It’s not often the person you replace in the state legislature issues the oath of office. That happened Friday when Steve Stafstrom raised his hand before his predecessor, Superior Court Judge Auden Grogins whom he followed to represent Connecticut’s 129th State House District in Bridgeport.
Grogins represented the district for six years until she was appointed to the bench by Governor Dan Malloy. Democrat Stafstrom defeated Republican Enrique Torres in a tight special election on Tuesday.
Stafstrom, 32 years old, joins the General Assembly two months into the session that ends in June. He’s an attorney with the Bridgeport-based law firm Pullman & Comley.
It was extra special to have her Honor Auden Grogins swear our new State Representative in.
I am not altogether clear about your meaning. Let me explain. Perhaps it would have been only special for Marty McCarthy who stepped down from the Council to give Steve a taste of the Council? Perhaps it would have been special for Bob Curwen to swear in Mike Marella, again for the council? So Auden swearing in Stafstrom may be special for those reasons, but “extra special” in my book would be former Senator Musto swearing in either Marilyn Moore or Ed Gomes. Superlatives deserve to be reserved, especially when governance issues are so poorly observed.
What book was used for the State Rep swearing in, and was it an oath to the State Constitution? Still trying to find out why City Council members in December 2013 were sworn to uphold the State Constitution rather than our own Charter. Any thoughts? Time will tell.
John, with all due respect, I have the right to think this was special. It’s okay if you don’t.
I am assuming Mr. Stafstrom chose the Honorable Judge Grogins to swear him in, therefore it was special to him, and that’s what counts. I personally think he made a very good choice.