Republican candidate for governor Bob Stefanowski is making 52 stops in 9 days fronting the Nov. 6 general election against Democrat Ned Lamont including an appearance Saturday 3:30 p.m. at Rick Torres’ Harborview Market in Black Rock, the popular gathering place for pols, neighbors and active community members.
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Calling it the Rebuild Connecticut Road Tour, Stefanowski will make Bridgeport his fourth stop of the day on the initial leg of the tour. See entire schedule here. Torres is a former member of the City Council and three-time mayoral candidate. Black Rock is the last bastion of Republican voters in the city, a neighborhood where Torres has performed well on the ballot be it for mayor, City Council or State House when he lost a close special election in 2015 to Steve Stafstrom in the 129th Assembly District.
Public polling shows a tight race for governor.
Boo, hiss…
Get on the bus, Gus.
Stefanowski has more creativity, spirit and spunk in his little pinkie than Lamont has in his whole body.
Maybe I will there. Go to hell Stefanowski
Liar…Liar…pants on fire.
There may be a clash of opinions.
Will J.R Romano be there?
If J.R is going to be there I will definitely be there.
Please confirm attendance of Stepanowski and J.R. So I can start organizing opposition.
Threatening to attend an opponent’s rally?
Frank Gyure practices the politics of hatred with a hint of criminal intent.
First of all,I remember when Charlotte was the owner of Harborview Market. Give ma a break.
Come on …Lennie. I like respect Rick Torres but his mayoral ambitions came to an end in the last mayoral elections.
Does Rick Torres/Harborview Market really want to be associated with Donald Trump.
I have asked that same question.
I am livid. What happened to Rick Torres’ tattoos. Is Rick Torres become a hypocrite. Trump and Stepanowski are “NATIONALISTS.”
I am going to Harborview Market tomorrow(Friday) and will ask to talk to Rick and/or his family.
Bob will lost the black rock precinct big its probably been over a decade a republican has won black rock on a federal level or state level!!! Ricl toress is the only one to win period and that’s a local level. Obama won black rock by over a 2 to 1 in 08 ans 2012. Clinton also won black rock over 2 to 1. And malloy won it 927 to Foley 549. If this is considered the last republican bastion in bpt that’s sad because every where else black rock would be considered very liberal. Republicans do not win black rock. Only toress on the local level.
With that being said I will hold my breath and vote for lamont. Both candidates are not appealing. Oz gabriel is seeming more appealing more and more every day.
Democrats for Deecken (R) / make the switch.
This wing of the local Democratic party was born in Black Rock.
All politics is local, right?
All politics
isare local.Bob Stefanowski is not doing himself any favor by associating with Rick Torres or the BRTC given its past history of racism. While I would not call Rick an outright racist, the fact is Rick remained silent while others acted in a racist manner and Rick never did anything to make people of color feel comfortable about being part of the BRTC. He was however comfortable enough to ask people of color for their support while running for various offices. As for JR Romano his lack of action to address any racist behavior by members of local RTC’s and the State Central Committee is deplorable. When Stefanowski wins his first order of business should be to kick Romano to the curb along with all the racist members statewide that Romano has done his best to protect.
Joe, would you tell us all what happen with Rick Torres and being a racist?
Maybe a boycott of Harborview Market is in order. Stop the hate train(StepTrump) making a local stop at Harborview Market.
You’re going off the reservation, Frank. If rick and Michelle Torres want to open their doors to Bob Stefanowski that is their right. He is the GOP’s gubernatorial candidate, after all. Rick is a member of the BRTC. Calling for a boycott over this is a bit over the top. You ought to rethink your position. Either that or go to Krauser’s for your morning joe.
Various yards in Black Rock have the HATE HAS NO PLACE HERE signs. Will these same civic leaders remain quiet while the StepTrump Hate train makes a pit stop at Harborview Market on Saturday
Time will tell. 48 hours.
It obvious that Bob Stefanowski is NOT seeking Black and Hispanic voters on his trip to Bridgeport buy that’s nothing new his campaign flyers and his TV add and his campaign staff.
Clarification. Yes. Black Rock is the last bastion of Republican voters in Bridgeport.
It is well known that elections for city and state offices that include Black Rock are determined by absentee ballots from PT Barnum apartments and the Section 8 housing on Yacht Street.
As Lennie has reported, there is lighter absentee ballot voting in this election.
It’s also well known the BRTC is headed by an avowed racist. Not an endearing personal quality in a city that is a melting pot.
accused not avowed.
In popular culture the mere appearance of impropriety, in this case shameless racism, is enough to destroy credibility. Just ask Megyn Kelly.
Boycott Harborview because of a Republican Gubernatorial candidate will be making an appearance? What a narrow-minded ideologue you are!
Hopefully President 45 will make a pit stop here and hold a rally for Bob Stefanowski, please.
Trump won’t stop by. He doesn’t own a golf course in the immediate vicinity.
Frank, maybe Rick will save you a Stefanowski lawn sign.