Four years ago after losing a Republican primary for lieutenant governor, David Walker placed his waterfront Black Rock home for sale for $1,675,000. If an offer came it was not good enough for him to accept it. The Beacon Street house is now up for sale again, this time after Walker fell short of the 15 percent delegate support at the GOP convention to wage an August Republican primary for governor. See listing here. Walker texted OIB that he had planned to downsize no matter the result of the campaign.
Four years ago Walker texted OIB, “Our home was listed yesterday (Thursday) but it is not on MLS. The results of the upcoming elections will have a major impact on how long we remain in Connecticut. We love Black Rock, our home and our neighbors. We would like to stay a while. However, we need new leadership at the state and local level if we want to create a better future and keep people in the city and state.”
Republican Tom Foley lost to incumbent Democrat Dan Malloy who’s not seeking reelection for governor this year.
In issuing endorsements of GOP candidates on Wednesday, Walker echoed a similar theme: “The State of Connecticut is in serious trouble and the 2018 election may be our last chance to save the Constitution State from further decline.”
Walker purchased the home in 2009 for $1,550,000 from former Republican Congressman Chris Shays who sold it after he was defeated by Democrat Jim Himes in 2008. Shays purchased it from David Carson, retired chief executive officer of People’s Bank, who bought it from Betty Pfriem, former publisher of the predecessor papers to the Connecticut Post.
More on this from Kevin Rennie’s Daily Ructions.
I have said and believe that David Walker skills and abilities could serve a greater good for America if he would follow up on what he was fighting for in his “60 Minutes” interview and especially now when the direction of the large tax cut and military spending that is not being paid for therefore putting America deeper in the red.
If you Google David Walker you will find another David Walker Biography
Civil Rights Activist, Writer (c. 1796–c. 1830)
Walker stood by his position, believing that his support of violence was a means for slaves to regain their humanity, not as a reprisal tactic. With the end of slavery and discrimination in America, Walker envisioned “no danger but we will all live in peace and happiness together.”
Walker’s actions changed the tone and aims of the abolition movement. Most abolitionists had supported the gradual phasing out of slavery, but Walker declared that the institution was a scourge that required immediate elimination. And instead of supporting the return of freed slaves to Africa, he believed that every African American had the right to be a full and equal citizen of the United States. His fiercely argued views would affect and inspire others for years to come.
Walker references within the Bible and the Declaration of Independence to passionately argue against slavery and discrimination.
David Walker 60 Minutes – YouTube
Dave I hope you aren’t going to leave the state. The professional politicians got you this time, but if they get in again, God willing it will be the end of them in this state. The citizens need, maybe not deserve, your voice of reason and cogent thought.
*** I wish Mr. Walker the best of luck in whatever path he decides that is best for him & his family now & the future. His continued task to lower state spending & taxes in Bpt. has been a continued battle since the short time I’ve known him. Republicans, Democrats or Independents ; it does not matter if there political message is clear & they recognize the plight of all the over taxed, unemployed, adverage to middle-class Ct. citizens & are not Trump supporters.***
Mojo, I agree with you but David Walker has never spoke out against 45 and that’s because I thought Walker was bigger person and that he would say something.