Outdoor advertiser Bruce Barrett says the city’s headed in the right direction and wants Mary-Jane Foster to continue the momentum. Proclaiming Bridgeport Lives Matter Vote Mary-Jane, he’s leveraging available billboard space as an independent expenditure in the final days of the mayoral campaign to promote Foster at outdoor locations in the Black Rock/West End areas along I-95, as well as East End and Downtown.
Foster issued this statement, “I appreciate the intentions of those behind the “Bridgeport Lives Matter” billboard paid for and posted by people not associated with my campaign. However, I do not want my nor anyone else’s political ambitions to cloud the messaging of the Black Lives Matter movement.”
Barrett says he’s doing this on his own and it’s not coordinated with the Foster campaign. The disclaimer on the billboards read “Brothers For Intelligent Government.” Barrett’s family is steeped in billboard advertising for Barrett Outdoor Communications owned by brothers Bruce and John. What’s behind the message Bridgeport Lives Matter?
“It means every resident matters, from neighborhood residents, the business community, school children,” says Barrett. “We’re on the cusp of exciting stuff … A lot of people I know are rallying behind Mary-Jane. Let me give a push in this direction.”
Barrett is a fixture in the city’s business community that is heavily financing Foster’s campaign. Barrett who had supported Mayor Bill Finch says he respects Democratic nominee Joe Ganim. “Joe’s talented but I think the momentum will continue under Foster.”
Many members of the city’s business community are pumped about the Steel Point redevelopment area of the East Side that features mega outdoor retailer Bass Pro Shops as the anchor tenant. Ganim is taking credit for the early stages of the mixed-use project having cleared the site for development when he was mayor. Finch who lost the Democratic primary to Ganim recruited Bass Pro to the city.
Statement from Foster:
I appreciate the intentions of those behind the “Bridgeport Lives Matter” billboard paid for and posted by people not associated with my campaign. However, I do not want my nor anyone else’s political ambitions to cloud the messaging of the Black Lives Matter movement.
We have to continue to work toward equal opportunity by removing the barriers of systemic injustice both in Bridgeport and across the country. Breaking these barriers for Bridgeport is part of why I’m running.
I am thankful to my supporters but am humbly asking that the billboard be removed.
“Bridgeport lives matter–smoke marijuana”
My thoughts precisely! Mary-Jane, green party! lol.
John and Bruce, I respected and admired your father until the day he died. He was the smartest and most thoughtful man I knew. I still think of his kindness and miss him to this day. Here’s my point, he’s not happy with your move. I mean no disrespect to MJF, if she’s your choice for Mayor, fine; but I know your father would not have used his business for political promotion of anyone.
Honey, I agree with what you said about their dad, Jack. He was one tough S.O.B. with a heart of gold.
Lisa, please. Get off that high horse of yours. You might fall and hurt yourself.
Bubba, I like my high horse. Not to worry, if I fall I just get right up and get on again.
If you fall we will have to put you to sleep, which you can do on the blog with little effort. Gotcha.
If the sign weren’t so SAD, it would be funny.
*** His money, his choice, regardless of what anyone thinks or says about the billboard! More resident voters should speak and/or express themselves publicly concerning Bpt politics should they wish to do so, no? ***
Mojo, you have no idea what my comment expressed to John and Bruce. I feel the same about them as I did their father. This is a comment you should have kept to yourself. NO?
*** My comment has nothing to do with John or Bruce. It’s simply about people who have the money and wish to spend it on a billboard to express their personal political agenda; more voters should do the same! ***
I completely agree, Mojo. And Foster’s response was perfectly crafted.
Mary-Jane Foster, thank you for clearing things with your statement, “I do not want my nor anyone else’s political ambitions to cloud the messaging of the Black Lives Matter movement.”
“We have to continue to work toward equal opportunity by removing the barriers of systemic injustice both in Bridgeport and across the country. Breaking these barriers for Bridgeport is part of why I’m running.”
How about Honest, Clean Government. Vote Mary-Jane Foster, Row G. Row G for the sake of Bridgeport’s Future!
Or … Say No to Joe, Extortion, Racketeering, Bribery, Mail Fraud. Get out and make your vote count! Mary-Jane Foster. Honest, Clean Government. Vote Row G. Row G.
Does anyone know Mary-Jane Foster is on Row G?!
*** That’s the bottom row with Joe on the top; it does make a difference to voters at times, you know! Just ask Bob Uecker who keeps thinking he “must be in the front row.” ***
According to polling data most people couldn’t give two shits if Mary-Jane is on Row G or anywhere else.
Auerbach’s billboard would have to be 100 yards long and he would still think of more to say.
Auerbach’s billboard would have so much shit on it, people would be distracted and crash their cars.
Bridgeport Kid, could it possibly be as wordy as Rick’s two mail pieces? Great bathroom reading.
Unless you can see the MJF billboard from the bathroom window while sitting on the crapper.
*** Your money, means your freedom of expression on the billboard, no? Providing its not vulgar or offensive in general. How about “all lives matter” without getting into racial personal matters of opinion. Or how about, “BIGFOOT FOR PARK RANGER!” ***
Okay Mojica, we got your point!
The Barrett Brothers have donated billboard space for international political issues and I never heard any complaints from you about that. I guess this one hit a little closer to home.
I totally agree with MJF’s comments about being sensitive to Black Lives Matter.
Just change the words but not the message. Vote MJF.
Getting a little testy Bubba, something bothering you?
All the billboards on I-95 from here to Kennebunkport will not change the fact Mary-Jane Foster and Gage Elliot Frank, her campaign manager have issued a non-denial denial of weasel words when asked, directly, if Bill Finch has been offered a job in her administration should she actually win the general election. “No deals have been made” is all either of them will say, “We already answered that question, and stand by our statement.”
For those of you too young to remember the Watergate scandal, a non-denial denial is “… a statement that, at first hearing, seems a direct, clearcut and unambiguous denial of some alleged accusation, but on carefully parsing turns out not to be a denial at all, and is thus not explicitly untruthful if the allegation is in fact correct. It is a case in which words that are literally true are used to convey a false impression; analysis of whether or when such behavior constitutes lying is a long-standing issue in ethics.” [Wikipedia]
Ms. Foster is behaving like an attorney, avoiding answering directly the question of Mr. Finch’s continued employment with the city of Bridgeport if hell freezes over and she is elected on November 3rd. It’s a simple question that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.”
Kid, you’re not happy MJF won’t answer the same question she has answered over and over again. You don’t like it, too fucking bad.
She’s avoiding the truth, Andy. A yes or no will suffice, not the bullshit non-denial denials she and Gage Elliot Frank have been smirking their way through.
If the past 43 years of American history have taught us anything, it is politicians will say or not say anything to get elected. Bill Finch whipped out a good one with a pledge of a $600 tax rebate. Maybe Mary-Jane will cover it, she has money in the bank.
By the way, Andy. She has not answered the question directly. If she has nothing to hide, why is she being evasive?
What is Brett Browser advising Mary-Jane Finch to do on this one?