For years, rogue Republican Ethan Book has butted heads with local party leadership. He left the herd a long time ago, or perhaps maybe the party left him. Either way, he’s back at it for another run at public office–mayor and state house candidacies his latest–this time for city sheriff, a position noted for serving legal papers. Dems and Republicans are both guaranteed three city sheriff slots.
Book may to have to primary the party to win a position, but he recently issued a pitch hoping party regulars will endorse his bid.
A “sheriff” is “an important official of a shire [town] or county charged primarily with judicial duties (such as executing the processes and orders of courts and judges).”
This past Tuesday evening, I took the opportunity to attend at the Boca Oyster Bar an After-Hours gathering of the Bridgeport Regional Business Council. As I entered, I was greeted by BRBC President Dan Onofrio who asked, “Ethan, when is the Bridgeport Republican Party going to come alive?”
The Bridgeport RTC is like a vehicle with a motor of eight cylinders which is operating only on three. There clearly needs to be change, the right kind of change!
For these and other reasons, I hereby announce my candidacy for Republican Sheriff (one of three positions for sheriff normally held by Republicans; as the Democrats concurrently normally elect three Democrat sheriffs).
I’m a Republican in good standing. I am competent and qualified; well-educated and familiar with the law. I’ve worked successfully in high-level banking and for three decades have been the successful owner/operator of a limousine service business. In the Town of Fairfield, I served honorably as an elected member of the Representative Town Meeting; in Bridgeport as an elected Justice of the Peace. For being the Republican candidate for State Rep. in the 128th House District for several campaigns (central portion of Bridgeport), I’ve demonstrated considerable party development. I serve as an active member of The Hollow NRZ.
Mike Garrett, until recently our RTC Chairman, has served various terms as Republican Sheriff. He demonstrates neither competence nor integrity. He fails to comprehend or recognize the breadth and limitations of court decisions. He fails to understand or recognize that, when private citizens prominently place “No Trespassing” signs on their private property, they are exercising their right to limit access to their land. In addition, when he violates such a private right, he fails to realize his lack of authority and discretion by doing an ex parte review of lack of materiality, that without conversing with the property owners or even apologizing.
Mr. Garrett has a broadly observed reputation for making false and/or incomplete and misleading statements, that to gain personal political advantage.
Further, when he campaigns, he wears a red hat with the word “SHERIFF,” giving the impression that his campaigning activities are official actions.
I’ve asked current ostensible RTC Chairman Anthony Minutolo whom the Town Committee leadership plans to nominate for Board of Ed and Sheriff. As of the preparation of this message, I’ve received no response. Based on past and current events, I consider it a good guess that the RTC leadership intends to re-nominate Mike Garrett for sheriff.
I’ve also asked Tony when and where the upcoming Town Committee will be? No answer! In addition, I’ve asked if the meeting will be open to the public (as is required by GOP State Central Rules). He answered brusquely, “No!”
Notwithstanding that the meeting may not be open to the public, I hereby ask Tony for the right to speak as a declared Republican candidate.
The Republican Party nationally is known to affirm that our American form of government is a constitutional republic (where there is the Rule of Law). It is rather amazing that the leadership of the Bridgeport RTC, which is a local political organization affiliated with the Republican Party, so habitually selectively ignores the letter and the spirit of our Bylaws and Constitutions, while selectively placing inordinate attention and even fabricating other hip-shot “rules” which offend the spirit and the letter of our Bylaws and the Constitutions.
What I share here is part of a broader current public multi-party movement for challenging establishment politics (I’m told that what I share here of our Bridgeport RTC is not exclusive as it is sometimes repeated in other Republican Town Committees statewide.). Now is the time?
Based primarily on my efforts and active campaigning in the 128th House District (which doesn’t stop on Election Days), since 2014, I have brought in over 250 Republican voter registrations and seen the Democrat-to-Republican voter ratio in the District decline from over 20:1 to less than 13:1; a decline of 35%.
