs, from small towns. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to all of you.”
Since announcing his candidacy in the beginning of 2011, Murphy has built an unparalleled grassroots coalition, propelling him to the head of the field. He has received the endorsement of the National Organization for Women, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, State Council of the Service Employees International Union, the Working Families Party, the Connecticut Hispanic Democratic Caucus, the Connecticut Education Association, Connecticut Fire Fighters, United Auto Workers, Connecticut Laborers, the Connecticut State Building and Construction Trades Council, the Communications Workers of America, the League of Conservation Voters, Connecticut’s entire Congressional House delegation, Governor Dannel Malloy, Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman, Attorney General George Jepsen, Comptroller Kevin Lembo, Secretary of the State Denise Merrill, dozens of state Senators and state Representatives and over 10,000 Democratic and progressive activists from all across Connecticut.
Great. Now let’s move on to the General. Linda McMahon is the only candidate who has the audacity to call Chris Murphy for what he is … A free-spending Limousine Liberal hell-bent on more government programs you and I must pay for.
Versus a free-spending millionaire, who threw away $50 million for name recondition?
It was her own money, Jimfox. The money wasn’t thrown away. It went to consultants and printers from out of state and to pay the relatives of Republican party officials whom she hired after securing the party endorsement. The $50 million and the amount she will spend in the coming months would serve better if McMahon used it create a business/es, thus creating jobs. The same applies to the Democrats. The Citizens Fund should be used to cover the state deficit not the campaigns for a party holding all major political offices.
Obama 2012 Murphy 2012 Himes 2012. Great point, Jimfox.
“Diaz said he believes primaries are healthy for the party.”
“But Nancy DiNardo, of Trumbull, the Democratic State Central Committee chairwoman, said a primary is a threat …”
Let/s just say primaries are healthy threats–unless Hector A. Diaz is the one getting primaried.
Lennie writes:
“… over 10,000 Democratic and progressive activists from all across Connecticut.”
Is that so, Lennie? Where’s the freakin’ progress? Your finger got carried away with the zeros.
Read more: www .ctpost.com/local/article/Bysiewicz-stays-in-the-fray-3553921.php
*** Forget the rest and; greet the best; C. SHAYS for US SENATE! *** IT’S THE PERSON, NOT THE PARTY, NO? ***
Congratulations to Chris Murphy (and Team Murphy) in his spectacular win during yesterday’s Democratic State Convention in New Britain. I was lucky enough to have a side-door view from the “Volunteers’ booth” for the 4th Congressional District … so had a great time saying “hello” to all our friends and delegates from the Bridgeport area in the midst of the madness of the registration rush.
To confirm the obvious, we (salcedoforsenate.com) have folded up our campaign efforts for 2012 and will help our party’s nominee carry on the fight to victory in November’s election.
Sidebar: the drug reform movement continues for full legalization on the side, but please no calls to me about how to start your own medical marijuana farm or dispensary in CT … frankly, I have no idea … I (and our law office) refer all calls to the CT Department of Consumer Affairs, Public Health and Agriculture!!!
It was a good run … thank you, Lennie and to all OIB fans who have expressed support and feedback in the past year. See you at the OIB party!