Generation Now Presses Ganim On Police Chief Selection

The community action group Bridgeport Generation Now wants Mayor Joe Ganim to scrap the search for a police chief and start over, or at the very least conduct public meetings in all 10 city council districts.

Prior to the organization’s call to action on Friday Ganim announced the process that took place leading to a vetting of the three finalists, Acting Chief AJ Perez, Captain Roderick Porter and New Haven Assistant Chief Luiz Casanova. Ganim also announced that “Over the next few weeks I will review these candidates and seek out further input from the community and ultimately select and appoint our next police chief.”

What shape that will take is unclear as Ganim is expected to make the selection in November. But one thing Ganim will not do is cave to Generation Now’s demands.

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To view backgrounds of finalists click on their names:
Casanova, Luiz

Perez, Armando

Porter, Roderick

The City Charter allows the mayor to appoint a chief for up to two five-year contracts.

In an eblast the organization declares:

We need real substantive action. We the people of Bridgeport know a different way is possible. Mayor Ganim still has the opportunity to make this right. He could:

Start the Police Chief search over; and
Follow models set by other progressive cities truly interested in 21st Century Policing
Hold public meetings in all 10 council districts to get meaningful community input;
Convene a real search committee–appointing 10 community members without ties to the administration, including youth.
We hope that Mayor Ganim chooses this path. But if he continues down path we are already on, we stand resolute in our call for him to hold a public forum with all three finalists. The people of Bridgeport deserve to hear from these professional candidates about their vision, goals, and policies for this key leadership position. Together, we can show respect for the people and the progress of Bridgeport.



  1. Now the BGN wants to usurp the Mayors power, If Joe Ganim panders to the BGN he should resign!
    Hey Joe!, don’t pimp out your office to the BGN, there comming after you no matter what!

  2. Jimfox, what the BGN either don’t or won’t understand is that you could start the process over, do ten meetings in every district, hell let every person in Bridgeport ask questions and NOTHING will change until you remove the problem. David Dunn! Acting Director of Civil Service lacks the knowledge or expertise to put together a fair, transparent and open nationwide search for any high level administration position.

    Civil Service was autonomous to city government now it’s merely a backdoor to what the Mayor wants to further his agenda. To have a person in that position who owes his livelihood to the benevolence of the Mayor, could be easily corrupted.

    1. I heard “Re-elect Ganim” lawn signs are starting to pop-up around the City.

      Shouldn’t he have waited until AFTER November 6th as to NOT create any confusion?

      The only person Joe Ganim really cares about is Joe Ganim.
      The only person Mario Testa really cares about is Mario Testa.
      The only person Dennis Bradley really cares about is Dennis Bradley.

      The only differences are their physical appearance. They are the exact same person otherwise.

    2. Don, I find it amazing that not one City Council member, not one political group like BPT Generation Now have said or mention anything about David Dunn the Acting Director of Civil Service who lacks the knowledge or expertise to put together a fair, transparent and open nationwide search for any high level administration position. Dunn is allowing Mayor Ganim not to follow the City Charter and for Ganim and Testa to hire who they want and to call for an exam like the police chief position when they want to.

  3. Who recalls how the Police (and Fire) Chief were determined prior to charter revision of 1988? (Besides Lisa Parziale)
    The process introduced by charter revision was designed to be open but there is lack of transparency by this administration.
    The likelihood of Acting Chief Perez being selected makes the process look tainted.
    The concern expressed by ‘Bridgeport Generation Now’ may be sincere, but as an organization they have not established credibility and thus worthy of being listened to.
    I have always felt that those individuals with a vested interest in Bridgeport reflected in their home ownership and an understanding of urban problems are voices to be listened to.

  4. Tom (being) White, ” I have always felt that those individuals with a vested interest in Bridgeport reflected in their home ownership and an understanding of urban problems are voices to be listened to.
    Does Ron Mackey meet those requirements of being listened to?

    1. More so than you, given that you do not reside in Bridgeport.
      Given how you and he label everything as racism, neither of you have an understanding of urban problems. Instead, you parrot the usual lame excuses.

      1. Tom, when you throw a stone in a pigpen the one that squeals is the one that got hit, Tom White you’ve been hit. Don, Tom White is so deep into 45’s mindset that his racist viewpoints are normal for him, you can see that he has no respect for blacks.


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