Leaking law enforcement security video to a political campaign is asking for trouble.
John Gomes’s mayoral campaign will certainly benefit from all the absentee ballot hullabaloo bonanza, but a Gomes supporter covertly wiring glaring footage to a political camp will trigger collateral damage that easily could have been avoided. The machinations have jeopardized careers, and perhaps the liberty, of employees inside the city’s Fusion Center where a team of workers monitor sensitive video information to buoy law enforcement investigations on an assortment of matters.
The pool of workers with access to the video surveillance is small. People are nervous, an unintended consequence of a p.r. splash that will be fanned for weeks to come.
This notion that the person(s) slipping unauthorized information to the Gomes campaign is work of a whistleblower is a fallacy. Whistleblowers enjoy legitimate outlets to convey information, be it government agencies or the media. A government mole leaking to a campaign camp is not one of them.
It’s not like this was presented to Brian Lockhart of the Connecticut Post surreptitiously as a portal to inform. The state of Connecticut has a powerful journalism shield law protecting reporting privilege.
Watch how the Gomes camp, after launching the videos on social media, feigns any direct connection. Oh, no, we got it second hand, not directly! Some distant nut-job social media portal may even happily take credit after the fact to provide cover.
This thing has kicked up a hornets nest that has stung Chief Roderick Porter who must now plug the porous ship of leakers. This isn’t just about one or two people; it also maligns supervisory roles.
If vocal cords were in another mouth watch how the Gomes campaign would scream bloody politics.
This story will not just play out as a sidebar to the AB gotcha video. Porter’s gonna dig deep on this one. As one person inside the PD noted: “Heads are gonna roll.”
Why do you hate Gomes so badly?
Antonio, I like John. He’s done an amazing job raising money and coming so close in the primary. He could very well be mayor and in fact he’s likely to have an edge in that area. I’m not crazy about some of the decision makers in the campaign, however. If you examine my early coverage of his candidacy my columns were very favorable. Off line a number of readers asked, why you pumping this guy up so much? John put the work in and the campaign raised the money deserving of kudos. I’m not an ideologue, I write from the perspective of a campaign strategist, been doing this site for 16 years based on that model. OIB is not a traditional news site. When a campaign makes these kinds of decisions someone has to at least consider the other side of this, what’s the collateral damage if we do it this way? People will lose their jobs over this and some could be charged criminally. This column simply addresses a better way to handle it.
The Janitor may be able to clear the glass a bit here. For the record, I retired this past June after 26 years of service; the last 17 years in Public Works/Building Operations stationed at Police Headquarters.
For most of my career. Bobby Hammond was the head of Building Operations for City and BOE. Bobby was one of a few people who had access and control of the City’s and BOE camera and security systems. For years, especially during the Finch years, I was the most monitored City Employees.
I’m in El Salvador and I smell a rat all the way here. It’s the smell of a familiar rat. Recently, the Gomes Campaign announced that John Ricci (the rat of all rats) will not return as Public Facilities Director if Gomes wins. Translation: Public Facilities Director Craig (List) Nadrizny is safe as far as Gomes is concerned. Craig is good friends of Ricci and worked under him.
Councilmen Castillo is facing charges brought by Nadrizny; Wanda Geter and Castillo are good friends and she is his district leader.
Why are they looking into the Fusion Center? John Gomes (You know, The “outsider”) has his daughter working at the Fusion Center. She looks and smells like a decoy. Take the shot and daddy will get your job back as soon as possible. I’m very familiar to all and any mouse chase.
Lennie, I send you a few e-mails with links to remnants of SEEC complaints I filed dating back to 2008. More specifically to the years when John or Jaoa M. Gomes served (himself) as Treasurer for Andres Ayala for State Rep. and State Senator during the time Hilda Gonzalez served as Treasurer. If that doesn’t serve as evidence of what is the real John or Joao Gomes like, nothing else will. The three biggest rats: John Gomes, John Ricci, and Craig (hit-list) Nadrizny all in the same “movement”.
Why do you like him so much?
Lennie, I think you’d like his cooking better:
and if this video never got leaked we would continue to n be dupped that these elections are won credibly. sometimes the end justifies the means when it comes to the public interest.
But at whose expense? Is it really about public interest or the campaign’s interest?
Lennie. It will be interesting to see who was involved with the leak and what their reasons were for the release. Did they bring it to anyone’s attention i.e. their supervisor or other officials.
For all we know the leak can have come from someone that observed this similar behavior in previous elections and now felt the need to finally speak up.
I don’t know what spin going to come out of the BPD, They will get their cover.
