From Dan Tepfer, CT Post:
The former manager of the Holiday Inn on Main Street claims he was fired for refusing to raise room rates for guests seeking shelter from the effects of Superstorm Sandy.
William McGarry, who led the downtown hotel for nearly 20 years, says in a lawsuit filed at state Superior Court in Bridgeport that after Superstorm Sandy struck on Oct. 28, 2012, the hotel’s owners ordered him to raise room rates well above normal and to institute minimum night stays.
“They instructed Mr. McGarry to be sure he was getting top dollar and let him know that he should make money when he can,” the lawsuit states.
Read full story here.
Ralph, you probably don’t know the Trefz brothers very well. It’s all about money, not much else. They own half the McDonalds on I-95 and are lucky their father (Roestler’s Hot Dogs) came first. They are the cheapest of multi-millionaires I have ever met. In honor of their father’s retirement they bought a $100 Seiko watch from Caldors and came to me to engrave the back. They balked at the $10 charge I put on the labor saying, “But you sell Seiko watches.” I told them if they had come to me in the first place and purchased the same watch from me I would have charged them $100, engraving included.
I am not so sure I would do a character assassination based on one Kodak moment you shared with them. They have put thousands of people to work and have been committed to the City of Bridgeport for decades. There is no need for me to come to their defense nor am I denying Mr. McGarry’s right to fight. However, I do believe Trefz had every right to dismiss on these grounds. Does McGarry even live in Bridgeport or just take his check which I am certain has been extremely healthy these past few years? I am also certain this lawsuit will not help him secure another position so they’d better hope for pay dirt. I don’t see it.
*** Merely “your opinion” now, “not facts” nor based on actual personal contact in conversation with the Trefzs like Bob’s experience, no? And what does it matter where McGarry lives, it’s got nothing to do with his personal decision to not raise the room rents on those folks who stayed at the Holiday Inn for shelter due to Sandy! ***
I have more, but not as benign.
I am totally shocked to hear of the firing of William McGarry. I have known Bill since he started as manager here because the Firebird Society of Bridgeport would host many events there, scholarship dinner dance, awards program, hosting regional conferences of black firefighters, plus retirement parties members would host for other members. We let Bill know we didn’t want to go to Trumbull or Stratford for our events because we wanted to support Bridgeport and have our guests enjoy being at the hotel. Bill was always accommodating and made us feel like we were family and we would always tell our friends and family if they were going to need to use a hotel for a family reunion or if they just needed a room, 1070 Main Street was the best place to go.
I wish Bill the best and I’m sure justice will find him a winner because he was always concerned about his customers.
I hate to say it but DUH … Your boss tells you to do something. Who do you think you are? It is not your hotel or business. You have made a good living there for a long time. I am certain you are a good human being. The Trefz brothers have supported the City for many years and have weathered their own storms. They did not ask him to murder someone. He was fired, get over it. Seems Mr. McGarry enjoyed a nice run at the Holiday Inn. Next time your boss asks you to do something that does not meet with your standards, quit! Sorry.
Price gouging during an emergency is illegal. So if he were asked to murder someone and said no, in your mind he should still be fired, correct?
In my mind, these are only allegations, you are all condemning the Trefz family. That is sad.
Super nasty, Mr. A. If your boss tells you to break a law, you feel you should do so or be fired? Wow, you are one SOB.
I agree, Bob. Many other hoteliers have been prosecuted for price gouging in similar situations.
Yeah Bob, super nasty … Until you see him try to get a settlement that is more than his salary. Yeah I am one SOB … Not!
PS … you are only hearing one side of the story.
I hope Bill will be singing “I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas!”
This is no West Side Story, Steve!
I read that.
Totally agree. This guy sounds like such a suck-up it’s sickening.
Have you stayed at a hotel recently? Looked at a posted card in the room that showed the maximum fare that can be charged for such a room? How did it correspond to the rate you were paying for that night? Two weeks ago I was in a very basic room in Concord, New Hampshire with a brand name on the sign.
The room posted a maximum expense of $399 and I was paying $119. Was the employer in this case asking the manager to raise the rates from basic to something up to the maximum? Is this price gouging? Or was it more than the posted max? Is that price gouging?
Bill McGarry has always been a wonderful host to events I have attended, interested in the comfort and care of guests and extending hospitality on behalf of the Trefz ownership. Too bad. So often in Bridgeport we resort to the courts. Is there another way? Time will tell.
Hey Steve, am I reading this right? It’s okay to gouge people for your services in times of an emergency?
Andy, what you are reading is he answered to the Trefz Corporation. It’s his job, he does not own the business. It is his statement the Trefz Corporation forced him to raise the rates. We do not know what really happened. We do know he had a nice job for many years. We do know high-level positions are at will and it is up to the company to hire and fire. Finally, yes you read the Trefz empire has put millions into Bridgeport. It is Mr. McGarry complaining. YOU ARE NOT HEARING ABOUT THE HURICANE SANDY VICTIMS. DID I MISS SOMETHING OR ARE ALL OF YOU JUST FOLLOWERS? SORRY, NOT MY STYLE. I DO NOT BEGRUDGE THE SUCCESS OF TREFZ AND I AM NOT AN ATTORNEY. I HOPE I HAVE CLARIFIED MY STANCE. LET JUSTICE PREVAIL.
Steve, Bill was hired to run the hotel and to make the best business decisions for the hotel. When Super storm Sandy hit, the entire Northeast of this country was looking for ways to help and assist those in a time of a tragedy and loss and Bill was doing his part as Americans were trying to help each other out.
And you know this how???
Steve, I don’t follow anyone. I will say IF the Trefz people were gouging the victims of the hurricane then all they did for Bridgeport means shit and they in turn are dirt bags. Note I said IF.
Andy, I agree with you completely. If …
Steve, if your boss tells you to do something that is illegal, morally and ethically wrong, you have the right to say no. If more people stood up for the right thing, this would be a much better world. Good luck, Mr. McGarry. You sir, deserve our admiration and respect.
*** For a guy who worked at the Holiday Inn for so long, I’m sure this was not the first time Mr. McGarry had to make a decision that maybe his boss may have not agreed with, no? There has to be a little more to this story than whats being blogged here on OIB! *** FEED ME, LENNIE! ***
Bill was a great G.M. and Ernie thinks he can buy everybody. GOOD LUCK, HAMBURGLER!