Jacqueline Kelleher, one of three Democrats running in Tuesday’s special election for Board of Education, shares this commentary with OIB about her time as an appointed member of the school board and her role on behalf of city students.
My opinion piece published a few weeks ago was never intended to slam or silence those advocating on behalf of the children and youth of Bridgeport. We all need to actively advocate and be involved in school-related issues. I believe those running for the BOE are doing so because they have the best interest of kids at heart and are passionately going for the mat for their future. I respect that. I also believe that a BOE with that passion as their primary focus and uses student achievement at the forefront of their decision-making–policy, hiring, resource allocation, and so forth–will be successful.
This next BOE has an amazing opportunity to do just that and I am encouraged. I am asking Bridgeport to allow me that opportunity. I will work with and through all ideas and thinking to accomplish this mission for our kids. I never aspired to run for political office, but am in a position to do so because of what I can bring to the table in terms of knowledge regarding the educational acquisition of PK-12, and what the future BOE needs in making decisions for our community. There are many federal and state initiatives coming down the pike that require an educator to be at the table–this is why I agreed to run. We need a BOE member who knows about the state and federal initiatives in education–one who can relay information to the public, garner feedback on the issues, and advocate relentlessly back to the state given Bridgeport needs. I can do this. I understand that my candidacy is not ideal for all voters given the strong opinions concerning the reconstitution of the BOE; however, I am here as a result and wish to continue the work we started and collaborate with this new team to ensure equity across schools. I am dedicated to advocating for resource and fiscal needs of this district at the city and state level. I wish to take on this role on behalf of Bridgeport’s children and can do this work. Further, I can accomplish what needs to be done regardless of political affiliate aspiring for a BOE position–we can all work together. This new BOE will work well together. We’re on the same page: Bridgeport children. Period. We can do this for Bridgeport. Please give the right team this opportunity.
Ms. Kelleher is an educator and will provide the important continuity link between the state-appointed board and the restored elected board. I am voting for her.
Sunday, the CT Post had a 32-page insert with the full text of the proposed new charter. I encourage all of you to get that 32-page insert and read it. It is confusing because you have to bounce between chapters to fully understand what is being proposed. It does not indicate what old language is being replaced. It is an entire new Charter format.
If I read the language correctly, the new Board of Education would be phased in (transition) starting December 1, 2013 with the current Mayor appointing five members to replace the five elected members with expiring four-year terms based on their November 2009 election.
The new Charter specifies the BOE will have nine members with four-year terms.
A new five-member Qualifications Advisory Council is to be appointed by the Mayor as soon as the Charter becomes effective (not exactly sure what that date is since the language seems conflicting). The QAC serves at the pleasure of the Mayor and is not confirmed by the City Council. The QAC must certify the qualifications of the proposed appointees meet the qualifications stated in the new Charter. Then the names of the five appointees must receive Council approval. There doesn’t seem to be a term limit for the members of the Qualifications Advisory Council.
I assume all of the appointees to the BOE will need to be vetted by the Ethics Commission including background checks although the language doesn’t specifically state these steps. This process could take months.
As for the four BOE members who are to be elected this coming Tuesday, September 4th, their terms will end on November 30, 2015 (three-year term, not four).
On December 1, 2015 (the start of the new mayoral term), the new Mayor will appoint four members to replace the four members who will be elected on September 4, 2012. As soon as these new appointees have made it through the process and received Council approval, they can be seated on the Board of Ed. There may be a gap on the BOE because the terms of the four elected (9/4/12) members officially end on November 30, 2015 according to the language.
Two years later, December 1, 2017 (halfway through the Mayoral term), the new Mayor will appoint or reappoint five members.
So starting in 2015, the new Mayor will appoint four members at the start of his/her term. Then two years later, the sitting Mayor appoints the remaining five BOE members.
Putting it another way, if the Charter is approved, as of November 30, 2015, there will no longer be elected BOE members. At the midpoint of a new mayoral term, the Mayor will have made all nine appointments to the BOE. For the first two years however, the BOE will have five members from the previous administration and four members from the current administration.
Bottom line, the BOE election on Tuesday is critical because the four who are elected will be serving until November 30, 2015. Encourage everyone you know in Bridgeport to get out and VOTE.
Bullet C1 C2
“I never aspired to run for political office” and she didn’t run for the BOE initially, she was appointed.
And she didn’t challenge for the endorsement, she was anointed.
So now that she is a Bridgeport resident for a year she feels she should automatically move to the head of the class.
You have got to be kidding me!!!!
Bags, Babs and KJ vote tomorrow all the way.
When was the last time Bagley voted in a Bridgeport race? He bailed out for years, wasn’t involved in the city and now he wants to be annointed.
*** When was the last time newcomer Kelleher voted in Bpt other than for Finch for Mayor? She sounds like another Finch groupie looking for something for nothing; degree or no degree! *** FORGETABOUTIT ***