Dr. Shanté Hanks Withdraws Candidacy For State Senate To Replace Marilyn Moore

Dr. Shanté Hanks, Connecticut’s senior advisor for Education and Housing Stability, announced on Friday to OIB her candidacy withdrawal for state senate to replace Marilyn Moore who announced her retirement from the city-suburban district. This leaves law professor Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox, former Mayor Bill Finch, City Councilman Scott Burns and ex councilman Tyler Mack to battle it out in the August 13 Democratic primary.

The district encompasses one third of Bridgeport, all of Trumbull and southern Monroe.


It is after profound introspection and consideration that I have decided to withdraw my candidacy. I take great pride in the meaningful work I am currently leading as the head of the Head Start on Housing program with the Department of Housing, Office of Early Childhood, and Department of Education. This rewarding and purposeful endeavor involves providing stable, permanent housing, as well as creating pathways to early education to children (and families) experiencing homelessness or housing instability. It is a commitment that I am deeply dedicated to and cannot imagine stepping away from at this time. It is worth noting that Connecticut stands as the pioneering state in implementing this program, and we are actively involved in assisting other states in replicating our model.

In the context of the ongoing senate race, the 22nd senate district has four capable candidates, and I believe that any one of them will be able to effectively represent the district.

Regarding supporting a candidate — as I mentioned during our conversation, I find myself in a position akin to the leaning Tower of Pisa when it comes to selecting a particular candidate. I am leaning towards one candidate but desiring the opportunity to engage in detailed discussions before making an informed decision. Furthermore, it is my intention to share with the candidates the valuable insights and concerns expressed by the constituents when speaking with me, as those issues hold significant importance.

Dr. Shanté Hanks, Senior Advisor for Education and Housing Stability, Director of Head Start on Housing (HSOH)




  1. Dr. HANKS,
    Thank you for recognizing your priorities in this decision. You acknowledge that the other four candidates provide quality representation options for Democrat primary voters. Likely, you also see the unfinished full time work facing the Head Start housing, education, and Early Childhood activities and know that the duties of a State Senator over a two year period, while not full-time officially, would stretch your time commitments towards a possible breaking point. Thank you for your commitment to these issues of local import. A deferral of a potential political role at this time does not eliminate you forever, certainly. Time will tell.


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