The final two debates before the September 16 Democratic primary will take place Thursday morning at 8 at Housatonic Community College hosted by the Bridgeport Regional Business Council and Thursday night at Mount Aery Baptist Church, 73 Frank Street, from 7 to 9 p.m. organized by Congregations Organized for a New Connecticut.
The Housatonic forum will be in Beacon Hall Events Center, 900 Lafayette Boulevard.
Wednesday morning Joe Ganim and Mary-Jane Foster participated in a mayoral forum hosted by News 12 Connecticut News Director Tom Appleby. Mayor Bill Finch did not attend. Last week Ganim and Foster did not participate at a forum at Cathedral of Praise in the South End hosted by the faith-based group FaithActs for Education. Campaign operatives for Ganim and Foster had concerns the forum sponsor with members supportive of charter schools was teed up for Finch who backs them.
According to a news release for the Mount Aery forum, more than 300 CONECT clergy lay leaders and guests will “press for a series of changes and reforms to the Police Department, a continued commitment to its campaign against gun violence … and redoubled effort to fund the Bridgeport schools.”
Co-chair of CONECT Rev. Anthony Bennett, pastor of Mount Aery Baptist Church and Rev. Bernadette Hickman-Maynard, co-pastor of Bethel AME Church, will co-chair the forum assembly.
The FaithActs forum was not “teed up” for Finch. He had a few supporters there but that didn’t matter. Most of the other participants presented solid, practical no-nonsense plans to reform the school system (Tony Barr, who came off as an angry man with a Cadillac-sized chip on his shoulder, was the other exception). Bill Finch boasted of building a water park to keep the local street urchins from opening fire hydrants on hot days.
The Bridgeport Police Department is in need of reform. Under Bill Finch it has been treated as the palace guard, used to intimidate those who would have the temerity to disagree with Hizzoner da mayor. Under Joseph Gaudett’s leadership and Finch’s financial ineptitude the force has dwindled and now stands more than one hundred officers below effective staffing levels.
The Finch administration is only paying lip service to gun violence. The “buyback” program only removes ancient rusting hunting rifles from the attics of suburbia. Bridgeport’s criminal classes are not going to find Jesus, repent their sins and trade in a Glock 9mm semiautomatic pistol for a measly $200. They can make more money in three minutes using the gun to rob a bodega or a liquor store. Possession of a gun means empowerment.
Bill Finch can brag about “pending” development projects until the cows come home, can boast about a water park until he’s wrinkled from the chlorinated water, can talk about pre-K and charter schools until the University of Bridgeport bestows an honorary degree. The fact of the matter is it’s all for show. Bill Finch is only interested in job security. The best interests of the people of the city of Bridgeport is not on his personal agenda.
At one time Finch was employed by UB. He was fired because he rarely showed up for work. Since them he has railed and ranted that the Unification Church, which owns UB, is an evil religious cult. Expect him to say the same thing about the people of the city of Bridgeport after we bounce him from City Hall.
Wednesday morning Joe Ganim and Mary-Jane Foster participated in a mayoral forum hosted by News 12 Connecticut News Director Tom Appleby. Mayor Bill Finch did not attend. WOW!!! Mayor Finch had a chance to let the Bridgeport voters to see for themselves how he comes off as the mayor against his challengers and he’s a no show, wow, he knows he’s losing.
Mr. Finch doesn’t do well when confronted by his shortcomings.
News 12, Ron? More people would hear you if you screamed out the window. The only people who still have cablevision are those who like to overpay for crappy service. For God’s sake, man–ATT/Frontier.
All one has to do is to drive by the school and see for yourself, who knows where the teachers will park their car especially when it snows? The only outdoor sport you can play there is soccer, no basketball or anything else.
Okay, first I am still under the influence of whatever they gave me. Everything went well.
I just finished watching the debate.
First, I am glad Finch was not there.
Second, Tom Appleby was awful.
Joe Ganim totally controlled the interview getting out every attack on Finch he could.
Mary-Jane had so many opportunities to slam Joe. She did not and she seemed to agree with Joe a lot. Neither candidate gave anyone any reason to vote for them. Joe sounded like he was heavily medicated and Mary-Jane again up front and in person did not move the needle. Totally disappointed. Great job, Joe, especially on the two most important questions of trust and how would you deal with a developer. The two questions that should have been Mr. Ganim’s Achilles heel, were answered perfectly without answering and Foster just seemed so struck by Ganim’s control of the debate. Well, it is what it is. Appleby had no control at all. It was a waste.
Finch wasn’t there because he knew he couldn’t handle it. He’s a hothead!
Baghdad Steve,
The first rule of logic is this:
Attack the argument, not the character of the person making the argument. You are terminally guilty breaking this simple rule, which leads everyone else to rightly believe you have no valid counter argument. Foster, Ganim and Appleby performed well; Finch was conspicuous by his absence. He lost the debate by not being there.
Steve, why didn’t Finch offer you the job in the City Attorney’s office. You’re a Bpt Resident and taxpayer. Oh wait, they gave it to the women’s son who is on the front page of the paper the day after the DTC nominations with your man (Finch) she and her husband work for the city, now their kid. Neither reside in Bpt but in Stratford! That’s why there are Finch signs in Stratford. Finch is hiring anyone who contributes or works for his campaign. Sad because you really wanted to return to City Hall. Keep on cheering for the Loser.
So that’s why Baghdad is angry with Smokin’ Joe, he was fired from a no-show job with the city. Why is this not surprising?
Yeah, it is too bad for me. Oh well, but for the future of the city I will continue working with the Finch campaign. He has some serious campaigners. I am far from his top performer.
Advanced Therapy, whoever got the job in the city attorney dept., I say good for them and I wish them good luck!
Back to the debate, it was silly. Appleby had no control and if only Foster had a little fire, Ganim controlled the stage. I was disappointed.
The two best questions on development and honesty, Ganim controlled the conversation without answering the question and Foster could have really buried him on this and Steelpointe. She failed.
Ganim and Foster missed a real debate last week. Finch missed nothing this morning.
You’re delusional!
😉 And these painkillers aren’t half bad.
At least the dope explains why you are unable to think straight. What excuse do you use the rest of the time?
Bill Finch doesn’t do well when confronted by strong personalities.
I repeat, any politician who gives up the opportunity to address his constituents on a large scale like TV should consider other means of employment.
Totally agree! There is no excuse for his absence. This goes to show his true persona.