What Joe Ganim’s mayoral campaign lacks in organizational tightness it compensates with a premium on passion. Ganim lacks a traditional campaign manager, a consistently staffed media presence, or chief strategist familiar with Bridgeport campaign turf. And often Ganim, a relentless campaigner, appears to be candidate, chief cook and bottle washer. What the campaign does enjoy is mighty fundraising and an abundance of seemingly dedicated volunteers for a field operation responding to the comeback message of a candidate who’s supremely confident in his decision-making that albeit landed him in the joint in 2003. Is this enough to win the Democratic primary on September 16?
When Ganim started his quest to regain the mayoralty it was on a total leap of faith to rescue himself from the collateral damage of bad decisions more than 15 years ago. For just about 15 years–whether publicly or under oath or under court appeal–Ganim declared he did not have his hand out irrespective of the shellacking he took on the witness stand by federal prosecutor Ron Apter that led to Ganim’s jury conviction and nine-year sentence enhanced by the federal judge who ruled he lied under oath. Ganim carved out a strategy of doing nothing wrong and stuck to it until circumstances dictated otherwise.

Adding to the surrealism of this race, FBI agent Ed Adams, now a private investigator, who testified in the Ganim case and sat through the testimony of more than 50 government witnesses, is now supporting Ganim as a redemption project based on Ganim’s first public apology in an East End church on January 1 and power of persuasion reassurance he will never offend again. Why did Ganim apologize after 15 years of saying otherwise?
Supporters told him, and he eventually agreed, showing contrition was the only way back to public office after Ganim examined his diminished economic earning power.
When Ganim emerged from prison in 2010, he set in motion a process to regain the law license he lost following his 2003 conviction. Assisting attorneys in the family-run law practice, he also earned a living advising uninformed white-collar offenders about navigating the troublesome prison landscape. Ganim, in fact, had shaved a year off his sentence–critics argued he had gamed the system–by qualifying for a prison-based substance abuse program irrespective of not having declared he had a history, as is generally customary under federal Bureau of Prison regulations, before surrendering.

Ganim also landed consulting work with entrepreneur David D’Addario who built upon the financial legacy of his late industrialist father. Meanwhile Ganim’s lack of contrition was cited by a three-judge panel to reject reinstatement of his law license. Ganim appealed to the Connecticut Supreme Court, which validated the lower court ruling. It was clear Ganim would never again practice law, diminishing his earning capability. His law license vanquished, and consulting work with D’Addario drying up, Ganim examined his economic options.
What business organization would pay him a package worth $150,000 that comes with being mayor? Ganim made application with the court to lower his financial obligations following his divorce. Last year, Ganim started working the political corridors of the city for mayoral support. Ganim heard the refrain of forgiving supporters willing to give him a chance. “You wanna come back? You gotta apologize.”
On January 1, he showed contrition in the church of State Rep. Charlie Stallworth who has been a steady presence at Ganim events as well as other members of the city’s clergy. Ganim began reaching out to an assortment of dissident interests of the party. Some at first said no. One thing about Ganim, his hide is as thick as an elephant, he kept coming back. He’s also someone very rarely swayed by emotion. Some pols will make prehistoric noises if you say no to them privately. Ganim won’t give up easily if he fundamentally determines a person’s worth can assist his ambitious goals.

Ganim apologized in church and then segued to bringing it public, first on radio station WPLR and other media outlets. As political support built, Ganim amended his apology from breaking the public trust to making “mistakes.” The next logical step in the comeback was creating a financial infrastructure to challenge well-financed incumbent Bill Finch.
How would it be possible for a former mayor with felonious credentials to raise money? Ganim’s power of persuasion paid off in both bringing political supporters to the table but also in financial surrogates to help raise money. In the spring Ganim surprised even himself raising more than $50,000 in one night during an exploratory phase for money. Ganim will likely raise and spend $300,000 in this primary effort, a mighty sum in a compressed period of time.

