From Mayor Finch:
Mayor Bill Finch and Governor Dannel Malloy’s Undersecretary for Criminal Justice Michael Lawlor, working together with state and federal law enforcement representatives, will host a public forum on June 5 at 9:30 a.m. at Kolbe Cathedral High School to strategize solutions to the recent uptick in gun violence in the City. A second forum will be held on June 26 at 6 p.m at Housatonic Community College.
“One death is one too many,” said Mayor Bill Finch. “Last month’s shooting that involved an innocent young child caught in the crossfire crossed the line. We know it’s a small nucleus of people–bad actors, if you will–who are at the root of most of this gun violence, and most of them are using illegal guns. Our police department is working hard to build its cases against them, but we need help from prosecutors to keep them locked up and off the street.”
The forums will bring together representatives from nonprofit organizations, health care providers, education, afterschool providers, clergy, business community, neighborhood representatives, community members and those whose lives have been touched by violence.
Both events are open to the public.
*** Save money and lives in the long run by funding a kitty, used to pay out (once arrested) rewards to residents with vital info. on crimes, etc. Tell the Po-Po something good and juicy that will help take a bite out of crime and “win a prize!” We don’t need more P/D OT in the parks or downtown doing traffic; we need a community P/D walking the beat; meeting, greeting and being able to recognize the good from the bad in our neighborhoods. *** No More Band-aids On Bullet Wounds! ***
“we need a community PD walking the beat […] and being able to recognize the good from the bad in our neighborhoods.”
I witnessed a police officer follow someone from the neighborhood right into their driveway … all because he allowed him (the officer) the right of way … only to find he is a law-abiding citizen … The officer just chuckled and said you are fine … and got into his patrol car and left.
This meeting is going to go like the rest of them. There will be the usual plea from the PD “we need your help.” Chief Gaudett will start his tap-dancing routine and say nothing.
I have been to many of these public seminars and they produce nothing. We still have too few patrol officers on the street. We ask a small cadre of overworked street cops to cover this city of 140,000. Remember Gaudett stated there are 21 street cops per shift. That is pure bullshit.
I have a few suggestions for the chief and his brain trust who as of today have failed us.
1. Start calling in the people who are on extended sick or injury leave and send them to a doctor for evaluation and a potential return to work. Those who cannot return to patrol duty should be pensioned off or fired, their choice.
2. Get rid of a lot of these police jobs that are not patrol related such as the horses and their riders, ATV patrols and if they are still around Segways and bicycles. Put these people in the street on patrol.
3. Have sgts answering their own calls; after all they really don’t do much.
4. Police working inside should be put on patrol and if they can’t work then pension them off. Enough of the promises with community policing and the Sett unit it does not work.
5. When was the last time the narcotics unit made a major bust on their own? Please don’t cite stats, it’s easy to pinch the street-corner junkie to build up stats.
What kind of case are you building against a person with an illegal firearm? Please it’s not rocket science.
Have you noticed the politicians and the leaders of the PD like to blame the residents of Bridgeport and the courts for what is happening?
I believe it’s the fault of the management team in the PD.
Hello, Mayor Moonbeam. Just noticed an uptick in deaths across the city??? Good for you–a year or two or three or four late is better than nothing I suppose. Instead of calling another bullshit community meeting, why not a) ask the police to develop a program to eradicate the totally well known participants and hold the police accountable for results and b) call the state and feds for help? Stop pretending this stuff is random and not a resurgence of gangs—every moron in town has known that for years now.
What about the next police class? We were given funds for two classes–one has graduated but the other has not started–we need more police patrols–and we have the funds for another class–when is the start date for the next group of officers? What’s going on with this program?
Ask Tom Sherwood where the money is. Probably in that famous drawer where he tucks all the money he thinks he can move around at will.
Holding hands is apparently the latest in crime-fighting techniques.
*** They’re better off covering their eyes, ears and mouth instead, no? *** HERE WE GO! ***
Does anyone know what the police commission does besides saying yes?