Connecticut Secretary of the State Denise Merrill on Tuesday announced the shadowy political party created as a backup plan for Mayor Bill Finch’s primary loss failed to meet a key filing deadline. As a result the Job Creation Party will not appear on the November ballot.
Merrill statement:
“As of the filing deadline of September 2, 2015, the Office of the Secretary of the State had not received a statement of endorsement pursuant to General Statutes 9-453o(b) from the Job Creation Party for the office of mayor and has received no such statement to date. Therefore, pursuant to Connecticut election law, no mayoral candidate for that party will appear on the November 3 municipal ballot in Bridgeport. I have no comment on the potential litigation mentioned in a statement by the campaign of Mayor Bill Finch. My office does not comment on potential or pending litigation.”
Finch announced on Tuesday he will take his case to court not specifying what standing he has to persuade a judge to place him on the ballot. Finch political operatives, instead of petitioning the mayor’s name directly onto the ballot for November, concocted the surreptitious Job Creation Party using Black Rock used-car salesman Rich DeParle as a straw man in case Finch lost the primary. DeParle secured signature petitions to place his name on the ballot under the designation of the party and then promptly resigned as its mayoral candidate even before the signatures were sanctioned by the state, to provide an avenue for Finch. A key statement of endorsement, however, was missed by the September 2 deadline, as noted by Merrill. Who screwed up the filing?
If this goes to court, as Finch promises, it could unravel a hornets’ nest of just how this minor party was created and for what purpose. DeParle on the stand? Finch political operatives on the stand? A fraudulent creation? Finch has not yet been endorsed by this party.
Even if the party is recognized, why do I have the feeling a Finch endorsement is not in the bag? Sharks can smell blood in the water.
It’s a Sharknado!
It’s Bizarro World!
It’s Nightmare to November!
Finch was played, double-crossed. In Bridgeport politics the golden rule is “quid pro quo” (“you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours”). The reverse is true: “Irrumabo mihi vilis.”
Here endeth the lesson.
This is black-letter law. I wonder what part of the word “no” Adam Wood and Bill Finch do not understand.
Money’s tight but there still is money from overtaxed residents and during the transition time Ganim would have to bring in forensic accountants to see where the money’s been going the last eight years.
Besides a $400,000 driveway there has to be a ton of bodies buried that will put some Finchettes straight into the FBI’s crosshairs.
No way Finch follows through taking this to a courtroom, way too risky, inadvertently, a lot of “secrets/backroom deals” would be exposed. No doubt, it would do more harm than good.
So they never filed Finch’s name even after the September 2 deadline???
The defendant (State of CT), hereby move for the entry of nonsuit against the Plaintiffs, Mayor Bill Finch and Rich DeParle.
God help the Taxpayers of Bridgeport!
And who’s paying for this court case???
Finch has to pay for it.
I was hoping the Bridgeport taxpayers could pick up the tab. We’re well-versed at paying for Finch’s endeavors.
It will be worth paying for, if only for the entertainment value.
As soon as Denise Merrill voided Bill Finch as the Job Creation Party nominee on the November ballot, I knew he had been set up.
According to one of Brian Lockhart’s stories on the issue,
“More than half of the 25 people who had to sign the paperwork–sometimes illegibly–that created the party live at either 55 Shell St. or 199 Yacht St. [THE TWIN TOWERS] Those are affordable housing developments known as treasure troves for the absentee ballots that help Democrats dominate elections in Bridgeport.
“Those same addresses appear frequently next to signatures on DeParle’s petitions and the GOP’s Torres said many residents there are reliable votes for Finch.
“DeParle said he knocked on doors to gather the signatures.
“‘I did most of it myself–but I did have a couple of the kids in the neighborhood help me,’ DeParle said.
“But the paperwork speaks otherwise.
“The petitions filed with the Town Clerk show they were not collected by DeParle, but by four registered Bridgeport Democrats–Javier Morales, Michele Tarrant, Charlene Gray and Angel Gutierrez, plus Noah Rennert, of Fairfield and James Lohr, of Darien.