As Ganim sought to assemble pieces to a campaign framework, he reached back to political operatives and strategists in his past, including Washington DC consultant Jay Marlin who worked on Ganim’s winning race for mayor in 1991 and continued to be a steady presence throughout his years as mayor and ambition for the governor’s office. Consultants aren’t cheap and Marlin has not remained a steady strategist for Ganim.
Enter Bryan Walensky, a New Jersey-based campaign strategist who runs Redwater Operations. Walensky spends a few days a week in campaign headquarters in the North End commuting from New Jersey and advising Ganim on issues, particularly economic and taxes, that they hope will play with voters.
Former Fairfield First Selectman Ken Flatto, a city resident, has also stepped up as part of the campaign brain trust for Ganim assisting messaging and strategy.

Professional campaign managers are difficult to find in short compressed cycles. They’re also not cheap if you can find one. Lacking an experienced campaign manger who can oversee the entire campaign operation from soup to nuts–message, strategy, free and paid media, volunteers, hired guns, field operation–Ganim relied on a trusted friend Black Rock District Leader Danny Roach who has given Ganim tons of volunteer time away from his popular neighborhood bar Matty’s corner, to provide an ear, put out political fires and help prepare a voter turnout operation.
Also volunteering for Ganim is seasoned campaign operative David Papandrea who has worked a number of campaigns for Connecticut Democrats throughout the years.
If there’s one key area where Ganim shows clearly he’s in charge of his campaign, it’s media relations. When Ganim positioned for a mayoral comeback, former journalist Michael Giannotti, who has experience serving as a communications director in Bridgeport government, volunteered while working full time for the Mid Fairfield County Aids Project. The demands of the job required Giannotti to pull back for a while. Ganim then hired Cole Haymond, the young son of high profile personal injury lawyer John Haymond, to handle press work. Haymond had worked on the 2011 mayoral campaign of John Gomes, a Ganim supporter.

Ganim and Haymond were not a solid personality fit. Haymond, who resides in Brooklyn, New York, left the campaign last week for another campaign position in New York. Giannotti, at Ganim’s request, rejoined the campaign to assist with media relations. When it comes to working the media Ganim has been like a one-man riot squad organizing media events, proposing police substations and other public safety initiatives, floating public financing of local races and announcing endorsements.
Every press conference has largely been a calculation of what Ganim feels will play with city voters and for the most part he’s largely received positive play from local outlets despite his baggage. For Ganim, public safety is a redo of his 1991 election win over Republican Mary Moran. As a candidate, with police staffing levels down, he proposed to hire 100 new cops. Fast forward to 2015, he’s doing the same thing.

Once Ganim makes a decision to move on something, he’s prone to carry it out quickly. For instance, OIB generally receives lead time on press events only an hour before they happen, an indication of anticipation failure. Ganim will even make calls directly to reporters at the Connecticut Post and News 12 alerting them to the next media hit. Receiving a direct call from the candidate himself could encourage media presence at Ganim events.
So Ganim’s comeback bid has a number of disorganized moving parts with just over four weeks left until the primary. Can he harness it all for a win, or will it fall flat?
Let’s put it this way. A man comes out of nowhere and raises $300,000 in months while it took Finch four years. He does not let his felony record hold him back. He keeps moving forward. IF his campaign represents how he would run the city, then Ganim is the man.
What I like about Ganim is he just gets to the point. Crime in Trumbull Gardens, BAM! He puts in a police substation. Crime on the East End, BAM! He talks to the owner in Virginia. Crime in the ’90s and BAM! he reduced the crime rate. Finch says he brings down crime but he does not bring down the type of high crime Ganim had to deal with.
Finch has it all wrong. No one wants to hear “Bridgeport is getting better every day.” People want to SEE it with their own eyes.
Ganim is action, Finch is talk. And action is what people remember from Ganim, not Finch’s eight years of waiting to build a Starbucks.
BptPorter, on point.
BptPorter spends the next four years crying! BAM!
