Addressing more than 100 supporters both old and new at her Downtown campaign headquarters Wednesday night, Mary-Jane Foster kicked off a five-week compressed general election cycle one day after an endorsement from Mayor Bill Finch declaring “this is the most important election” in city history as she hopes to build an infrastructure of support to derail Democratic nominee Joe Ganim’s historic comeback train.
This bizarre, surreal 2015 mayoral election that not only has statewide attention but also garnering national news, is historic in so many ways. Finch became the city’s first incumbent mayor to be knocked off in a primary, Ganim is seeking historic redemption following his 2003 conviction on corruption charges and Foster is trying to become a historic woman running as a petitioning candidate. Bridgeport’s 52 mayors have all been males, except for Mary Moran who won the mayoralty in 1989 running as a Republican. She was defeated by 32-year-old Democrat Joe Ganim two years later.

Political activist Carmen Colon who had supported Finch but has had a long-term friendship with Foster told the crowd in Foster “We have someone who will protect our children.” The crowd cheered as Colon urged them to elect a woman to the mayoralty.
Former school board president Max Medina warmed up the crowd thanking Finch for “a moment in statesmanship this city has rarely seen.”

The mayor appeared in good spirits considering a tragic two-week meltdown in which he lost the Democratic primary to Ganim and then received word his political operatives had failed to meet a filing deadline for him to appear on the Job Creation party designation line in case of a primary loss.
This campaign has had many whiplash moments. Foster, who finished third in the primary, had announced her exit from the race and then reversed field when she learned Finch had no ballot spot, reemerging as a petitioning candidate to take on Ganim. Finch endorsed Foster Tuesday afternoon.
Wednesday evening was devoted to whipping up support and Finch once again urged the crowd to “Work like hell to elect Mary-Jane Foster.”
In the cynical world of city politics, Ganim political operatives as well as Republican nominee Enrique Torres have speculated about what deal was cut for Finch to support Foster. Finch and Foster scoffed at the notion. Finch said he asked for nothing other than Foster embracing his green technology initiatives and continue progress at the Steel Point redevelopment area of the East Side. Foster added the city has suffered far too long from poor political deal making.
Foster told the crowd “I learned never to lie and never make a promise you cannot keep” urging them to help her bring a victory home.
Foster’s veracity reference may well have been a contrast to Ganim at whose sentencing Judge Janet Arterton announced in court Ganim had lied under oath during his 2003 trial. As a result she enhanced his federal sentencing.
More coverage from CT Post here.
Sounds to my jaded ears as though Mr. Bill is going to have a job with the Foster administration if there is one. He has been selling out the mayor’s office for campaign cash. Several of The Machine’s star ballot manipulators worked his losing primary effort; one does not have to wonder if they’ll be performing the same “magic” for the Foster effort. So it looks as though Ms. Foster is also a sellout.
That puts her up against Rick Torres, the only viable candidate who is honest; and Joe Ganim, a crook who lied on the witness stand at his own criminal trial. Imagine that, an officer of the court committing perjury, a shameless violation of the oath he swore to uphold the law.
Unless David Daniels, Tony Barr, Charles Coviello or Chris Taylor miraculously comes to the fore, this election is going to be a match between Ganim and Torres. The latter is the better man.
So you are saying black and Hispanic voters in Bridgeport will vote for Rick Torres? Why?
He is not beholden to the machine. Why wouldn’t they vote for him? You’re writing him off and you have yet to meet the man, hear what he has to say. All you’ve done is make a ham-fisted attempt to portray him as a racist. Rush Limbaugh? Get real, dude. You must be working for The Crook.
The Bridgeport kid–then start pushing Torres!!!
Lennie’s description is great. It was electric, again–just like the day before at the Finch announcement.
This crowd was loose, happy, excited, smiling–and eager. Volunteers signed up to work this weekend in the face of an oncoming storm (a real one mind you, not a metaphor for the opposition!). Whatever you might think the “deal” is, Bill Finch looks five or ten years younger and MJF is way energized, too.
