Citing a lack of leadership, former City Council President Lisa “Honey” Parziale says she will be a candidate for the budget and legislative body in the West Side 132nd District she represented for about 20 years. She served as council president for about 10 of those years. Meanwhile freshman West Side incumbent Trish Swain tells OIB she will not be a candidate for reelection.
Swain has been a steady presence on the council unafraid to ask questions about financial and legislative issues. She is a member of the Budget and Appropriations Committee which requires numerous hours during the council’s review of the budget in the spring. She is supporting Mary-Jane Foster for mayor. Swain says it’s been difficult juggling the demands of council duties with her professional career.
Parziale, a supporter of former Mayor Joe Ganim who’s seeking his old job, says she will not seek the endorsement from Democratic town committee members in the 132nd District. Former council members John Olson and Evette Brantley, defeated by Swain and Bob Halstead in a 2013 primary, are the favorites for the endorsement.
Parziale served as City Council president during the Tom Bucci mayoral years and the first half of Ganim’s mayoralty. She also served a term as Democratic registrar of voters following her tenure on the council. She knows her district well, which includes the Central and Bassick voting precincts.
It’s unclear if Parziale and Halstead will run together. They are both Ganim supporters.
The Democratic Town Committee will endorse candidates for this municipal cycle July 21, including mayor. Finch is the favorite for the party endorsement, but Ganim claims he’s not far off. A number of Ganim supporters prefer that Finch receive the endorsement fearing if Ganim is endorsed they could end up on Finch’s line. If Ganim’s endorsed there’s no guarantee his supporters will also be endorsed on his line.
The day after the endorsement, challenge candidates can begin the process to petition onto the ballot through signatures from Democratic voters. Challenge candidates may also run together as a slate.
Good luck to all the candidates. Why wouldn’t Halstead and Parziale run together? They are both supporting Ganim. They both make fine candidates. I have also respect for John Olson and all the work he has down for the historic West Side. This could be interesting. So much history with Parziale and Stafstrom.
Trish Swain deciding not to run cannot be good news for Mary-Jane Foster. I am curious whom she has running on her ticket. I still maintain Ganim is really treating Foster like she has already pulled out of the race. I understand Steve Nelson is running on Ganim’s ticket for sheriff. Looks like there will be some ticket-splitting this election cycle.
It’s already not a yawn. Where do you get the impression Ganim is treating Foster like she already pulled out of the race? Have you spoken with Ganim? Otherwise, I will take that remark as propaganda created by you.
Gabrielle, it is not what Ganim is saying, it is what he is not saying. It is not what Foster is saying, it is what she is not saying. It is not who Finch’s campaign is responding to, it is who they are not responding to. Gabrielle, not propaganda here, just perception. No different than Ganim being close to endorsement.
So it’s what a person says that matters, is what you don’t say that matters??? Is it just me or does this sound convoluted to anyone else?
It’s just you. Donald Day sounds like the most convoluted blogger in the history of OIB.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
When men get confused, they rush to grab a smoothie at HarborView and enjoy both fruits.
Steve, you said, “Ganim is really treating Foster like she has already pulled out of the race,” that’s great, out of sight out of mind, it will be too late for Ganim to react to MJF’s excellent showing with the voters.
Ron Mackey, first, people need to know she is running. I hope you will do that.
Steve, Joe Ganim needs to know MJF is running, the people will show when election time comes.
Please tell me we don’t have a chance to have them two dumb asses Brantley and Olson on the council again.
I too am dismayed. I shudder to think of that ignoramus Brantley back on the council. Has Cecil Young received his settlement yet?
I do not remember seeing Cecil at the public-speaking session of a Council meeting since the winter, perhaps. It is likely something has been settled on his behalf, though it is also likely it has not come through the Council yet if it were so destined. I have to applaud Cecil for his persistence in the face of no one seeming to care. In the last couple of his addresses to the Council I almost felt I could have carried on his plea for attention since I had heard it so many times. Of course Cecil won the sartorial elegance award in this case.
Would that more people would put their thoughts together, praises where they are due and questions or complaints about issues in their place too. During the past couple months there are increasing examples of folks who have been encouraged to come in to praise everything under the sun. Nothing is ever mentioned about how those parks, beaches, buildings downtown (?) came to be there and at what cost. So aside from signage on paved streets, videos with previously unrecognized minority businessmen (now recognized as residents with unpaid taxes, thus leaving them vulnerable to pressure), etc. as part of “let the better times keep rolling” we get “average citizens” using their right to address the Council as theater. I guess if Donald Trump can pay actors to be enthusiastic for him at $50 for a three-hour stint while he announces his Billionaire for President pitch, then the Finch bunch is on to something. But what is the Bridgeport going price? Time will tell.