Ganim would sell Steelpointe for $500,000 in his pocket! Bam!
Ganim would approve Zone changes to Testo’s Restaurant to build Sacred Heart Housing! Bam!
Ganim’s trial documents will be revealed and explained! Bam!
He will lose by a landslide! Bam!
When developers pull out of projects, new sidewalks will become the highlight of his economic development vision! Bam!
What I love about Joe Ganim is his tenacity. If he were leaving his future in the hands of supporters like BptPorter, he would be nowhere! I think Joe Ganim has done an outstanding job getting press daily. We both know that is not rocket science but alas it is outstanding compared to other efforts. Having canvassers say Foster is supporting Ganim or she is a Republican is as sad as referring to Mayor Finch as a racist. The people are not buying!
BptPorter, there are many people who like and adore Joe Ganim. When they vote they will be voting for the future of this city. Joe Ganim had been in office for 10 years. He owes a lot of people. Developers will lose confidence in the city and we will lay waste and dormant.
The police, eight clergy and the FBI agent who put him away cannot sugar coat the obvious. BptPorter, you’re telling us the simple things you like about Joe Ganim gives us the impression you are a simpleton. You call me a weirdo. Dude, how about sharing what this man with 10 year’s worth of baggage is going to do for the city? He can’t because any hope of economic development will stop. Bam!
Mr. Ganim should have taken the road through the DTC to regain his respect. To move back to the city as a carpetbagger and have volunteers work their butts off so he can be the only convicted felon in the city making a very comfortable living wage is just laughable. Bam!
Was there a Starbucks under Ganim? Upscale housing? North Enders remember Ganim’s friends building Stop & Shop. The Sacred Heart Dorms. Did Ganim have three investors working simultaneously downtown, was Pleasure Beach open? Was a new train station in the works? New schools? Countless new waterparks, playgrounds and sports fields?
BptPorter, Joe Ganim had done good work as the Mayor. He had 10 years. He has been out of office for 12. He had been completely out of commission for seven.
Joe has a great personality. In politics a great personality will take you far. Not enough to regain the keys to the kingdom!
What about the zone changes he already got under the Finch administration?
And while we are talking about Starbucks, I say again and again, Starbucks is not a real job. People need real JOBS. How can Finch look taxpayers in the eyes and hold a straight face like Starbucks is the best thing since sliced bread? Bridgeport is overtaxed so Bridgeport needs the REAL JOBS. Not minimum-wage jobs only high school kids are happy with.
Starbucks isn’t a real job and I agree with you, he brings Bass Pro Shops in who has a federal lawsuit going on for their hiring and promotion practices against minorities and building a train station isn’t helping this city.
It is possible to make a fair amount of money working at Starbucks with the tips and all but you are both right, it’s not a real job.
Bridgeport has the highest property taxes in the state, the highest overall taxes in the country, the highest poverty rate in the region, the highest unemployment in the state, and the highest mortgage foreclosures in the state (probably in the whole Northeast housing market area–ALL WHILE WE LIVE AMONG THE GREATEST WEALTH IN THE WORLD!…
“Better every day.” Really??? For whom? Not for anyone this lifelong Bridgeporter knows.
Mr. Kohut,
Thank you for the above post. I’ve been saying this stuff for the past couple of weeks. Unless and until there is tax relief and reform of the assessment process the city’s progress will be hobbled. Unless and until a concerted effort is made by City Hall to create jobs that pay a living wage, Bridgeport’s economy will continue to founder. Unless and until the administration of the police department is reformed and community policing and “broken windows” policies are adopted, the residents of Bridgeport’s poorer neighborhoods will continue to suffer and live in fear.
This is Bridgeport, the largest city in the state of Connecticut, situated in the wealthiest county in the United States of America. And yet many of the city’s residents live in grinding poverty. We have one of the highest unemployment rates in the region.