I saw Joe Ganim pooh-poohed this new MJF candidacy in an interview today with Mark Pazniokas of Connecticut Mirror.
“She is nobody in nowhere land, really,” Ganim said, according to this report. “She drops out. Finch is rejected by the voters. I don’t know necessarily that two losers necessarily [sic] make a winner under any formula.”
[“It’s Foster, Finch and a fusion campaign in Bridgeport”]
Joe is about to find out after running a campaign that has so far been frustratingly difficult to beat, he’s now badly miscalculating. MJF and Bill Finch were defeated on Primary Day. Sorry, Joe–that doesn’t make them “losers,” which is a harsh judgement illustrating what I’m beginning to hypothesize is a mean and vindictive streak in Joe Ganim.
If MJF is “nobody in nowhere land,” she has an amazing amount of highly spirited company there. Look at all the photos accompanying this post. If this is “nobody in nowhere land,” I’m cool with that. Bring me here more often, okay? It’s actually quite a party here in JG’s supposed land of exile.
So JG’s judgement is I’m backing a loser candidate and her loser predecessor. Here’s my own judgement: There’s enough time. There’s enough energy. There’s enough boots on the ground. There’s enough talent. There’s enough brainpower. There’s enough insight into developing an attractive policy platform. There’s enough gumption. There’s enough heart. There are enough people who never thought they’d be in the same room with some other people again. There’s enough passion. There will be enough money. It’s very positive.
This race is on. #WatchOutGanim.
“Nuthin’ from nuthin’ leaves nuthin’, you gotta have somthin’ if you wanna have my vote,” sung to Billy Preston’s tune.
Look at the grip Colon has on Foster. Symbolizes how it’s going to be?
In 50 of the last 58 years the Dems have RUINED this GREAT CITY!!!
At 6:15 the CT Post put up a article saying Foster had a major announcement and quoted her as saying you will have to be there to hear it.
There was no major announcement, just the actress trying to get the press to give her a spotlight. She does do begging well, I must say.
LOL at Finch texting instead of listening to whatever Ms. Foster was saying, oh yeah, he’s into this … not.
I couldn’t help noticing how vanilla the crowd was. Where’s the diversity that makes up our City? I have a feeling they’re busy getting back together to support Joe. Unless you know the intricacies of Bridgeport and the people who make it happen, you’re done. Can you imagine the concession speech on Nov. 3rd? MJF and Finch, together again in defeat. How sweet!!!
Lisa Parziale–pray tell why you would make a racist statement like this? Just by looking at the photo, it appears there was a diverse crowd of all races, not just “vanilla” which is a slur against whites. And one cannot help but wonder how you ran with Mr. Ganim but yet couldn’t muster up enough votes to get yourself elected.
Lisa has become a Moses for another’s people. Lisa, do you need to be reminded you supported Foster four years ago? Even the minority community knows Ganim brings them out only when there is press. Do you think Ganim brings his peeps home to Easton? As a white person, I have no problem hanging out with a few crackers every now and then when I am not hanging with my peeps at Trumbull Gardens repairing fences. You get my drift?!
Personally, I am sorry I missed that event but I was at a fundraiser for my Council woman Michelle Lyons. It was a very well attended event and her speech came from the heart. Tom McCarthy made a great MC as well as her husband Tom Lyons. A very nice event with many Ganim and Foster/Finch supporters enjoying the evening!
Congratulations to Michelle who was cross-endorsed by the Republican party in a very eloquent speech by Michael Garrett.
I know Mary-Jane Foster would have loved to have been there but she and Jack were holding an exciting rally to kick off her campaign. I heard it was an exciting event and Mary-Jane was on fire and the Mayor gave a motivational speech. Sorry I missed the event but I could not possibly miss Michelle’s function. The North End is lucky to have two wonderful ladies taking care of business. Michelle Lyons and AmyMarie Paniccia.
Has Tom had his going away party yet? Missed that one.
