If you want to preview Tuesday’s ballot, Connecticut Secretary of the State Denise Merill has loaded every municipal ballot on the SOTS website, including all the ballot configurations in the state’s largest city for State Senate and State House seats.
See an example ballot here.
From Merrill:
Merrill: All Town Ballots for 2012 Presidential Election Available for Viewing Online
Secretary of the State Urges Connecticut Voters to Familiarize Themselves with the Ballots for Their City or Town
Hartford: With just four days to go before the 2012 General Election, Secretary of the State Denise Merrill today announced to Connecticut voters that ballots in every town in Connecticut are available for viewing online. Secretary Merrill is also urging the more than 2,000,000 registered voters in Connecticut to familiarize themselves with the General Election ballots by going online to the Secretary of the State’s website www.sots.ct.gov and following the “Elections and Voting” link to see the ballot in their town. The direct link to the town ballots is www.sots.ct.gov/sots/cwp/view.asp?a=3179&Q=513068&PM=1.
Voters who use the vote-by-phone system are also encouraged to contact their local Registrar of Voters if they are interested in using the preview and practice function of the system prior to Election Day.
“There are many contested seats from the top to the bottom of the ballot in 2012 elections–from President of the United States, U.S. Senate, Congress and many seats in the General Assembly,” said Secretary Merrill, Connecticut’s chief elections official. “There are also multiple political parties running candidates for the various seats on the ballot, depending on the town and legislative district. Now that we have put all the ballots online, I urge every voter in Connecticut to visit our website and familiarize yourself with the ballot you will be using on Tuesday November 6th. This online feature is a great way to make voting process smoother on Election Day.”
On Election Day November 6, 2012 polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. for registered voters in Connecticut. Voters can check their registration status online and find where their polling place is by visiting www.sots.ct.gov.
*** Vote “NO” and vote often on Nov. 6, 2012; by A/B ballot, in person, at different polling places and by different names of passed-on voters who are still on the voters list just to start, no? ***
The ballot statement is misleading, it does not make it clear as to what the voters are voting for!!!
It should read “the Mayor will appoint All BOE members.” You the Voter do not have a choice … your rights are being taken away.
From the 1920s mayor of Chicago (of all places) … “Vote Early and Vote OFTEN.”