This shit show where heads are going to roll is because of the current state of Port politics. While Wanda and other Port pols already have an active request for an investigation of Voter Fraud. This shit is nothing new. Is any of this shit new revelation people? However, the release of this video is damaging considering every Port/local and state pols whom Wanda campaigned/supported praised her. Who now has to distance themself. Wanda has some really issues regarding her actions in the released video. JS
To Lennie’s point, ” Unfortunately, people may lose their jobs over this because political interests were more important than doing their job.”
If that’s the case, then it could be that John Gome’s daughter (she works in the fusion center) observed daddy doing the same and more. I’m sure he fed her with money funneled from campaigns he served in as Treasurer.
Capone, back in 2006, I took it upon myself to learn the basics duties of a campaign treasurer. Google and the internet had advanced dramatically and the State Connecticut was moving towards a paperless system. I found and learned about E-Cris. It’s the filing system for all campaign committee reports. What really got me exited was that it wasn’t just a filing system, it was a committee report search system. As I search old reports from Bridgeport candidate committees, it became obvious that false information was being reported and obvious thefts of political contributions were being flat out STOLEN.
The treasurer who most stood out as a kleptomaniac was a Treasurer named Joao M. Gomes who then became John M. Gomes and he served as the Treasurer for Andres Ayala for State Rep.
My first SEEC complaint was against Senator Bill Finch and his wife filed on February 14, 2008. I had no love for them, They were truly one class act the way they pillaged their committee funds for years. SEEC found a way to dismiss the entire complaint and covered- up for the Senator. I learned not to keep all violations in one basket and from there on, I moved to sort out the not so clever ways John M. Gomes pillaged the Ayala Committe for years. OIB was the only venue to expose what was going on and all that transpired for years is documented in the OIB archive. I’m leaving the rest to Lennie Grimaldi if he chooses to re- visit the journey I traveled and the things I had to endured for about 15 years, for crossing a line no other City Employee has ever dared cross.
This thing with the video can not be used in a SEEC complaint. Why? When one files a SEEC complaint any evidence provided must include an explanation of where, how or who the evidence came from and if such explanation is not truthful or questionable, the commission will most likely vote NOT to investigate.
I would say this is in the public interest.
John Campbell. I agree. The public’s best interest regardless of any potential campaign affiliation.
John, the Gomes campaign doesn’t care about the public’s right to know. They care about winning, control city hall, the candy store power of sweets, damn the consequences who gets run over along the way. John, this is one gigantic game that all sides play. We didn’t hear a peep from the Gomes campaign when City Councilwoman Maria Pereira, also caught on camera, entered the home of a dementia-suffering 81-year-old woman ogling an absentee ballot in her favor. Gomes campaign doesn’t care about public. They care about winning. The rest is all a ruse. Just like Gen Now.
There are pros and cons to the Port election process. Lennie’s on point though, John’s camp/backer/bankers don’t give to shit about the public/Port interest over their own.
They want G2 out, perhaps never wanted him back in. Clearly, he is not the same as G1 who has never seen a challenger during all that corruption going on.
Wanda collateral damage one way or another regardless. As for Gen Now how/why is the unrig not all over this considering their campaign against G2 and his corruptness? I won’t put it past them to recruit Wanda in this AB shit show with their 20000 AB drive. If so, you know Wanda’s going to get thrown under the bus just like Moore for John. Who balmed the Working Family Party 🤣 It is just a Hypotenuse people. JS https://www.facebook.com/BPTGNVOTES/videos/681814523795141
You mean his pockets interest.
Please define dupped. Nothing really new though I do find it ironic that the Unrig Gen Now is not all over this, considering.
If my hypotenuse 🙂 is correct and Wanda was not and G2 camp and Joe’s and Mario’s relationship have been strained over the years. Perhaps Gen Now is with them, considering. I mean how hard can you go after G2 without collateral damage to your sleeper agent without showing your true color AKA Thanos without the care or compassion of course?
JS Port politics have turned into a covert operation.
Careful Lennie you are quoting a source inside the BPD that “Heads are gonna roll” was that an official authorized communication? As you know employee press comments need to go through protocol. There may be unintended consequences for unauthorized communication.
“As you know employee press comments need to go through protocol.” Says who? Do you set policy for the PD as a school board member?
Joe, I have plenty of sources in city government, including the BOE.
Nope that would be Ganim
Pencil Box now you have an issue with “Whistleblowers”🤣
Nope, false story. There was no gag order on Garcia, that was a fabrication fanned by the Post and Carmen Lopez. Garcia refused to make herself available. When the heat was turned up she closeted herself. No one ever told me there was a protocol to interview Garcia. She refused to do them, unlike Porter who is accessible.
Is it possible that whoever leaked the video just wants to ensure that the truth gets out? We do not know if the video was brought to the attention of city/state officials or sent to other parties prior to being released to the public by people associated with the Gomes campaign.
Regardless… there is a lot of people associated with the city politics that were all over Maria P that are quiet about this. You would think since they were so worried about voter fraud, they would not be so silent.