Godiva, I think you should think about where you want to be in this campaign. You don’t have the juice to contribute to any campaign. I hear it’s easy to collect unemployment these days.
Lisa–I’m merely a spectator, I don’t have a horse in this race, so the outcome doesn’t affect me one iota. Unemployment? I wouldn’t know, it doesn’t apply to me now nor will it ever. I didn’t care for your “vanilla” comment and that’s my prerogative. As far as you not winning your election, it just seemed odd to me that you, as an avid Ganim supporter, did not ride in on his coattails.
People know her too well!!!
Ganim’s people supported Brantley and Olson over Halstead and Parziale. Politics is a bitch, no?
Godiva, you wouldn’t understand politics if you tried. The D party has kept you around out of pity. I strongly advise you not to play where you can’t. Your luck could run out at any time and you will be collecting unemployment. I don’t think you’re independently wealthy or you wouldn’t be working for as long as you have, having to kiss Finch’s ass. Remember, there are no secrets in politics and no secrets on OIB; even for the few who hide behind monikers.
I’m a white guy and use the term “vanilla” to describe my peeps. It’s not a derogatory term like “cracker” or “honky.”
BK, the term wasn’t racist but it was certainly divisive and used to demonstrate Mary-Jane lacked black support. That’s just a damned shame it was used to inflame racial animosity. That statement is beyond the pale of decency and again, a damned shame.
I think “political correctness” is just so much bovine fecal matter. Using the word “vanilla” to describe white folks is inoffensive but some may not like hearing it. As if vernacular terms referring to different races do not exist or to even say “white” or “black” is somehow offensive. Terms like “cracker,” “honky” and “peckerwood” are just as offensive as other English-language vernacular terms for people of Asian, African or Hispanic descent.
Thank you, Kid. Just as an aside, some of our peeps don’t have a clue what that expression means. If I stood in front of that gathering last night and shouted vanilla, they’d ask me how many scoops.
Bridgeport Kid, are you really a white guy? I envision you as having a little bit of both a Latin flavor maybe sprinkled with some Anglo. Not that that should matter unless you or a relative were running for office or something.
Bridgeport Kid–I just didn’t care for the choice of words as it pertained to Ms. Foster’s supporters. Just my opinion.
OMG, now you’re getting ready to kiss MJF’s ass. If you’re suddenly so protective of her, why didn’t you support her instead of Finch.
Wait until you see crowd at Rick Torres’ event, Rick would love to have a crowd of vanilla instead of the almost all-white crowd he’ll have there.
The plan was and is to get JOE GANIM ELECTED, everyone who ran knew this from the beginning did a GREAT job winning/losing. They understood with JOE GANIM we all win.
As I remember it, the only reason Joe SEEMED to do a good job was because of a REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR!!! The Bluefish stadium was built because a company DID NOT WANT TO COME TO BRIDGEPORT!!!
That is factual, disgraced convicted Republic Governor John Rowland and Joe Ganim were pals. He was supportive of Ganim’s aspirations for Governor. Oh the memories of what could have been. Even I was hopeful of a Bridgeport Mayor becoming Governor.
Let’s be realistic, they truly don’t care, they want the power to in control. They could care less about the citizens of this city. It’s all about them and moving up the political ladder. It’s all BULLSHIT! They’ll tell you what you want to hear! In four years we’ll be hearing the same story. We need someone who cares. Who’s lived here most of their life, who’s child attends or has attended the school system. Where did Torres’ child attend school? Or any other Mayor. Do they stay in the city after being Mayor? They use us and the City for their personal gain and then move on. And we the residents stay here and keep making the same mistake over and over again. We need to fight for this City, our children and our future, but we’ve became passive and complacent. We the residents of this City deserve better! But who is out there running for Mayor who truly cares?
Torres’ kids graduated from St. Ann’s school in Black Rock. One of his sons now teaches at a Bridgeport Public high school, one son works for an insurance company in Black Rock and one son works for a graphic design firm in Black Rock. One daughter is in Colorado and one in college in the Midwest.