Actually, BPT is #7. Click here, pick the ‘2013 Grand List Year 2015 Fiscal Year’ and sort the data by mil rate, highest to smallest.
www .ct.gov/opm/cwp/view.asp?Q=385976
Hartford 74.29
Waterbury 58.22
New Britain 49.00
Norwich, City of (Paid Fire) (CCD) 45.93
East Hartford 45.40
Manchester – Special 44.44
Bridgeport 42.198
Allow me to add: I took a drive through town today. Massive evidence of arson fires of residential property all over the city–especially the East End and West End.
Why are so many people torching their homes in Bridgeport? Because things are getting “better every day, la, la, la?”
The current administration has produced squat these last eight years. This administration is endorsed by a governor who has produced squat in his six years in office.
Bill Finch is shoveling propaganda BS at us and holding up economic fluff as progress.
Regime change is absolutely necessary at the city and state levels. Let change and reform start here on September 16.
Joe Ganim is the only candidate with the wherewithal to produce necessary change for Bridgeport.
We are in a global economy now. The jobs you are referring to don’t exist for every person in the US. These are real jobs. What is needed is real pay and benefits with these jobs. The Government should have a means test. If these are the jobs people are going to have to take to support a family, then the pay has to reflect that. If it doesn’t, the the Government has to pick up the slack. 40 hours are 40 hours. At the end of the day adults need to pay their bills and take care of a family. How hard is a mailman’s job?
Theaters charge more for adults’ tickets than children’s tickets for the same movie, right? The money the government uses to subsidize welfare recipients should go to businesses to pay for their living wage and benefits. Oh wait, the Government is a business.
BAM, I’m out. For the most part I haven’t read a post that was genuine, bipartisan, or any meaningful opinion on how to solve real problems to real issues facing Bridgeport residents. Some posts do give some good insight although with one eye closed. Most are just angry venting bashing. 🙂
Robert. The “can’t do” mentality in regard to the creation of living-wage jobs assures us we will never have them.
Aim low and achieve low. (Unfortunately, “Aim low. Achieve low. Can’t do.” seems to have replaced “Industria Crescimus”–“by industry, we thrive” as Bridgeport’s motto.)
Come on, Robert! Let’s have some belief in the chance for Bridgeport to become prosperous again–with local, living-wage jobs.
Aim for Bass Pro, and all you will get is Bass Pro. Start thinking like a Bridgeporter, not like a Stamfordite. For us, it’s all about Bridgeport. For the Finch administration, it’s all about keeping Bridgeport down so the Gold Coast can get shinier. He’s working for the down-county folks. Look at who endorsed him.
Get on board with Ganim. His train stop is in Bridgeport, not Stamford.
(Look at our city, Robert. It’s not so pretty in a lot of places if you look past the green signs and the very expensive, very unnecessary special park projects, which we can’t afford with our sky-high property taxes.)
This post is one eye closed and the other one squinting. I think Hartford taxes are higher. Jeff, as a Ganim supporter can you give your insight on why your believe Ganim wouldn’t fleece the city? I mean Bridgeport gave Ernest Newton a second chance and he repeated the same act from what I’ve read. Why do you believe Ganim won’t do it again?
I don’t know you so how can I believe you? I will go where God sends me?
/www .youtube.com/watch?v=WcIXCok9HPg
Jeff will not respond with specifics. It is too hard. He spews his venom for Finch and, like Ganim, avoids toO much specifics that might hold him accountable down the road. Just kicking the can. Right, Jeff?
More jobs. Better-paying jobs. Better benefits. Just don’t ask me to come up with specific jobs or industries. Once Ganim tells me what they are, I’ll tell you.
So Lennie, you said “diminished economic earning power.” Are you say Ganim is only running to make the mighty $$$?
Steve, countless water parks? Does not expand the tax base, BAM! The waterparks are also not countless, they can be counted. BAM! New schools doesn’t mean shit if they are still failing. BAM! And no administration has addressed this, BAM! Also it means instead of kids failing in old schools, they are now failing in new schools BAM! A new train station. That’s good but it replaces vacant land that could be used to expand the tax base. BAM! Reads Art Space and Citi Trust and the Lofts all started under Ganim, BAM! So Fabrizi and Finch just ride Ganim’s coattails, BAM! Oh and Steve, you are a weirdo for arguing with a civil-rights activist in front of city hall, BAM BAM BAM!