In August of 2018, the Dem-to-Repub voter ratio citywide (which includes six House Districts) was 11.4:1. In the 128th, it was 16.9:1. On July 1, 2021, the Dem-to-Repub voter ratio citywide was 9.5:1, showing a decline from 8/18 to the present of 16.6%, On July 1, 2021, the Dem-to-Repub voter ratio in the 128th was 12.9:1, a decline from 8/18 of 22.3%.* Clearly, the greatest improvement in Republican voter registrations has been in the 128th District.
Would you support me to be one of the three Republican candidates for Bridgeport Sheriff?
With kind regards,
I wish you well in your chosen political exercise this year. In conversations over the years I recognize that your experiences and willingness to read our laws and statutes will put you in good stead.
Who are the current three Sheriffs in the City of Bridgeport who claim Republican affiliation and support? Time will tell.
Ethan Book, what is your fixation on the Republican Party in Bridgeport? It seems that you are more concern about the Republican Party than with the issues that the voters care about. It’s so obvious that your issues are the Republican Party, the only that you can get elected is to increase the number of Republican voters. Yes, there are certain City position that must be split by political but what has happened in the past that a person changes their party affiliation to unffiliated. Ethan, you have a greater chance to win by changing your party because the name of the game to get into the position first, you don’t have to believe in anything that the Democrats believe just get the power and that will NEVER EVER happen in Bridgeport bing a Republican.
Ron, the Republican Party has values, values to which I agree. These values are not always adhered to by its candidates or elected officials. However the set of values are good, certainly better than the elastic set of practices of the Dems, practices which reflect an ideology of trying to satisfy short-term interests of the public (to win votes) rather than long-term needs of matters that are the proper role of government (for real development)!
Ethan, you said, “the Republican Party has values, values to which I agree,” really, those words are empty to those reside in the city’s 139th district and in the state 128th district. Ethan, there are those Republicans who believe in QAon, they truly believe in it. Ethan, do you believe that Donald Trump is still the President and will be put back into the White House in August and that election was stolen for Joe Biden? Republican Party values today is voters suppression, are those your Republican Party values?
The Republican Party has values. The basic values include (1) fiscal conservatism, (2) conservativeness on social issues, (3) adherence to our system of a constitutional republic, and (4) affirmation that we are a Judeo-Christian nation.
Ethan, this is what the Republican Party believes in, QAon, they truly believe that Donald Trump is still the President and will be put back into the White House in August and that election was stolen for Joe Biden? Republican Party values today is voters suppression, are those your Republican Party values? You must be locked up somewhere and you are not able to see what is going on the Republican Party is up to. I’ve asked you twice do you believe that Joe Biden is the elected president of America.
Everyone knows that the Republican Party in Bridgeport, will always be the (Bridgeport Loyal Opposition Party).
Thanks to bootlicks like Garrett who’s been kissing Mario’s ring for decades, not to mention his Ass.
Bookie has a set of balls something the ( BLOP ) lacks.
Go Bookie!
What changes could Ethan Book achieve if he was in total control of the Bridgeport Republican Town Committee for voters in the 128th district? Using Ethan own numbers of voters there is no way for Ethan Book to elected to any city or 128th district elected position. Ethan would have to get black voters to vote for a Republican in a Democrat district, that’s not happening. Yes, Ethan has gaint balls but that will get him nothing.
Ron, one does not have to be a candidate of a majority or even near majority party to get elected. In Ansonia, the Dem to Repub ratio is 8:1, yet Republican Mayor David Casetti wins and gets re-elected. The Dems are vulnerable. The Dem political machine has given them overconfidence to take many actions that exceed good diligent government. Their compulsions to abuse governmental powers to serve their political interests in the guise of good government is becoming more apparent to all Dems, including urban voters, Unaffiliateds and including many Blacks. The Dem majority excesses are causing many to wake up!
Let’s look at David Cassetti Republican mayor of Ansonia. Previous elected offices, community group affiliations: Three-term mayor of Ansonia. Previously served as on the Board of Aldermen and the Board of Police Commissioners. Founder and president of UNICO, a non-profit organization which awards scholarships to needy students and established the Pinky Silverberg Youth Boxing Club in Ansonia and served on the Ansonia Rotary Club, hell I would vote for Cassetti. Here are the numbers from their last election for mayor of Ansonia 2,592 to 1,491, according to unofficial numbers from Republican headquarters. Now Ethan, what do you bring to the table besides Republican Party values?