Torres grew up in Bridgeport, and returned to Bridgeport after college. He is not leaving, is vested and invested in Bridgeport–he really cares–and his kids are here because they have lived their father’s passion for this city.
Torres truly cares about the people of the city of Bridgeport. He grew up here, in the ‘hood. Put himself through university and now owns a successful business. He didn’t have anything, literally rebuilt the business from scratch. As JB said, he raised his family here, instilled good values and morals in them. The youngest just shipped off to college. The older ones all have degrees.
Mr. Torres knows the importance of education, unlike Bill Finch, Mary-Jane Foster and Joe Ganim. Public education is not a priority for them. Bill Finch’s attitude has been “Let them have a water slide!”, raising taxes and creating jobs for out-of-town union members.
BK, you are right! Ask MJF where the FOR SALE sign on her home is!!!
Lisa, the crowd wasn’t as vanilla as you may think. I was there, so were a lot of other blacks. Met two beautiful young ladies, Elaina and Mary who appreciate my perspective on issues on OIB. Who knew I had a following?
Lisa, I know you aren’t trying to play the race card. It’s just as despicable as Finch when he tried to play it against Joe. Thank you for your concern, but we got this.
Donald, you always had a fan club, and I’m still your biggest cheerleader. I mean that, this is just another election, I’ve been through hundreds, and after it’s over, I’ll still be your fan regardless of the outcome.
Whatever you might think the “deal” is, Bill Finch looks five or ten years younger according to Mr. Davidoff.
You don’t go from defcon 5 meltdown to looking 5 to 10 years younger without a deal. Few years back there was a Bpt school superintendent who had his time remaining waived and got his pension and medical. Finch looks like a man who is getting something out of this lovefest with MJF.
Nothing comes for free and he isn’t embarrassing himself backing a women who trashed him for four years.
I heard Mayor Finch wanted the same million dollar insurance policy Ganim got that sent a friend to jail. But that was just a rumor. Then I heard he requested a city car, a city credit card, a position in economic development keeping his salary and a six-week vacation in Hawaii, first class all-inclusive for his entire family, including airfare, three meals a day The Presidential suite at the Comeon Iwanna laya Hotel. Airfare and limousine included. But alas, that was just a rumor. What kind of deal could Bill Finch get? Hmmm, hmmmmmm, hmmmmmmmmm … I give up!
I suppose stating in public Stafstrom asked for my endorsement but has not earned it, then sending the ringing endorsement letter days later is not a lie, just “changing” one’s mind. Endorse whom you want, just have the courtesy to not forget to tell your public you have changed your mind. Ripping Finch to shreds for years then going on a radio program and using words like admire about Finch is not a lie, just “changing” her mind now. Or perhaps I have the wrong definition of the word lie.
Jennifer, it’s called politics. Jennifer, I said this earlier. Ronald Reagan didn’t get mad at George Bush 41 during the 1979 Republican primary for president when Bush called Reaganomics voodoo economics, in fact Reagan made him his vice president.
I understand it is politics. The I do not lie statement does not pass the Bologna meter test in my opinion. Perhaps it is time we stopped saying it is just politics and start holding candidates responsible for their words and actions. Yes, including my candidate.
So, if we lie to the government it’s a felony, but if candidates lie to us it’s just politics?
Reagan was FORCED to make Bush VP!!!
There are currently no fewer than nine Foster signs on the Stafstrom property on Brooklawn, but of course there is no connection.
Here’s the Foster/Finch deal, you heard it first on OIB!
My city spies (Deep Ears, Nose and Throat) are reporting Bill Finch and Paul Timpanelli will head up the new Tri-City Water Pollution Control Authority!
This deal was consummated at the BRBC HQ prior to the Finch/Foster announcement.
That would explain why Adam Wood is jumping ship. Good ole Bill got a job for himself and the hell with everyone else. The next few weeks should be fun.