So you are filling in the blanks with conjecture and personal spin. Sounds like a propaganda machine from here.
Good luck, Lisa.
Gabrielle, Steve has no clue when it comes to today’s politics. Look, Ganim supporters are hoping for a return to what they perceive as the good years. Well there is a lot about Ganim’s terms people do not know. He cost the city over $1,000,000 by leasing the golf course to a company with no assets. There is a lot more to the golf course story that involves mayoral aides and appointed department heads who were involved in bribery. I know this because I was one of the ones offered a bribe which entailed free golf and a free cart for five years if I voted the right way. Ganim also allowed this bidder to use the course as collateral so he could obtain a loan.
Finch is no better, he puts tax cheats on the payroll in fact he features a tax cheat in his commercials. He has given the police and firefighters a pension that far exceeds any pensions seen in this city. Can you imagine, you can add your overtime and your outside overtime to your pension from either department. Imagine a cop makes about $64,000 and let’s say between outside OT and department OT he/she makes another $36,000 for a total of $100,000 and then retires after 25 years at half pay or $50,000. Before Finch negotiated this contract this same cop with 25 years would have retired at $32,000.
One more thing, Ganim and Finch have both been arrested. So when the Finch camp badmouths Ganim as dishonest they should look in the mirror.
Both of these guys should forget running for mayor and leave the job to someone who is honest and will get the city going and that is MJF.
Thank you Donald and Steve. And my friend Andy, what you mentioned won’t happen. I will seek a running mate with no political conflicts and a commitment to serving the 132nd district and the City with the same dedication as my former Council partners, Tom Mulligan, Bernie Katz, John Stafstrom and Bob Walsh. I hope my luck holds out.
Lisa, I am so excited you are running, however I never want to see you on Finch’s line.
Donald, Andy, Ron and Gabrielle,
Thank you for showing a little fire for Mary-Jane. If I helped instigate that, good. However, do not be naive. Ganim’s controversy keeps him in the spotlight. Finch’s claim to fame is visible and Mary-Jane needs to sell herself to the anti-Finch vote. If you guys do not believe me, well good for Joe. I hate being redundant and I have communicated this ad nauseam. Let the cards fall where they may.
Lisa, I remember you well when you worked with Mayor Bucci. I am sure it will be exciting going after the votes for yourself again instead of other candidates. Good luck!
Steve, with all due respect, I would appreciate it if you would not push your opinions on me as if they were gospel. This election does not begin and end within the scope of your peripheral vision. It also does not begin and end within your circle of contacts. There is a whole city out there and they know Mary-Jane is running for mayor. The lens you look through is yours alone, and you won’t see me attempt to alter it because that effort is futile. It’s clear where you stand. I am not naive. I support a different candidate.
Yes Gabrielle, and although I am supporting Finch, I fear Mary-Jane is falling into a distant third. I wish Mary-Jane well and will not address her again on this blog. Simply because my comments are misinterpreted because blogs and texts have no emotions. If you are telling me MJF has a groundswell of support throughout the city, well that is fantastic! Looks like Finch is going to have to work harder. I believe Change is a great thing. It worked for Obama but change did not work for Caruso. I think the debates will be the most exciting.
Lisa, you have always been an honest, straight shooter. I know you will do great.
Andy Fardy, if any of what you said is true, any of it, do you think maybe Foster should address this or as Ron Mackey said, “out of sight, out of mind.” I’m not diggin’ that campaign strategy but I am certain Ganim is lovin’ it! So far Ganim has an evolving slate and a headquarters. Sounds like he is running for Mayor. Andy, that is a fascinating story. Why has it taken over a decade to share?
Steve, it did not take years to come out. It was in the paper when the council thanks to Marella’s vote allowed for Ganim to break the tie at which point the golf course was now collateral for this developer. I called the FBI, I talked to the Post and I have posted several article on OIB.
It’s not MJF’s place to bring up ancient history and it’s me who knows the facts. MJF has an extensive plan to bring this city back plus she is running against Finch, not Ganim.
Steve, you’ve got things mixed up. I said, “Steve, you said, “Ganim is really treating Foster like she has already pulled out of the race,” that’s great, out of sight out of mind, it will be too late for Ganim to react to MJF’s excellent showing with the voters.” Steve, Ganim is very much aware MJF is running for mayor but he knows he must attack Finch because of Finch’s record.