“Lohr’s name is the one that is most recognizable among political insiders as a deputy director of the Carpenters Labor Management Program, a coalition of New England carpenter’s unions.
“Lohr did not return phone calls for comment.
Gray was the only signature gatherer who picked up her phone when a reporter called to ask why she aided DeParle in his mayoral bid.
“Acquaintances of his that work with him asked me to do it, so that was good enough for me,” Gray said, declining to divulge more details.
“Gray said she was expecting to be paid.
“‘Most of the people out there gathering signatures for the different candidates, a lot of them get paid,’ Gray said.”
This is too convenient, too much of a coincidence. I think it was planned a long time ago, late spring or early summer, to remove Finch from the picture should he prove to be a serious threat to Ganim’s candidacy. Finch was sold out by Danny Roach, possibly at the direction of Mario Testa. Get Finch out of the way to put the entire weight of the DTC behind The Crook.
Bill Finch can continue as a write-in candidate but the odds are so long a penny stock is a better investment. He is not going to court to get back on the general ballot. His purpose is to expose the sorts of dirty tactics employed by Mario Testa and Joe Ganim. I’m guessing his attorney will subpoena Richard De Parle, Javier Morales, Michele Tarrant, Charlene Gray, Angel Gutierrez, Noah Rennert and James Lohr; and the signatories; and maybe the Department of Aging employee that keeps an office at the Twin Towers. None of them will hold up under oath, and there goes the carefully maintained façade that Joe Ganim is now on the straight and narrow.
TBK, it would be very interesting to see if those canvassers were paid, and by whom. If Finch paid them, then it’s an illegal contribution to the DeParle campaign.
Why is anyone surprised? What we have here is a snapshot of the Finch administration’s MO as a whole as evidenced by the campaign of which the centerpiece was the effort to create fear and illicit actions based upon it. That’s who they are. That’s how they govern, so therefore that’s how they campaign. Expecting anything different was foolhardy and runs synonymous with the definition of insanity. It’s really quite obvious and very simple.
They have been telling us who they are for years. People always tell you who they are, by what they say and don’t say. By what they do and don’t do. Stay sharp, Bridgeport.
The law on this matter is pretty clear. Not even the great and powerful Wood can un-miss a deadline. It’s not red tape. It’s not ambiguity on the interpretation of the law. To rule any other way would be a huge miscarriage of justice on the State of Connecticut electorate to benefit Bill Finch. They don’t like him enough up there. Hell, even his supporters in Bridgeport don’t like him that much.
This man will continue to govern this way until he is ousted. He would have no reason to change if he found yet another loophole that can give him his way. You can take that opinion to the bank.
This is on the $$$, Wicca. This is a classic Bill Finch episode. He didn’t get his way so now he’s throwing a tantrum and consequences be damned. He doesn’t care who will be brought down, it’s just “Bill’s way of to hell with it.” Adam Wood let the reins slip from his hands.
I wonder who were the 28 signatures to make this fake party, they must feel great knowing what a sham they put their names to.
I am sure Joe knows every one of those 28 people and has their endorsement vote in the bag. He is a political machine with a well-trained and honed ability to persuade.
Of course he does. Uncle Mario has been treating them to scungilli for the good work they did.
I absolutely LOVE this photo.
Finch doesn’t appear to be risk-averse, especially when it comes to his reputation.
Oh to be a fly on the wall.
Operator: Secretary of the State’s Office. How may I direct your call?
BF: This is MAYOR BILL FINCH. You know how you can direct my call. Put Denise on NOW.
Oper: I’m sorry, Secretary Merrill is very busy as I must have told you 25 times in the past few days. Can someone else help you?
BF: NO!!! Put her on!
Oper: I’m sorry Mayor Finch. Ms. Merrill has informed me she is very busy over some election snafu, I believe in your city, and it is taking all her time. She suggested you talk to Av.
BF: I’m not talking to Av. He started this problem. Put her on! NOW!
Oper: I will make sure she gets the message. She has a little mountain of those pink pieces of paper telling her you called.
BF: Put her on. NOW. Or tell he I am calling Dan.