If Adam jumped ship, where would he go?
While he is conspicuously absent from Tuesday or Wednesday’s events.
Hector, Adam Wood was most definitely at the BRBC for the Foster/Finch Fusion movement. I know, I saw and I spoke to him. Furthermore, Adam Wood and Bill Finch are friends. I always thought he would be running the Clinton campaign.
Why would anyone think Adam Wood jumped ship? Does it make for good blogging bullshit? Hector, you of all people have a problem with liars. You don’t want to join the club.
Okay, and?
Sonny, please take your meds.
Cracking the Ganim code. What Joe Ganim calls “nobody in nowhere land” might end up in the winner’s circle on November 4th and that’s a coveted piece of real estate.
That’s good, Paul! The election is on November 3rd. What they’ll do on the 4th will be “nowhere land!”
Check it out.
Your math doesn’t add up to winner’s circle 33 days out.
You’ve got a flat tire. I’m not talking about mathematics, I’m talking about outcomes and November 4th’s outcome is the one that matters!
Check it out.
It’s November 3!!!
Timpanelli saving Finch’s sorry ass has been rumored for most of Finch’s reign of terror, great job Mr. Fox in unearthing the deal.
So Finch is set for life in a job he finally can’t be fired from like the rest of his six private-sector jobs, good for him but bad for his loyal soldiers who have been thrown to the wolves but more than likely saved by MJF if she pulls off the miracle.
Dead Wood’s history to be replaced by Carmen Colon?
The rest of the soldiers stay in place including Sherwood?
A vote for Foster is a vote for Finch, this is more evident than ever now.
Mr. Fox,
Is the Tri-City WPCA a private or City job?
WPCA was privatized at one point If I remember correctly but the workers still drove city vehicles, I could be wrong though.
If it is a city job, then there is the Finch pension saver, right?
I believe it will be an Authority, just like the Clarion Water Company is now. The good people of Bridgeport will be hit with a user’s fee just like the other towns.
The Tri-City WPCA should have a Board of Directors, people from each town. Executive Director ex-Mayor Bill Finch, Engineering, Finance and Operation departments.
Upgrade to our two old systems will be in the Billion of dollars range just to handle the flow of more than 40 million GPD plus storm surge from the other towns. Bridgeport has to replace its WPCA system and over-port system that lets sewage flow to Long Island Sound during a storm.
I’m sure Bill Finch will be very busy for the next two years, that’s if Foster gets in.
Hasn’t Finch been fighting with Trumbull’s Herbst over all that? If Herbst wins his election that would be Bpt BOE-worthy fights, no?
To clarify, MJF no doubt could only offer to promote the Finch initiatives she believes are good. So who would go to Malloy to cut a deal for Finch to step down and support Foster? I say Uncle John Stafstrom, because only Malloy could guarantee Finch a job for the next three years. Leaving no fingerprints on Foster.
Jennifer, honestly, the stories created on this blog and the super sleuths.
Donald, I’m sorry if I offended you, I was referring to my race and it had nothing to do with creating animosity. I would hope after all these years you’d know that.
I’m going to Timothy’s for a Hot Fudge Sundae with vanilla and chocolate ice cream.
Whipped Cream, Nuts and a Cherry!
G R, you can hold the line on the nuts!
Grin, save a little Oreo ice cream for me. Maybe some peanut butter too!
Word of advice to MJF. Do you homework before you start to let some of these people get close to you. Do you really know Carmen Colon? “Besides being the girlfriend of Ayala?”
Little inside info, do some research with the BPD on how many complaints of harassment and intimidation her and her family have been involved in.
Specially against people who exposed her and her boyfriend “ex-state senator Ayala” and their lies about where he actually lived.
MJF, do a little research on how Carmen Colon makes money and what she really does. That’s the same Colon who was screaming on live TV “Fpur more years” next to Finch. Now she’s latched on to you (MJF) because if Ganim wins most of her lies will be exposed. I’m sure that is the case with many people of Finch administration.
