Mayor Declares Storm Emergency

News release from Mayor’s Office:

Mayor Ganim has declared a Storm Emergency for Bridgeport as of 5:00 pm on Saturday, August 21, 2021 as the city prepares for the impact of Tropical Storm Henri.   Bridgeport residents are urged to “prepare for the worst” as predictions for Henri are anticipated to be one of the most severe storms to hit Connecticut in recent history.  

Bridgeport is expecting to see significant flooding in addition to down trees and wires that will lead to power outages.  High tide is around 11:40am on Sunday, August 22 during the peak of the storm; which is predicted to be approximately 8am until as late as 7pm.   Residents in low lying areas or along any water shore line are advised that their vehicles may be parked at municipal and school parking lots until 8am on Monday August 23rd.

Parking Lots at:          Amphitheater/Arena, 500 Broad Street

                                                Puglio Park, 3455 Madison Avenue

                                                Wonderland of Ice, 123 Glenwood Avenue

                                                The Klein Memorial, 910 Fairfield Avenue

“I’m asking all Bridgeport residents to prepare for the worst with this storm.  We know there is going to be flooding with high wind activity and so downed wires, tree branches along with power outages are expected.   At this point residents should take every precaution to do what they can this evening to mitigate damage and have a prep kit ready and to stay home, stay safe,” stated Mayor Ganim.   “Do not try to drive during the storm, and don’t park on an emergency roads as we need first responders and storm crews to have safe passage for emergencies and restoration services.”


  • Charge all electronic phones, tablets, and flashlights 
  • Move your vehicle to high ground, and away from trees if possible  
  • Remove valuable items from basements if you live near in an area prone to flooding
  • Clear debris from sewer grates or catch basins near your home


  • Bridgeport Non-Emergency Line: 203-579-3829
  • UI:  800-722-5584
  • Optimum:  203-870-2583
  • WPCA, Sewer Back Up Emergencies:  203-332-5550


  • WPCA has been working for the past days to clear catch basins to allow water runoff through the sewer system as efficient as possible with the fast incoming rainfalls and expected flooding.
  • Police and Fire Departments are prepared to assist individuals in need of rescue from vehicles, homes, or water.

    • GBT available for assistance of BPD, BFD, EOC if needed tomorrow.
  • Emergency Operations Center is coordinating city departments and other critical agency partners.

  • Emergency Shelter is available for residents in need or that have to be evacuated from their homes.

    • Emergency Shelter available at Geraldine Johnson School as of 6am on Sunday, August 22nd.
    • Individuals in need of transportation to the emergency shelter may call 203-579-3829
  • Trash, Recycling, Brown Bag, and Transfer Station will be delayed for service until Tuesday.



  1. Alright Tex Antoine!!!!
    I saw the the headline and thought maybe Joe was declaring a political storm and was stepping down!!!! I guess not.
    Mario back yet?!! 😝 😝

  2. Where is Joe?
    Where is Joe?
    Where is Joe?
    Where is Joe?
    Did he move to the high ground of Easton?
    He will call in to the Emergency Center and make sure all is well.

  3. JML didn’t want it to get lost in the clutter, with the impending storm, like to depart on a more positive note.

    This was an interesting read, written for the audience of American history, post-New World discovers, Columbus.

    “free people of color enjoyed a relatively high level of acceptance and prosperity, a legacy of the state’s French and Spanish control.” Some free people of color were even Plantation and slave owners”

    “The fact that free people of color, particularly in the South, never made it into the mainstream narrative of American history is extraordinary considering their status as one of the most talked-about issues of the first half of the nineteenth century.”

    “Columbus’s Expeditions included free blacks Conquistadors and free people of color played were an important role in Spain’s New World empire as soldiers, sailors, artisans, and laborers. Manumission, by which slaves were granted or purchased their freedom, had been customary in the Iberian Peninsula as far back as Roman times and was transplanted by the Spanish and Portuguese to their American colonies, giving rise to a large and vibrant population of free people of color.”

    Who knew, not many, I didn’t per se, considering the issue around Columbus’ name, statues, and legacy.

    While the same could be said for France, that wasn’t the case for the British that basically gave no legal standing to blacks even freed blacks.

    So it’s not that I am saying you are completely wrong in reaching an audience regarding the white supremacy injustice of blacks in America. Thanks to CRT, Cathode Ray Tube, the reality of white supremacy during the era of segregation was illuminated across this land and the world. Similar to Body cams in police needless use of excessive force. I light that was suppressed by many organizations/institutions in America. You don’t need CRT, Critically Race Theory to learn this history of America, you can sit in a library is witness it, through the writings of books.

    As I said though, when you get shut down and kicked out of class, escorted off campus for presentations on God’s existence, and not burning the American flag. It makes you think about who white supremacy, CRT will be used/taught.

    While you think and write to an audience you aim to reach. A question must is asked. I am sure you can understand that. What is the thinker/author trying to convey/teach to the audience they are trying to reach. In closing, Time will tell. JS

  4. Bob Walsh, “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego” I mean Joe Ganim.

    Bob, Joe Ganim had a chance to get some photo time but where’s Joe during this emergency?

    “Merci, Henri! Storm Spares New Haven”
    by PAUL BASS | Aug 22, 2021 7:06 pm

    As of 2:30 p.m., the city had received under an inch of rain, Mayor Justin Elicker reported at a storm briefing update at the Emergency Operations Center at 200 Orange St, two hours after the storm swept past southern Connecticut and made landfall in Rhode Island.


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