Oper: I’m sorry. But the secretary told me to tell you the governor is very busy, too. Seems like he is wrapped up in the election snafu also.
BF: Woody, get in here!
Oper: Oh Mayor Finch, is Adam Wood there will you? The Secretary asked me to let him know if he calls that although she appreciated his assistance in the past with scheduling events in your fine city, his help will no longer be necessary.
BF: Woody!!! We are flocked. Do you hear me? We are totally flocked.
Oper: Have a good day, Mayor Finch.
Hey Bob, are you stealing my gig???
Great Stuff!!!
This image is classic. Great job Lennie, you should do more comical images like this.
Seeing Mayor Finch at the “whiteboard” above made me happy the long-time schoolboy excuse was not used in this case: “My DOG ate the paperwork!”
It appears neither WATCHDOGS nor “lapdogs” are being called to task for this poopfest. When responsibility is fully researched and assigned, it is likely to be a REALLY BIG DOG who is used to sneering, threatening and using the power of his employment to get people to fear and obey. How do you correct this part of our City culture? Why not try OPEN, ACCOUNTABLE, TRANSPARENT and HONEST process and actions? Ever heard that before? Time will tell.
This couldn’t happen to a nicer guy seeing this is what David Dunn is a master at, he’s always looking for a deadline to use against unions but gets mad as hell and acts like a baby when he gets caught not filing in time, I wonder how many other deals the City has missed a deadline.
Anything to report on the recount? It’s today in case you forgot.
My vote is for Maria.
I suspect Finch’s people are accustomed to dealing with the city council where they can count on McCarthy to make arrangements and simply add an item to the consent calendar. All in favor? Aye. Motion to adjourn. Let’s go to dinner and use our debit card.
What will Gov. Malloy do now that his guy Finch will not be on the ballot in November, does he endorse the winner of the Democratic primary or does he endorse Mary-Jane Foster and tell Bill Finch to come out and endorse MJF in order to save face, or does the governor sit out this election.
Finch keeps spelling “remember” wrong.
He’s not a detail kind of guy.
More big picture.
Leave the details to others if you know what I mean.
Ganim has to be aboveboard and transparent, his time as Mayor will be watched with a microscope and NO ONE HAS EVER SAID HE’S STUPID {LIKE FINCH}.
First two with authority will be watching him? Secondly, why do we want a mayor who needs to be watched like a hawk?
Because nobody’s been watching Finch and Co rob us blind.
Actually more than a few official complaints have been filed with the IRS and FBI by watchdogs in the city. We have even given testimony to the FBI investigating what has been going on with this administration.
And no one has been arrested.
If Ganim wins in November it will make the news outside of CT and many more eyes will open to his SECOND CHANCE we all deserve and he won’t blow this one for sure.
It takes time to build a case that will impress a federal grand jury. Political corruption and white collar crimes take more time to investigate. Not as easy as arresting drug dealers and thieves.
He hasn’t been elected yet, BPT REBEL. Not that many people watching.
The picture forming looks sort of like this:
Finch/Wood were in desperation mode two nights ago. Now he/they feels betrayed by the machine that kept them in the tall cotton. If WE can see this is a setup certainly THEY can see it too. Finch’s campaign has a little more than $121,000 left; Ganim’s has about $41,000. A hundred and twenty-one grand buys an awful lot of karma. Finch knows he’s a lame duck, that a write-in candidacy has a snowball’s chance in hell of succeeding. So he will expose the dirty tactics employed by the DTC under Mario Testa’s direction. Everything will come out, the AB fraud, the votes bought for 20 bucks, all the dirty laundry will be hung out on the line.
Finch knows he’s out. He’s going to bring the whole corrupt machine with him, if he can.
I enjoy your storyline especially when you provide such vivid images like “dirty laundry will be hung out on the line.”
But what makes you think he will fly from “finch form” to “lame duck status” to “magpie style” so readily in terms of speaking out and exposing what goes on in the big birdhouse? What part of the Camelot storyline with his hero JFK suggests honorable behavior at this moment? And what charities are lined up to receive the benefits? Or will we see an unpacking the PAC, Part II? Time will tell.
