Anyone see a plow? We’re just about a year removed from the historic blizzard that paralyzed the city, trapped folks in their homes for days and resulted in loss of work. The community howling was ear-splitting. This latest weather episode was nothing like that but always good to hear about the city’s snow-removal operation.
I will let you know when I finish it.
Saw a private truck contracted by the city doing my street. He did a GREAT job, must have been a real perfectionist. Lol.
The only place I ever saw the snow removed was in the downtown area last year. They don’t normally remove snow they just push it to the side. What I’m wondering is why there wasn’t any sanding of the roads during the last two storms and especially today?
Here’s why and get ready for some lawsuits:
www .csmonitor.com/USA/Latest-News-Wires/2014/0205/Salt-shortage-Northeast-cities-cope-with-messy-roads
Notice how white and clean the snow is after the plows passed.
*** With the amount of equipment the city has and their overall condition, I would say the city has learned a lot from last year’s snow debacle and seems to be on top of things so far this winter, no? Let’s hope the city continues to move forward in a positive way during their winter encounters with “Mother Nature” and everything else that may come their way! *** Only at Burger King can you have it your way, no? ***
*** So far the city has done a good job this winter keeping ahead of the weather. Just be fair about the cleanup and don’t play district or neighborhood favorites is all I ask. ***