I hear that. Much silents from Port’s Pols. This makes Maria’s actions look like a Girl Scout, people.
“We do not know if the video was brought to the attention of city/state officials or sent to other parties prior to being released to the public by people associated with the Gomes campaign.”
Capone, this goes to the crux of the release of the video over the actual substance on the video showing Wanda stuffing the AB Ballot box regardless of who it benefits. From a BPD perspective. Crime is their thing, though participation/suppression of a crime can be problematic and illogical. Though I am sure you guys, Porter/BPD can come up with some shit, a spin of their own.
“The alleged action of AB ballot Box fraud of a city employee revelation came to personnel of BPD personnel on the day the same day it was given to a Gomes campaign staff member. yada yada yada yada yada. logical 🤣
This is one for the FBI.
I know about that Lennie. 🙂 That amazing job was given to John by Joe. It can be said though John did an amazing job campaigning for Joe in his reelection bid and was rewarded with a city Job. 🤣
Dawson a better question is why many Port political insiders hate Joe. 🙂
We know the corruption in the city under G1 yet he was never challenged. His departure was thanks to Ed Adams and the FBI. Now, Fuhgeddaboudit. 🤣
From a purely Port standpoint, it had made extraordinary thrives. This country has/had a policing issue and since G2 the BPD has been overhauled with a, I would have to say a new generation force. The minority make in City movement, especially in higher racking positions speaks for itself.
The city has a vision of an entertainment destination with the creation of many venues for it. The green/plant initiative has increased the aesthetics of the city. Just to name a few progress in the city. JS
I hear that. Much silents from Port’s Pols. This makes Maria’s actions look like a Girl Scout, people.
“We do not know if the video was brought to the attention of city/state officials or sent to other parties prior to being released to the public by people associated with the Gomes campaign.”
Capone, this goes to the crux of the release of the video over the actual substance on the video showing Wanda stuffing the AB Ballot box regardless of who it benefits. From a BPD perspective. Crime is their thing, though participation/suppression of a crime can be problematic and illogical. Though I am sure you guys, Porter/BPD can come up with some shit, a spin of their own.
“The alleged action of AB ballot Box fraud of a city employee revelation came to personnel of BPD on the d same day it was given to a Gomes campaign staff member. yada yada yada yada yada. logical 🤣
Great points RT.
I get the BPD’s need to ensure that their security system is not breached and protocol is followed. Hopefully the investigation is transparent and fair
The cover up can often be worse than the crime. So it will be interesting to hear the facts of who knew, since when and what if any action was taken.
Transparent and fair, please.
The cover-up is often worse than the crime, depending on the crime. It will be interesting but that’s about it, interesting from the release standpoint.
A much pressing issue is what’s on the video. Where heads are going to roll. Wanda is an insider political figure, While I still adhere to my assumption that she was not in the G2 camp and those AB were for John. However, it really doesn’t matter now because of the release of this video John’s camp is going to have to push the issue on something that they might have created. G2 is not going to fight the issue too hard. But the public/people are going to demand action.
Wanda’s holding the bag considering the last two corruption cases AJ and Dumm, Well we know how that turned out. JS
Don’t get me wrong. Regardless if Wanda’s actions were covertly on Gomes’ behalf or Ganim’s? Wanda was openly in Joe’s camp and he had some damage control regarding the election.
It comes down to how hard this is pressed by Gomes’s camp, which would be problematic if Wanda’s alleged criminal action was on Gomes’s behalf. The release of the video authorized or not is damaging enough to warrant a loss of her city job and legal/criminal action, regardless.
Being that John is on the ballot in November, it placates the fact the need for a new primary. If he wasn’t, well he has a valid point for a new primary. but given the fact he is he can’t say the election was stolen if he’s on the ballot and the election hasn’t been held yet. JS
I understand a packaged dead fish was found in the same ballot box the same day.
Someone should go to jail, loose their jobs as well! My right to vote has be compromised.
Are you saying you gave your ballot to Wanda?
Jimfox, don’t tell me you put that dead fish in the ballot box.
Joel, I did and she made Tuna fish sandwiches for the Ganim camp.
They should have camera on these drop boxes and put them on cable TV for the public to see, like traffic cameras.
Ever heard of ‘No face, no case’?
How would your suggestion work if the person dropping the ballot/s wears a mask?
What you think Gome’s people been doing? 851 ballots for Gomes and they’re all legit?