Some of what I bring is described above. To be elected as Sheriff on the Republican ticket, I would not be running against the three Dem candidates. I would be one of three Repub candidates expected to be voted on by Repubs. The primary role of a Sheriff is to do legal services. That is a non-partisan function mainly ministerial, that is, without discretion. However, there is sometimes an amount of wiggle-room which involves discretion. That is very important to understand. In addition, if a sheriff is serving process such as summons for lawsuits or orders of eviction, there are normally compassionate ways that this can be done. Sometimes, a little basic guidance to the receiver can be helpful to make what might be a difficult experience easier. At this time, there’s only one Republican sheriff who is really active in serving process, Mike Moretti.
Ethan, you are a typical Bridgeport politician, trying to make money by being a Republican Sheriff, it has nothing to do about helping your district, it’s about you getting paid.
Ron, there is wholly insufficient in this thread for you to infer my motives. What this shows is that your motive not to glean truth and understanding but rather to reduce a qualified Republican candidate simply because he’s a qualified Republican. Keep up with your strained comments and I won’t respond to you!
The patterns and processes of local governance under one party for decades with felony convictions causing jail time for a serving mayor (and a band of brothers) and more recently a Police Chief and Active Civil Service director are what earns accusations of rigging of elections and corruption. Failures in oversight and other deficiencies in maintaining state of art governance quality also limit trust and confidence and learning among citizenry.
Why argue against Ethan’s door knocking openness to informing himself and his neighbors about conditions? And if he does pursuing the two party model of American democracy of the past two centuries, what harm is there? He has the time. Has conversations with all he meets. Has objectives beyond self-serving.
Is it possible if you and a small group of folks, wise to the ways of the world, were to meet over coffee for trusted talking and listening that the 128th and/or other neighborhoods might become organized (in a way they are not at this time) and gain some of the benefits? Possible….or not? Time will tell.
JML, we are in a pandemic and Ethan’s door knocking openness to informing himself and his neighbors about conditions, really. JML, you said, ” And if he does pursuing the two party model of American democracy of the past two centuries, what harm is there?” First you need two parties but there’s only one party in Bridgeport, that’s the Democrat. JML give me a name or a city that has the demographic of the East End or the 128th district of Bridgeport that’s run by Republicans in America?
There are two major parties in Bridgeport; Democrat and Republican. Both can do a lot better than they are doing. In addition, there are various minor parties and MANY unaffiliateds. Further, don’t be limited by what exists. There is room and opportunity for improvements.
Ethan, just words, with nothing behind it, you WILL NOTget blacks to vote for a Republicans in your district.
Bookie, has the fundamental right to run for any office he wants , with he’s Stetson cowboy hat and his five star badge we may see a new sheriff in town!
You need to see him when he goes to church especially with his hat.
Ethan will be acted by voters did Trump win the election and does he believe the big lie, that’s about as far as Ethan will get with his door to door campaign.
Joe Biden is our putative president. There are many signs of defects of the 2020 election for which I suspect that the election was stolen. That’s why further review which is being done in AZ, GA and MI should be completed. My concerns about the validity of the 2020 presidential election are bolstered by what I have seen in CT including in the 128th District. That’s why in late November, I presented formal FOIA requests for public information to the Bridgeport Registrars and Town Clerk seeking specifically access to the machine ballots and mail-in ballots, the voter check-off lists, and related documents. However, despite there being no objection raised and despite that there have been issues raised and considered by the legislature regarding voting practices, thereby there is some urgency to timely review of such matters, my access to such documents hasn’t been granted. What do they have to hide. The unexplained delay raises a negative inference. Also, for related reasons, in January, I filed a civil lawsuit against Secretary of State Denise Merrill and our two Bridgeport Registrars of Voters. I promptly presented requests for discovery. However, their lawyers presented motions to dismiss based on very stretched and even frivolous bases, then concurrently presented motions to stay discovery pending the outcome of their Motions to Dismiss. For reasons they gave for the Motions to Dismiss, info that I seek in discovery and also the FOIA requests would likely invalidate their Motions to Dismiss! There are lots of reasons to suspect that there are major election defects. There needs to be full review. The public has a right to know!