BptPorter, you cannot see beyond your ignorant little bubble of putting a convicted felon back in office. You believe 10 years wasn’t enough for you. For the record BptPorter, the civil rights activist and clergy member who felt she should pray every day to Jesus so Joe Ganim becomes mayor is going to be very disappointed, Bam! Your civil rights leader confronted me, I was just letting her vent and any person who has an ounce of belief in their Christian faith would have forgiven Mayor Finch and Adam Wood if she can forgive a man who fucked the city! Bam! That is all I said to her. Her behavior speaks volumes as she is a selfish, self-centered political woman who is not the same woman who walked across the bridge 50 years ago. Did I mention the vulgarity of her daughter? Now that is some serious Christian upbringing. She can support whomever she wants but she had better not hide behind her religiosity. Bam! Waterparks improve the quality of life for area residents and especially the children. It makes an area more inviting to a developer. That brings economic developement. Bam! The City Trust building was started under Fabrizi, who said otherwise? Bam! I believe the Sterling Lofts were supported by then State Senator Bill Finch who delivered the money to the city of Bridgeport. Bam! Giving students new state-of-the-art schools is important in improving their learning environment, morale, as well as also stimulating economic development. Mayor Finch is not responsible for the poor education in our schools. Joe Ganim had the same failing schools and the teachers union loathed him. I suggest you read the article BOE spy dug up. It gives insight to Joe Ganim. BAM! It is easy to feel Ganim is making big bold decisions like putting an illegal police substation as a cover for a headquarters or calling a landlord to close down a convenience store, or running down to Black Rock to threaten a developer with a lawsuit to stop cutting down trees after the investor put $2 million into Bridgeport, followed every rule and planned on planting new trees with landscaping. Showing up at every project to make the residents believe this guy with champagne tastes is one of them and with the help of the clergy they just might believe it. Bam Bam Bam!!!
My point was while Joe Ganim is doing these amazing feats that excite you, Mayor Finch is running the largest city in the State and dealing with developers, residents, big-boy issues while Joe Ganim is dealing with the drama of running his entire campaign.
Btw BptPorter, I understand you believe these parks do not generate tax dollars and therefore you believe they were not a great idea. I have to share the residents of Newfield Park would not agree as they were out in full force enjoying an amazing day. The Mayor was very well received and after the horseshoe tournament the kids seemed very grateful hanging at the waterpark, which was packed! That is the same picture at every waterpark in the city. To belittle these developments does not help any candidate. It has been an awfully hot summer, BptPorter, not all city residents have access to built-in pools like you or myself. I feel as most residents utilizing these parks. Thank G-d the Mayor understands the quality-of-life issues, especially for the underserved and impoverished in our community. If the kids at Trumbull Gardens aren’t grateful to Mayor Finch for the waterpark at Wilbur Cross School, I would be shocked. Columbus School is totally packed and those kids are having the time of their lives and the fields are being enjoyed. Puglio Park is no different, families are truly enjoying this as well as Pleasure Beach, a nice alternative to our Seaside Park! BptPorter, you might want to promote your candidate using positive adjectives. Knocking all of the Mayor’s positives without any of Ganim’s visions for the future of our city. What is his dream for economic development? That is what will bring taxes down as well as jobs. We have a mayor on the cutting edge of green technology. A new train station is going to open up an entire section of this city for major development that will improve the current business climate, stimulate the local economy and add new families to the neighborhood.
No one is blaming Bill Finch for the failing public education system, discriminatory tax assessment and collection methods employed by the city of Bridgeport, the high rates of unemployment and violent crime, etc. No one is blaming Finch for any of that. The job of any mayor, governor, first selectman, president or other high-ranking elected official is to correct the problems he or she inherited upon taking office. Engaging in the “Blame Game” is an exercise for the pessimists. We all ought to be working toward being part of the solution, not perpetuating the problem.