Finch has to know his chances of getting back on the general ballot are somewhere between Jack and Shit. He also has to be aware Jack left the building a couple of days ago. Our anti-hero Mr. Bill is known as being spiteful and vindictive, prone to taking his ball and going home to sulk if he doesn’t get his way.
He didn’t get his way on Monday but he’s not taking his ball and going home to sulk. He’s smashing open the piggy bank, gonna take that $118,000 in milk money he saved up. Gonna hire hisself an attorney or two, an expensive Gold Coast lawyer wearing white shoes, gonna drag the SOS into court, gonna drag Richard De Parle into court, gonna subpoena a few witnesses, gonna make them spill their secrets under penalty of perjury. If he can’t be keeper of the playhouse no more, then Mr. Bill is gonna tear the whole thing down.
This whole business amounts to a double cross plain and simple, no nuts or sprinkles.
What’s happening with the ABs?
You should be embarrassed but the CT Post has more than you do.
www .ctpost.com/news/article/Recount-raises-questions-of-its-own-6524892.php
Paging Steven Auerbach, paging Steven Auerbach, paging Steven Auerbach, please tell us again about the Mayor Bill Finch landslide.
Hahahahahaaaaaa! That’s some funny stuff, Ron. I was just thinking how much more pleasant it has been here since his boyfriend lost out on a third term.
At the end of the day Ganim doesn’t have the AB strength Finch had. Wanda Jeter burned her bridges to Joe, Lydia was on Finch’s ticket and got what she wanted. Neither of them is going over to Joe “Darth Vader” Ganim and Mario the Dark Lord.
You just talk shit without a clue about what’s really going on, you have no idea who has come over to Ganim’s side, so I won’t be bothered answering you, just read the papers and continue spinning things and looking as stupid as Finch.
Tomorrow’s CT Post will be real hard for even your lack of facts to spin, can you even read?
Yeah, pal. I can read, majored in English. People voted for Ganim because either they don’t like Finch or someone paid them to vote for Ganim. That only worked for the primary. The FBI and the US Department of Justice is keeping close tabs on Joe; both agencies know he is one leopard who is unwilling to change his spots. If he’s such a changed man, how is it two different courts denied his law license? The answer is he does not possess the moral fitness to practice law, let alone govern a city.
Take a pill and get over yourself.
Okay, as of 10:00 pm Finch claims the Secretary of the State is wrong and Bill Finch is right.
I am embarrassed for him, and so is the rest of the state.
Good evening all. The Breaking of the Fast at the Embassy towers this evening was amazing.
Ron Mackey–landslide? Well it will definitely be a climb to the top of this mountain but it can and will be done. Mayor Finch is in it to win it. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. Until Bill Finch decides he is done I will assume he is moving full speed ahead.
If Finch decided he was not running I would be shocked. Whatever incompetence brought us to this moment, I will assume it was meant to be. Mary-Jane Foster will not be running for a second serving of humiliation. This election belonged to Finch from the start! Coviello missed the only opportunity to become relevant in his entire political career. It was not meant to be. Daniels and Barr and whoever else is running, that and $1.06 will buy you a medium coffee at McDonalds. Enrique Torres, sorry, ain’t going to happen. If Mayor Finch were to say he was not running I would be supporting Ganim. But alas, this election has always belonged to Mayor Finch because the future of the city is at stake. You will not hear another negative comment from me about Ganim on this blog. It is all about Finch and the future.
Ron Mackey, it will not be easy but will be a fight worth having. Whether Mayor Finch wins by 1 vote or 7000 votes is not important. This will be history in the making for the largest city in the state. I do believe with educating voters with huge amount of Democrats, unaffiliated and Republicans in the city there could be a landslide. Whatever will be will be. Bridgeport will be united. Ganim and Testa know the primary win of 400 is not a substantial win when the entire city votes. A write-in campaign is rough but Ganim and Testa are not going to be happy campers. Of course if Finch decides to not run then we may as well say congrats to Joe. I don’t think it is going to happen.
Major Democrat-Jane–the only Democratic candidate who’s never been arrested!