*** Every so-called elections loop-hole presented by the republicans during all the voter fraud investigations were heard & thrown out of court for lack of credible evidence in every red state that trump lost. Even after the “new voter fraud” investigations brought forward & paid by trump’s rich supporters in some states that were already done with the elections fraud lies, nothing new was found, zero! The investigations were done by a r-wing “mickey mouse organization” that did not have the (states elections committee) approval nor recognition as a credible professional business, just more circus performers! Still today, republicans lie about not only the presidential elections but the pandemic vaccines, the insurrectionist riot @ the nation’s capitol, take the usual back seat approach to any type of gun reform or universal back-ground checks on gun purchases, and have continued to block any type of national infrastructure bills that Biden has try to pass even though many of the states that need infrastructure repairs are red states? The republican party of old is no-more, its been hijacked by trump & his rich radical minions that have contaminated the entire party into nothing more than liars, false promise makers, fake news mongers, political insurrectionist & do nothing career politicians that continue to be indicted, arrested, jailed or fired per trumps secret orders & big-lie spreaders, sex offenders, etc. ***
Mojo, the bulk of what you present here are unsupported conclusions. I respond briefly.
You say, “Every so-called elections loop-hole presented by the republicans during all the voter fraud investigations were heard and thrown out of court for lack of credible evidence in every red state that trump lost”. You don’t say that such issues were “fully” heard. In fact, in many courts, credible evidence that was offered was not accepted by the courts. Also, the constitutional issues which were presented to the Supreme Court by Texas regarding excesses of state constitutions by five of the swing states was rejected by that Court on a mere legal technicality, one which should not have precluded the court hearing that. All the recounts which were performed in GA are not the same as a forensic audit which is what is being sought presently. Full audits which are being sought in AZ are being franticly opposed by Dems. Why are they so afraid of a full proper review? The questions which remain nationally about the 2020 presidential election are bolstered by what I have seen in CT and in the 128th (briefly discussed above). The usual practice for the CT Sec. of the State after every presidential election is to have an automatic audit of 5% of the precincts statewide. However, this year, all that was done for the “audits” was recount of the votes. Not only is that not a real audit, the results of the mere recounts have not been made public. What is she hiding? Also, it is the usual practice that Registrars of Voters to do a canvass of inactive voters early in each calendar year. This is for removing inactive voters who have moved or died from the active voter list. This is by state law. However, I’ve been told by a credible source that in early 2020, SOTS Denise Merrill told the Registrars of Voters NOT to begin any canvass before the August Primary. Any canvas begun after the Primary would likely not be completed before the November General Election. In other words, she effectively was telling the ROV’s NOT to canvass for inactive voters in 2020. Excuse me, this clearly looks like the SOTS was inviting voter fraud. Regarding vaccines, what prominent Republicans are lying about vaccines? There has been no clear evidence or charges of an insurrectionist riot. There has only been evidence of a rally that got out of hand (a big difference from insurrection), and that not yet fully investigated. I have not heard that Republicans block meaningful, rational gun reform. And your comment that Republicans “have continued to block any type of national infrastructure bill that Biden has try[ed] to pass” is plainly false. The idea that the Republican Party has been “hijacked by Trump and his rich radical minions” is merely convenient political rhetoric not well supported. Mr. Mojo, you who accuse of lies is guilty of what you accuse. I’m all for rational dialogue, but you need to be more rational.
Ethan Book, said, “Joe Biden is our putative president. There are many signs of defects of the 2020 election for which I suspect that the election was stolen,” so did you go to the “Stop the Steal” protest on Jan.6. 2021? Do you believe the insurrection on Jan 6th to have Vice President Mike Pence not to certify the final election results was legal and the right thing to do?
Ron, I didn’t go to the Jan. 6th rally in DC. I was at a different rally in Hartford. There was no insurrection on Jan. 6th. You’re becoming a bore. I prefer rational dialogue. And BTW, you never saw me at church with a hat on. Have a good evening!