Blaming Joseph P. Ganim, Mary Moran, John Fabrizi or the man on the moon for Bridgeport’s chronic problems does nothing to address them or heal the city’s communal divides. I am critical of Bill Finch for doing little if anything to fix the city’s problems: chronically high unemployment; a school system that is essentially a dropout mill; a tax assessment system that is FUBAR (fucked up beyond all recognition); public housing projects that have become breeding grounds for criminal gangs; etc. and so forth.
None of the candidates running in the Democratic primary have got the right stuff to deliver us from it all. Ganim is a convicted felon who is not well liked by everyone; Bill Finch is a liar; Mary-Jane Foster has a good vision of where the city ought to be going but she’s business-oriented, not as concerned with the little people who may vote for her. Harold Gardner has a myopic agenda; Charlie Coviello is in it to lose. The primary is really going to be more of an opinion poll anyway; all the candidates are putting their names on the general ballot.
Stamford’s boom was because of Greenwich. Think of it like Ganim’s substation. Stamford is a Manhattan substation in my mind. This is not aiming low. How many midgets do you know who play in the NBA? None. And do you know way? Because they can’t physically compete. The wiring in a brain is no different from body, they are the same. Also both can be damaged. This is not leaving some behind, it is adapting to reality. The good and evil is the problem in my opinion. Bridgeport industry went to China. The people who have endorsed Finch have also endorsed Ganim. This is what I see, a person telling me to aim low, and I’m not making an attack on Ganim, you’re asking me to get on his train. He fleeced Bridgeport for millions. Right. Fact. I hear Finch is just as bad as Ganim is or was. We know Ganim fleeced Bridgeport, he said he did. Fro what I read Finch is the same but I guess he’s just smarter than Ganim because he hasn’t gotten caught yet. From what I’ve read, the most qualified person to be mayor is a black dude. Why aren’t you asking me to get on Gardner’s train? If Bridgeport needs State money and Washington money for investment, wouldn’t the person they have endorsed have a better chance for Bridgeport? Name one investment development idea you believe would be right for Bridgeport.
I thought you wrote “BAM I’m out.”
I did.
www .youtube.com/watch?v=UPw-3e_pzqU
BAM, I’m out again. 🙂
Steve, Finch is not responsible for the education of the school? Riiight. Well he sure likes to take the credit, BAM! City Trust and Reads, all that planning started under Ganim, Fabrizi just continued all that. BAM! The daughter hurt your feelings and was vulgar. She is not the pastor, so bam! And you sound very sensitive, BAM! Waterparks improve the quality of life. Yes, and so do lower taxes, BAM! And I see water parks with water running even when they are not being used, what a waste, BAM! And I see homeless people showering in the waterparks. How is that for quality of life? BAM! How about real JOBS for quality of life? BAM! And when citizens try to get information about their taxes such as Fabrizi they can’t even get an honest answer because Finch lacks any transparency, BAM! It’s all about the TAXES and JOBS. TAXES and JOBS. Finch has failed at both. Bridgeport is only getting better every day for people like you who are in the comfort of their pool and under water. Finch is out of touch with the realities of Bridgeport living. TAXES and REAL JOBS. That’s what we need.
Let’s take a look at some of the other people working for Joe:
• Rep. Christina Ayala, who lost her re-election bid last year and will go on trial in September on election fraud charges. “I don’t see my support hurting him,” Ayala said. “I think my constituency has gotten to know Christina the person rather than Christina the politician who has received so much negative press.” As opposed to the obnoxious chica who has gotten into drunken bar brawls.
• Richard Paoletto, who in February retired from his municipal job and resigned from the City Council amid a sexual harassment probe.
• Ernest E. Newton II, who was elected to both the City Council and the state legislature, went to federal prison on mail fraud, bribery and tax-evasion charges while a state senator.