Public safety video of a public area — unless involving an investigation of a lethal, potentially-lethal, or some other sort of dangerous/violent incident that requires protection of crime-scene information — absolutely falls under the public’s right to know… Illegal ballot-stuffing doesn’t qualify… Now, if the Focus Center has a screening policy that video reviewers are sworn to follow, then the ‘leaker” may be subject to reprimand for this type of leak. No court is going to rule against this “leaker” for anything more than a minor lapse of workplace discretion — unless someone can bring evidence that the leaker either sought and/or was offered financial or political gain by perpetrating said leak…
In any event, the public has both the right and need to know about the actions depicted on this video. And the only harm done, per the content and release to the public of said video, was by the illegal-ballot stuffers — and that harm was only to themselves and their partners in crime (co-stuffers and stuffervisors…). Indeed; since ballot-misuse/voter-fraud is a crime, and since there were multiple people involved, including those that played executives roles in the crime, what we have here could well be considered a conspiracy of the sort that is subject to prosecution under the RICO statutes in addition to prosecution for violation of state election statutes. The FBI should surely be evaluating the incident for appropriateness of their involvement in an investigation/prosecution.
On the level of any reaction by the City/BPD, as employers of the leaker, the smartest thing they could do is to let the “leaker” off with just a scolding — unless a bribe-type situation is a known certainty… If the latter is the case, then said leaker is guilty of work-place violations of a serious, inexcusable nature…
But, regardless of how the video was made public, it is undoubtedly a good — essential — thing that the public was given a witness position in this probable crime…
Let’s remember, though, that the fraudulent win by one candidate does not necessarily make the other candidate the ideal choice for mayor — especially when there is still LAMOND!!!! ARE YOU THERE?!! They just removed all of the doors to both City Halls for you!!
I don’t understand why people are so in the weeds as though this is only a Ganim vs Gomes issue. I am not a fan of either and this issue concerns me. Voting is about putting ones’s trust in public society and how government functions to protect that determines its legitimacy in the public eye. It is mind blowing that some people feel comfortable to be in a position to push the narrative about the leak as if the voting fraud somehow pales in comparison. and lets say the leak was illegal and we know the election was won only by a few hundred votes. if this were to go to court the defense will probably seek to supress the evidence. a judge will need to weigh whether this argument holds or whether it is in the public interest not to. I think this is in the public interest given long standing voting irregularities in Bridgeport, the person involved being named for possible criminal prosecution for the same issue, and then you have Ganim who has a criminal history involving corruption. Video footage is as clear as it gets and the public will be waiting to see how this gets handled. if the leak involved a police officer the investigation should immediately be taken over by state police or FBI to ensure integrity in the investigation. there should also be a review of Geter’s emails and phone records and possibly that of others to assess how premeditated, deep, and systematic this voting supress is. I have always thought that how a campaign is ru is how the government will run, sometimes i pay attention less to what politicians say vs how they run their campaign. i am certain that this is only a microcosm of what really goes on in city hall.
Sorry Lennie, I’m definitely with the public interest on this one. Not just because I support Gomes, more because I’ve worked on numerous prior campaigns that have been the victims of the DTC machine’s AB ballot abuse,
AB abuse has been going on in this city for decades, primarily to the benefit of the election victors. And, it has gotten worse in recent recent elections. So, if this leads to honest and fair elections for the people of our city, I’m all for it,
I would agree that there may be ramifications for those involved with the leak, but he/she/they is/are a hero/heroes to me. But then, I do have an autographed copy of the “Pentagon Papers”.
It is ironic that y’all have raised such an uproar about a DTC unauthorized use of a private citizen’s camera to try to nail Maria when in fact she was authorized by the woman’s legal guardian to be there and to see if her ballot had arrived (not open it). And, yet you barely mention that Wanda was stuffing numerous/dozens of ballots into the AB ballot box on multiple trips. She’s not supposed to even have them in her possession!
Now, you focus on the leak, not the AB fraud … pure deflection! I’d definitely say the fraud is a more serious problem, and you need to get your values straight.
There are pros and cons and the public interest can benefit but don’t for a second thing Gomes, G2, Gen Now, or any other insider player to give a shit about the public interest in a more honest game. It become so widespread and normalized people don’t even think it is illegal, Don’t Mario have the police pick up ABs.
Gen Now had an AB mail drive to half the Port’s Democrat Voting block. Considering Gen Now made some
hit pieces on G2 I wouldn’t put it past them throwing Moore under the bus and recruiting Wanda against G2. https://www.facebook.com/BPTGNVOTES/videos/681814523795141
Them and their breath of fresh air lying ass pointy finger.
AND, I would like to add one more point raised by my colleague Joe Sokolovic. Wanda is stuffing the AB Ballot Box, absolutely stuffing it, ONE WEEK BEFORE THE ELECTION!
Why didn’t the Fusion Division alert the Chief and the Chief alert the appropriate election authority so that immediate action could be taken to stop this election fraud from happening? Or maybe they did and somebody dropped else dropped the ball. In any case, it’s a much more expensive and difficult mess to untangle now.