Ethan, I’ve seen you at Cathedral Of Praise a number of times where Archbishop JC White would allow you to say a few words and at Mt Aery Baptist Church, of course you wouldn’t wear a hat in church. Ethan, your comments about Jan. 6th are so out of touch with the City’s 139th district and the state 128rh district are so far out of the reach and unbelievable. Ethan, there’s no Republican Party it’s the Trump Party and you are drunk on the kool-aid that he’s giving you the same way that Jim Jones gave his followers and look at what happened to them. And you want voters to vote for you with your views on Trump to be sheriff and getting paid with tax payers money.
Ron, you now say I wouldn’t wear a hat in church but above you said “You need to see him when he goes to church especially with his hat”. You falsely implied something (who knows for what reason) that you now contradict. You say my comments about Jan. 6th are so out of touch with the City’s 139th District (which is not a District in which I live) and the state 128th District are out of reach and unbelievable. What do the events in DC of Jan. 6th have do to with the 128th House District or the City of Bridgeport? Also, if you believe that what occurred in DC on Jan. 6th was an insurrection, why do you believe that and who do you think committed it? In addition, if what occurred in DC on Jan. 6th was an insurrection, then how would you describe the riots which took place last year in Michigan, Seattle and Portland? Is anything being done about those? In addition, you have some idea that city sheriffs are paid by taxpayer dollars. Wrong? The position of city sheriff is not paid for by taxpayer dollars and the function is largely a-political. It is essentially a ministerial role. You need to do more homework before you come out with your hip-shot punditry. Further, you imply that you are a Christian believer. Given the unfounded series of politically-motivated personal attacks which you’ve made against me, I suggest that a proper forum for us to resolve such differences would be before Archbishop John White in accord with Matthew 18:15-16. Are you up for that?
Ethan, I was giving you a back handed compliment about you wearing your hat, that was no big deal, as for Archbishop John White he would acknowlege you whenever he saw you in church and allow you to say a few words like the time that you introduce your fiance.
Ethan, you said, “there has been no clear evidence or charges of an insurrectionist riot. There has only been evidence of a rally that got out of hand (a big difference from insurrection), and that not yet fully investigated. I have not heard that Republicans block meaningful, rational gun reform. And your comment that Republicans “have continued to block any type of national infrastructure bill that Biden has try[ed] to pass” is plainly false. The idea that the Republican Party has been “hijacked by Trump and his rich radical minions” is merely convenient political rhetoric not well supported. Mr. Mojo, you who accuse of lies is guilty of what you accuse. I’m all for rational dialogue, but you need to be more rational,” wow, that’s truly unbelievable, I hope that as you go door to door seeking votes that in your conversation that you bring the subject of the insurrection. Where was your voice and those of the Republican Party with killing of George Floyd by a police officer that the whole world viewed as it happen. Where is your concern about voter suppression by Republicans rght now to deny blacks their right to vote. If social unrest last year was a problem then where were the Repulicans their investigation into what happen? Why are Republicans followers of QAnon? As for the 139th district their town committee votes help to select the party’s endorsement in the 128th state district.
Ron, my early stated position on the George Floyd incident, one essentially lamented by ALL Americans, goes bad to the fact that Derek Chauvin was a police officer for 18 years and during that time he received 10 misconduct complaints, all of them dismissed. Based on my reading, several likely had merit. To me, this reflects what I’ve observed broadly of Internal Affairs departments. There seems to be generally an immediate reaction in them to reject any and most complaints, not because there isn’t merit, rather because admitting error is perceived to represent short-term complications. Therefore, legitimate issues are swept under the rug and the unaddressed problems tend to continue and even grow. It is my view that if only one of those complaints was upheld and action taken, Floyd would be alive today. It’s a situation I call deliberate indifference. On attracting votes of Blacks, I get votes from Blacks. There are even Black Republicans. When I ran for State Rep last year, I did an interview on IMEL Radio 1400 AM, a Jamaican station produced by Milford Edwards. We did a great interview. In that, I presented the four basic policies that describe Republican ideology, that I present above. The 4th one is that Republicans tend to affirm that we are a Judeo-Christian nation. When the interview was over, a Black man who was seated in the studio approached me and shook my hand. He said that there are many urban voters including particularly Blacks who are desirous and looking for a candidate who genuinely affirms this. This also leads to a key position that I am pro-life. Further, for being a candidate for Sheriff, where there are three Repubs and three Dems, it’s not a question of me competing against a Dem, rather of me vying for one of the three positions of Republican sheriffs.