Gee Steve, weren’t you paying attention then? After all, you told me in the past 24 hours what the City was like (in your opinion) 25 years ago.
You are so connected with the Finch camp at this moment, you’re an educator much of the time, and have paid attention to what has been going on all over the City, can you tell me where info on the School Building Committee is to be found on the City web site? Where is their link? When are their meetings? Agendas, minutes, etc.? Reports to the public? Hearings for the public? About the only reference I can find at this time is one reference on the City Council Committee assignment sheet showing Council members Banta, Holloway and Lydia Martinez as members.
And my question is why is this committee comprised of Council, Board of Ed and other members, producing all the new schools and renovating others and spending an average of $100,000,000 per year of local and State money during the Finch years so shy as not to be found? Is it about do-overs costing millions? Re-designs on a Mayoral hunch? Can we talk about money here? Please give it a shot. Time will tell.
Attention Attention Attention
Steven Auerbach is not connected to the Finch camp
Steven Auerbach does not know one individual connected to the Finch camp
I have had more conversations with Joe Ganim and Mary-Jane Foster and their people.
Honest to G-d, it does sound so absurd. I know it and everyone I know is aware of it.
As city hall smoker can attest, I wasn’t one of those individuals walking out of Finch’s office with a smile on my face.
So although I feel honored everyone is responding to me like I was a paid pundit on the Finch staff, sadly I am not.
I am just an individual who cares passionately about the city and my world is not limited by my political associations. I respect all.
We respect you, too. But you have made your own opinions about other campaigns so central to your pro-Finch position but failed to deal with factual questions, you have made yourself into an “emotional Only In Bridgeport pinata!!!”
Take a moment and reflect on that image, please.
Everyone has a right to an opinion as OIB commentary has agreed. But since you are not going to change your opinion, and others seem currently strong in their associations, how about news on what is not being discussed but is of importance to the City? What are the final numbers on the State budget and how will that affect the City in the coming year? What is the full effect on the school system? Where are comments from Finance or other offices on investigation into “booting” of cars in recent years and failure to expect revenues? We have not heard about the Airport recently yet the renovation was to take $40 Million of Federal funds with the State and Bridgeport splitting another $4 Million. How’s that going after the rush to get the driveway completed? And with new management is there any likelihood of returning the Airport annual budget to a wash? When Bill Finch stepped in the revenues met expenses but since then the Airport has cost the City money. What’s the difference? Time will tell.
JML. Come on man, you know darn well your request of Steve is way over his head. He has to be shown the way like it was his trust in Musto, his dislike of Ed Gomes and Marilyn Moore on their positions and he lost on each one one of them, well Finch will go the same way.
I did not do anything for Musto but create conversation on this blog. You do not have to take my advice. It seems to me Ganim is raising money and Finch is responding to his comments. Nobody is responding to your camp and you are part of a core group. You are naive about politics. So let me make it simple, Ron. Joe Ganim is determined to be Mayor and he knows how to campaign. He is going after the Mayor and all the Mayor’s campaign is doing is saying Joe is dishonest. Mary-Jane has not said anything that is exciting to anyone but the Hennessy, Gomes, Moore, Caruso group. They will not be able to deliver. But this is the last post I am making for Foster. If you guys cannot figure it out at this point, Howard Gardner make take third place. It takes a winner to come from behind. I know I heard that somewhere before.
That’s true. I have not seen Steve coming out of the mayor’s office with a smile on his face. There have been many other DTC members however. Quite a few salary increases for employees who happen to have a vote on the DTC. Finch is once again securing his endorsement with bribes at the taxpayers’ expense. If only the walls of 999 Broad Street could talk!
Lisa Parziale: Citing a lack of leadership would only be a good reason to reignite your career if Bridgeport did not have a mayor. You have an excuse for running but you do not have a reason.
Local Eyes, I’m confused. First of all I believe I may have been quoted as saying that, but I really don’t remember. We have a Mayor leading the City, and a Council President leading the Council. I’m going back, if elected, to bring back the representation the 132nd had right up until the time Bob Walsh left. After residing in the 132nd district for 43 years, and dedicating my time to public service for 38 years of that time, I sense a void in representation and so I’m stepping up to the plate. Clear and simple, I receive no compensation for my service, except for the satisfaction I derive. Is that reason enough???
Confusion is a bad trait for any candidate. You have excuses but no reasons.
Good news: you don’t have to answer to me.
Thank God!