• Lydia Martinez, Finch’s choice for city clerk, has gotten in trouble with state officials in the past for absentee ballot abuses.
• David Papandrea, who has a reputation in the Senate of being an “enforcer” for Democratic leadership. (I guess Steven Auerbach was too busy verbally accosting elderly women to apply for the job.)
Bridgeport Kid,
Derek Brown, it seems to me you are supporting Mary-Jane Foster.
Very good summary of the political operatives. I didn’t know there was a job for enforcing Democratic leadership. I do not see my self as political. 🙂
Do you think the clergy, like Mary McBride, will pray to Jesus daily to intercede and make other candidates fail and make the convicted felon the leader of our city? Do you think the clergy believes waterparks are a bad thing?
Derek Brown,
Do you think waterparks are a bad thing? We agree they do not generate tax revenues but there is the bigger picture, no?
The Big Picture is all fine and good. Unless and until the immediate problems are addressed, nothing will be possible.
You have a habit of changing the subject, avoiding the point(s) anyone else is trying to make.
We live in a nation that protects the right of freedom of speech, freedom of religion. Reverend McBride-Lee is well within her legal rights to hold public office, as are the Bridgeport municipal employees who rubberstamp the mayor’s directives. The political process in Bridgeport is flawed all the way around.
Whichever candidate for mayor I decide to support is MY business. I have a right to make my own decision. You are entitled to not agree with it. But I don’t care to be mocked by anyone for making thoughtful intelligent decisions. Tone down your rhetoric, Steve. Just a couple of notches. You come across like a bully.
Bridgeport Kid, Derek Brown,
You made my day. I am laughing my ass off! I am the bully! I think it is clear I have endured the most assaults for believing in the future of the city and supporting Mayor Finch. I totally believe in the Freedom of speech and believe Mary McBride has every right in America to run for office. I believe politics and religion do not mix. With all the ills in this city and the world, if Mary McBride feels praying to Jesus for Joe to be elected, I say go for it. I do not pray to Jesus and I have no idea what prayers he answers. By all means, if she believes Joe Ganim is the savior, then who am I to judge. I have friends working on every campaign in this city. I appreciate your decision to keep your choice to yourself. Most people feel the same way. Talking about waterparks and Starbucks really is a waste of time. I suppose for a young person it is a big deal to have that job. Any job is a big deal. A playground and a waterpark is only a big deal to those who are confined by the city borders and need an inviting place to play.
Thank you for your dry wit.
Bob Walsh: Take a breath, gird up your attention span, and take a look at all the attention-taxing specifics that were posted for you in the previous article “Ganim’s Barnumesque Bridgeport.” That is just the tip of the iceberg of what Joe has planned/is working out.
I know it is very disheartening and frustrating to see the rival team gaining by leaps and bounds, but it will strengthen your character if you try to deal with it–without spewing venom.
Get on board. There might be a use for your criticism in the new administration (as a volunteer, of course).
Jeff–your “Ganim’s Barnumesque Bridgeport” story is full of holes. You said Barnum built BPT. That is not true. PT was mayor of BPT from 1875–1876 at the age of 65. PT did not even come to BPT until he was 40 (1850). Remington and UMC opened in BPT in 1867, eight years before Barnum was mayor. Bridgeport was already a bustling factory town long before PT came.
PT made a lot of money from BPT. His scam/plan was to build a mansion in town. Then built mansions nearby and sell them at a hefty profit. People paid a premium to live near the famous PT Barnum. PT would then move and start the plan again. Hence, the four PT mansions and PT-built neighborhoods in town.
“I have no desire to be considered much of a philanthropist … if by improving and beautifying our city Bridgeport, Connecticut, and adding to the pleasure and prosperity of my neighbors, I can do so at a profit, the incentive to ‘good works’ will be twice as strong as if it were otherwise.”
Ganim was certainly trying to improve and beautify our city Bridgeport, Connecticut, at a profit.