Asserting Mary-Jane Foster “will clean up the political quicksand that chokes and prevents this city from redeveloping into what it could be,” freshman State Senator Marilyn Moore on Thursday reaffirmed her endorsement of Mary-Jane Foster for mayor, in a news release issued by the Foster campaign.
From the Foster campaign release:
These two women have worked very closely in the Bridgeport community: defeating the charter reform in 2012, winning Moore’s senate race in the summer of 2014, as well as getting Senator Edwin A. Gomes (D-23) back in Hartford in the 2015 special election.
“Mary-Jane Foster is what Connecticut’s largest city needs. I’ve grown closer and closer to this intelligent and trustworthy woman over the years, and she will clean up the political quicksand that chokes and prevents this city from redeveloping into what it could be, and what we deserve,” Moore stated.
As a board member of many organizations focused on ending hunger, Moore knows the struggles many neighborhoods in our city face. “We have so much potential, but the current administration has left us to the crows. We have areas of this city that still need grocery stores, but all we get are schools that don’t expand our tax base and keep our property taxes sky high,” she charged.
“We need an honest mayor, and we need to create a path for our children and grandchildren’s future. This is the year of the woman and this is the year for change. I support Mary-Jane Foster for mayor of Bridgeport because Bridgeport really deserves better,” she concluded.
Both state senators and the best state rep! Go MJF!
The grocery store thing right out of the Ron Mackey playbook.
Marilyn Moore stating the political quicksand is choking the city and preventing it from redeveloping into what it could be.
Are you kidding? Open your eyes, Marilyn. Bridgeport’s Downtown and Steelpointe is busting with energy. Moore and Gomes are not exactly proponents of redevelopment of anything!
However, if this endorsement is expected to boost Foster from the current flatline position that has made Ganim a favorite of miserable, disenfranchised voters, I say great job!
I don’t think condemning new schools is a plus. I could be wrong, but I am not!
Single-issue voting with the Steel Pointe.
When State Senator Marilyn Moore talks about what Bridgeport could be, she’s referring to its potential. Mayor Finch is turning potential into reality. It’s already started. Marilyn Moore’s version of potential is something that’s unrealized. While State Senator Marilyn Moore is trying to legislate, Mayor Finch is busy executing. Those cranes in the sky don’t represent “political quicksand”, they represent a pathway to progress and they didn’t happen by accident.
When you build new schools in place of schools that are underachieving, students testing below grade level, that are underfunded by millions of dollars, what you have is a new school that is under achieving with students that are testing below grade level.
What good are new schools when you have a Mayor who isn’t giving them all the resources they need to turn new schools into great schools for learning and that should be the end game, better schools. It should never be a new school instead of a grocery store because they are both needed for the uplift of a community and a people.
How about a mayor who fully funds education? Still waiting on that.
New schools are worthless if the students aren’t learning anything. Mr. Day is correct:
“When you build new schools in place of schools that are under achieving, students testing below grade level, that are underfunded by millions of dollars, what you have is a new school that is under achieving with students that are testing below grade level.”
Little Stevie Auerbach can crow abut new schools all he wants, until he’s blue in the face. It will not change the fact that the public education system is woefully underfunded, poorly staffed and poorly managed. I grew up in a town where 12% of high school grads went on to Ivy League schools. It is an achievable goal but no one is willing to put the target up on the wall. The old schools will be boarded up, crackheads will break in and the cycle will be unbroken.
12% went to Ivy League schools.
The Bridgeport Kid, can we crow together about a grocery store?
Great picture, my friends!
Get rid of the Teachers Unions. Give raises based on performance. Reward excellent performance based on student grades of mastery tests. Terminate teachers who don’t perform. Make parents visit the classrooms to see how their child is being deprived while emotionally disturbed children rule the classroom, support charter schools. Competition is a great thing. Children need to be challenged. Unfortunately it isn’t happening.
Steve, your last post is not supported by any reputable studies or facts.
But Steelpointe is here, everything will be better now.
Yeah, Steal Point is here and everything will be groovy.
Great, finally your eyes have been opened. 🙂 You make my day!
Steal Point is only going to benefit the friends of Bill Finch. I live in Black Rock; we have a coffee shop and two movie theaters over here.
Bridgeport Kid, you need to expand your horizons beyond your neighborhood.