P.S. Ron, there is NO part of the 139th Municipal District that is in the 128th House District!
Ethan Book, Ron Mackey was giving you a compliment about your hat at church, but instead you respond as a typical Republican, God is Bad, Bad is Good and to hell with everything in between. Sometimes Mr Book a compliment is just a compliment!
Donald, but when Ron later admits that I’ve never worn a hat in church and also consider the context of his other comments, it sure doesn’t look like a compliment, back-handed or otherwise. Regarding your reference to Republicans, you should be more specific! Conclusory rhetoric is not helpful.
My bad Ethan, Good is Bad, Bad is Good.
Don, one the things that I observed about Ethan Book was when I would see him in a black church he would stay for the entire service and he would attend even when it wasn’t electon time, he would come on time and leave after the benediction, that’s something that Joe Ganim doesn’t even understand just like other white candidates except former 4th District U.S. Congressman Chris Shays a Republican who would visit Mt Aery Baptist Church at different times during year, he came alone, he didn’t seek any attention.
Don, none of that has to do with the views of Ethan Book which are totally different than most blacks.
Ethan, you appear to be fairly intelligent so why are you trying to change what Ron said about your hat. He said, “You need to see him when he goes to church especially with his hat. He said when you GO to church with your hat, Not when you wear your hat IN church. Either isn’t a reason to warrant to illicit your response. Ron mentioned Republican Mayor Dave Cassetti of Ansonia who as a diehard Democrat I’ve voted for in the last three mayoral elections because what he bought to our city and not because of his party. Don’t believe me call Mayor Cassetti and ask him about me. Being a Trump republican won’t endear yourself to any Democrat so take Ron’s advise, if you want to get elected to anything in Bridgeport.
Don, you wear your different color hats everywhere including to church but it’s not my style.
Donald, I’m not changing what Ron said. I go by his words and context. Don’t change what I have said. I’m a Republican Republican who supports much of what Trump has done,
Here’s a short list of accomplishments under the Trump administration –
In addition, he’s respects the sanctity of unborn humans.
Further, if you want to dash Republicans, let’s look at what the majority/monopoly Democrats have accomplished in CT in the last three decades. We have among the highest tax rates of all the 50 states, the highest utility rates in all the 50 states, high and increasing costs of living, among the highest unemployment rates in all 50 states, and a high exit rate of state residents. Bridgeport and the state have nothing to lose but to give a good, independent thinking and intelligent Republican a chance!
Ethan, here are the main accomplishments under the Trump administration.
For the first time in American history, the 400 wealthiest people paid a lower tax rate than any other group, according to a new study by economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman at the University of California, Berkeley.
Our schools lag those of other countries (the U.S. ranks 30th in math and 19th in science), our citizens are less healthy (the U.S. ranks 26th in life expectancy and 29th in infant mortality), and Americans are unhappy (the U.S. ranks 19th in happiness). Improving our schools, health care, and well-being all require a large collective investment in the form of taxes.
“Trump Tax Cuts Helped Billionaires Pay Less Taxes Than The Working Class In 2018”
Ron, your article misses key points. Billionaires have long paid less tax rates than the working class. However, the tax cuts under Trump helped the middle class.
Ethan, you said, “Democrats have accomplished in CT in the last three decades. We have among the highest tax rates of all the 50 states, the highest utility rates in all the 50 states, high and increasing costs of living, among the highest unemployment rates in all 50 states, and a high exit rate of state residents.” So it’s ok for Trump to give tax breaks to the rich but you have problem with the state.
Ethan, you should get with Justin Piper, a black Republican from Hamden becausae you are both losers talking loud and saying nothing.