1. Nice picture of a section of Ash Creek at high tide, I think, but it is looking towards the Sound and is shot from south of Fairfield Avenue. Why not use the stretch of river at the end of Fox Street for the photo op, that would show how narrow the body of water is? Why not identify what individual, group or city department is providing for this meeting? Will there be a financial report on the bridge after design as to where funds will flow, to whom, etc. and will people from Fairfield governance be there also? Will our own Police Department be present to comment on ways to deal with parking on streets near the bridge and ways to provide for Fox Street residents on street parking in an already dense setting?
    I remember raising these issues in 2007 or so with the Black Rock NRZ or Homeowners and the price tag looked like it could be around $700,000 from other such projects and distances in other places. However we are in Bridgeport and somehow the preliminary estimates have raised some estimates to 4X that much. Costs? Benefits? Need to study and have a right to look at all of the numbers it seems to me. (And while we are doing that, is anyone interested in the total expense involved in the “street safety project” at the meeting of Grovers Av and Brewster Street? Somehow I never heard what the total price for design, equipping, construction and operation of that new ‘park.’ Has anyone? Where did the funds originate? A State grant, or city funds courtesy of Bill Finch who did not like to talk about the color of money (green) that things cost, but merely the beauty of nature, with which I agree. Still asking about money after all these years? What do you expect as taxpayers? Time will tell.

  2. i have mixed feelings about this. I have heard some cost numbers and it seems to have gotten quite expensive. But I believe this was bonded money and I “believe” it’s either use it for this project or lose it. Hopefully, we will find out more details.

  3. *** Yeah, let’s spend some time and money on a walking bridge that’s not really needed during a time when taxpayers can’t pay their taxes and the State and City are financially strapped. *** ENJOY THE MEETING! ***


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