Election Lovers Mark Your Calendars

Town committee primaries will take place March 1 (and there will be primaries). Primaries for state legislative seats August 9. If you think serial political operatives haven’t red-marked those dates, think again. The wheels are already turning for the 2016 election cycle.

Connecticut Secretary of the State Denise Merrill has released the election calendar for 2016 that includes local town committee races and legislative seats in a presidential season. See election calendar here. Don’t think the calendar is important? Just ask former Mayor Bill Finch who missed a general election ballot spot because of a paperwork snafu.



  1. Complaining, complaining, complaining, that’s all you read on OIB about the machine, the DTC and Mario Testa; but no one is doing anything to make changes. Well I’ll say it again, the time is here if you really want change. The power is with the 90 members of the Democratic Town Committee, do the math, there are ten voting districts in Bridgeport and in each district there are nine elected DTC members and those 90 DTC members elect who will run the DTC plus the chairman doesn’t have to be a member of the DTC. It doesn’t get any easier than that. Just nine people from your voting district, time will tell (JML).

    1. You are right, Ron. For better or worse this is where you can effect change in Bridgeport’s political structure. It’s not an easy task and the clock is running already.

  2. *** I tried more than three times to make a change, twice for local town committee, three times for city council and once for state rep., all for naught. It’s very tough to run against the machine without luck, solid backing and; enough funds, especially in certain districts. I’m done with it and ready to sell and go, sorry to say. *** GOOD LUCK TO THOSE WILLING TO GIVE IT A SHOT. ***


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