In 1989 Keith Commerford shot and killed UB student Lenny Massa who was trying to stop Commerford after he wounded another at a fraternity party. On New Year’s Day Commerford took another life, according to police, when he crashed his van into the vehicle driven by Bridgeport lawyer Peter Tsimbidaros. Commerford was charged with manslaughter for a second time.

Police say Commerford was driving the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol/drugs. Commerford had been driving erratically in Bridgeport on New Year’s Day which led to at least one other accident prior to the crash in Black Rock at Fairfield Avenue and Ellsworth Street.
Commerford, who has an extensive criminal history, is detained on a $500,000 bond. He’s scheduled to appear in court on Monday.
News 12’s Frank Recchia interviewed Massa’s best friend Andrew Fidelman. See interview above.
“Grateful he will be off the streets and back in prison where he belongs,” said Fidelman. “This is the second time he killed an innocent person, and hopefully justice will be served. In 1989, he shot and killed my best friend, Lennie Massa, in Bridgeport Connecticut, and his latest crime brought back the pain and anguish suffered at his hands 31 years ago.”
Why was he released that day??????
Good question.
AJ do you have a good answer???
Or should I be asking Scott???
What is with Scott Appleby??
Again n another story in the CT Post and the first person quoted is Scott.
Lennie do you know what’s going on?
It seems like Scott is in charge of BOD and that ain’t right.
Troll, Appleby’s duties, in addition to emergency management, now also include serving as public information spokesperson for public safety.
When you use the phrase “public information spokesperson for public safety”, is this the same phrase for a position that has been held by Terron Jones? If both people are still part of the broadly public safety organization, can you comment on their respective duties or responsibilities? When did such change occur? Are any changes due to one or more “consulting” gigs paid for by the City in the past couple years? Time will tell.
Should be BPD
After the UB incident, that creature should have had his time spoken for by the CDC for the 100 following years… He was an adult that killed and injured by wanton violence in an inexcusable context. He should have been in prison on New Years Day, 2020, not driving around drunk/stoned… The legal system in this state is upside down and inside out… The really scary thing here — beyond the horrible tragedy of a nice, innocent person’s untimely, violent death — is that there are thousands of other “Commerfords” out there who would be safely contained in prison except for the unwillingness of the state to apportion and use its resources wisely, with respect to spending on crime and safety in our state… Sure the prison population in the state is at low levels, but there are thousands of “Commerfords” out there poised to do impulsive, stupid, violent things against us in unpredictable, unpreventable (now that they’re out on the streets, unsupervised, again) ways…
The State of Connecticut needs to bear some responsibility for this situation… Prison sentencing and release statute/guidelines need to be reviewed by the GA in the context of this and other cases with similarities/parallels…
This SOB should have not only rotted in jail for Lenny’s killing, but he should have been raped, tortured, and left for dead in some dark black hole in that prison all those years ago. I was there that night when Jimmy was shot at the door, and everybody went after this SOB. This guy should have never seen the light of freedom after being convicted on Lenny’s death. I hope they not only throw the book at this schmuck, but lose the key to his cell, and his roommate Big Bubba. I lost my sister 13 years ago to a Drunk Driver, and people like him should never be set free. I hope Lenny’s looking down at us, with his guitar, and playing with all the greats we’ve lost over the years. Miss ya Lenny…
Is it money, white privilege or just a broken justice dept. gone too liberal due to budget restraints?