March Madness, Blizzard 1888

blizzard 1888
Broad Street Downtown in 1888. Courtesy Bridgeport History Center.

The Blizzard of 1888 was also in March. About two feet of snow buried the city in drifts as high as 14 feet, ripping chimneys off roofs and roofs off shops. You remember digging out, don’t ya? Isn’t that Andy Fardy in the foreground?

blizzard 1888
Check out the snow tunnel on State Street Downtown, Blizzard of 1888. From the Connecticut Historical Society.

blizzard downtown
Yikes. Remember this record snowfall from 2013? A nightmare for the Finch administration. Fairfield Avenue Downtown.
Monte Carlo
Just in case you’re dreaming of this, Monte Carlo awaits.


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