From Linda Conner Lambeck, CT Post:
An open call for comments on plans to build a new Harding High School on a contaminated Bond Street parcel owned by GE drew written responses from a handful of people by the Dec. 18 deadline.
Maria Pereira, a former school board member, and Karen Jackson, a parent with three sons in the school system–both opposed to the plans–submitted written correspondence to the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.
Attorney Gary B. O’Connor, on behalf of the city, and Carol Reid, a local resident who works at Action for Bridgeport Community Development, both submitted emails in support of the plan.
Full story here.
The pond on the side of GE should be the first place for testing for PCBs and other hazardous materials; also all rivers and brooks from GE. I would never send my kid to this school without knowing this pond is safe. This pond is your litmus test!
Let’s not become another Greenwich CT.
www .ctpost.com/local/article/More-toxins-found-in-Greenwich-soil-5981761.php
Jimfox, this recent CT Post article on the serious contaminants found at Greenwich High School and nearby properties is really troubling.
“Two years ago, workers preparing Greenwich High School for the new Music Instructional Space and Auditorium project brought up an oily foul smelling slurry, and soon discovered high levels of PCBs and other federally regulated toxins such as arsenic, lead, chromium and a mixture of hydro carbons used in crude oil, all byproducts of incineration.”
The GE site has both arsenic and lead contaminants.
“PCBs have proven to cause cancer and damage the immune, reproductive, nervous and endocrine systems.”
If one child, teacher or staff member becomes seriously ill due to the time they spent at the new Harding High School/GE site, I hope Mayor Finch, the City Council, Andre Baker, Kenneth Moales, Joe Larcheveque, Hernan Illingworth and Jacqui Kelleher are held accountable.
I just don’t know how these individuals can sleep well at night knowing they have potentially placed the health and well-being of thousands of children and staff at risk.
Maria, I worked at GE back in the ’70s. This property is loaded with PCBs, lead and other toxins. Both Remington and GE had its own power plant next to this pond, it was big enough to power all of Bridgeport back then.
So where did all the byproducts from this plant go?
Underground and into the pond with everything else!
This City had better check the pond and rivers near this site. This site could be our State’s next Love Canal.