If you thought Ganim was corrupt, hold on to your seat when the Finch administration is exposed. Pretty soon we will see Carmen Colon working at your nearest DMV branch.
“Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.”
The Ganim and Torres diatribe on this blog is getting shameful. Ganim’s statement MJF “is nobody, in nowhere land,” however, takes the cake. She’ll outmatch her last 25 years against your last 25, Joe. And to assume Mary-Jane’s acceptance of an endorsement from an eight-year incumbent mayor is a “sellout,” Rick, puts you into the same cynical, name-calling mode as the Ganim supporters on this blog–the facts be damned.
OMG, Joe has been called every derogatory name in the book, tarred and feathered, and hung on the cross; he makes one benign comment regarding his opponent and all hell breaks loose. Grow some skin people, the best is yet to come!
The best yet to come is seeing Joe Ganim sent packing by the people of the city of Bridgeport.
You don’t understand the complexities of politics. What you may see is what was intended for you to see. Don’t try to figure it out, you can’t. Do you really think I lost a Council race? I was out before I was in and everyone wondered where I was. I’ll tell you where I was, I was working my butt off for Joe, and the result of that work is evident. Oh pity you who underestimate me. I had no intention of going back to kindergarten. Just wanted the CC candidates to work hard for their seats, and maybe this time they will realize the importance of the job they busted their asses for.
The complexities of Bridgeport politics is simple. “DO IT TO OTHERS, BEFORE THEY DO IT UNTO
YOU!!!” The DemocRATS don’t give a DAMN about the people of Bridgeport!!! NO JOBS, HIGH TAXES. 183 of 184 IN EDUCATION, A FILTHY/DIRTY CITY, HORRIBLE ROADS–and on and on and on!!!
When Finch was on the council, his head was sooo far up Ganim’s ass, the only time Finch could breath was
when Joe talked!!!
I understand plenty, Lisa. I understand many people who should know better are supporting a crook who lied on the witness stand at his own trial and was denied his law license because he is a liar.
What’s in it for you if he wins, Lisa? Custom-tailored shirts are for men. A few pairs of Louis Vuitton shoes in your future?
That sounds like game playing, Lisa. I think you’re above that, but it does hit the chord of what I see in Ganim’s very well executed publicity tour. They are very crafty. Crafty is smart, but not necessarily true or honest.
Lisa, your attacks on Foster have opened a can of worms. Foster supporters have been extremely low key on Ganim attacks. I heard your own party supported Evette and Olson. How is that for payback? I guess in Bridgeport everyone is looking for a deal. How do two of Ganim’s strongest supporters lose an election where he won??? How does that work?
SA, you’d never understand.
I never cease to be amazed by how much commentators claim to know and how little they actually know.
Phil, exactly the point I just made. Fringe wannabe politicians believe everything they hear and see. To quote you, “how little they actually know.”
I completely agree. Sad and a real damned shame.
*** Mary-Jane, surround yourself with CT movers & shakers, not political seekers and deadbeats who are looking for something and have nothing to offer you or this city! Move away from the same old song & dance seekers who never give other interested citizens a chance to get involved in city issues. Change can be good if the air is fresh and the ideas transparent so the voice of the people can be heard from time to time, no? *** WHOOP! ***
Mojo, that was a very excellent post! I agree 100 percent. Should be implemented immediately and the outcome will be favorable.
It is real sad about the political NATURE of Bridgeport!!! More than half the voters are either too IGNORANT or don’t give a DAMN, while many of the city workers live out of town!!! Many vote because of the little “d” after their name.
When people do NOT care how high their taxes are, or how poorly educated their children are–it doesn’t matter any more!!!
You can’t change things for the better when you keep voting for the same losers over and over again!!! I am glad I moved out of Bridgeport years ago. I can see nothing has really changed!!! The DemocRAT political class fighting over the big salaries, while the citizens get screwed!!! And if you read all the comments, you will see I am RIGHT!!!
Right you are.