City fire commissioner Dennis Bradley has joined the growing field of candidates seeking the Democratic nomination for Connecticut’s 128th State House seat occupied by freshman legislator Christina Ayala. Bradley officially announced his candidacy on the Bridgeport Now public access show co-hosted by Jennifer Buchanan.
“For the past two years, Christina Ayala has been making news for all the wrong reasons while she grows further out of touch with the hard-working families in Bridgeport,” said Bradley. “I’m running for State Representative to bring respect back to the 128th District and to focus on resolving the serious problems facing Bridgeport, and the State of Connecticut.
“It’s time we make Bridgeport’s families our top priority by improving the quality life of our neighbors,” continues Bradley. “I will prioritize improving public safety and fostering economic development in the 128th, while seeking an appointment to the Judiciary Committee to reform our criminal justice system.”
Bradley, a practicing attorney, joins the city’s anti-blight chief Chris Rosario and Teresa Davidson in the field. Rosario is expected to receive the party endorsement, but an August primary is likely. Bradley and Rosario both won seats on the Democratic Town Committee in March. Bradley is a newcomer to elected politics. Just like Rosario, he has a likeable personality with the ability to make friends fast. Ayala says if she’s not endorsed she will wage a primary.
Bradley graduated as a Cadet from Norwich University with a degree in Political Science and earned a J.D. from the University of Massachusetts School of Law.
The 128th State House District covers the East Side and cuts across the city to the Hollow neighborhood, also touching portions of the North End and West Side.
More about Bradley here.
128th District map here.
How lucky is the 128th to have another educated untainted neophyte to bring respect, dollars and my favorite, economic development to the Park City. It looks like Bridgeport is finally getting educated talent to bring home the bacon.
Yes, Ayala is her own worst enemy, Rosario has a full-time job with the city, and with three children I see no way he can leave his city job and support his family on a State Rep salary, or will the city reduce his salary and position to part-time? Either way, must he have two taxpayer incomes? I am very impressed with Bradley, and will welcome any other candidates on the show to present their platform in this race.
Jennifer Buchanan, I must say I’m surprise and taken aback by your statement, “Rosario has a full-time job with the city, and with three children I see no way he can leave his city job and support his family on a State Rep salary, or will the city reduce his salary and position to part-time?”
Well, I put on my orthopedic shoes and stand corrected, which I did wear as a youth so evidently need them again. So it is SOP to have a full-time city job and a Rep or Senate paid position. My point is reduce the city job position required hours if it is feasible and reduce the city pay by what the state rep pay is, and if a person can fulfill both, no problem.
Jennifer Buchanan, I do not know Chris Rosario and I don’t live in his district. Your first post seemed personal about Mr. Rosario and his family lifestyle instead of what your second states, which I agree with.
Jennifer, I am having brunch at Harborview for a political pow wow … someone wants to pick my brains lololololololololololololol. If you are there, I will have that other cookie you promised, two hours of economic development.
Side bar. Friday evening I had gone to Waterbury to see HAIR at the Palace Theater. Again, I have to say what a magnificent job they did refurbishing the theaters. Just spectacular. When my family arrived in the City of Bridgeport 1967, we stumbled downtown by accident, after having dinner at the once great restaurant Venetian Gardens. The image of the decaying Poli Majestic theaters left an image that remains to this day. One of the last movies that played there was Ann-Margret in “The Swinger,” that was nearly 50 years ago. I still am a huge fan of Ann-Margret and the City of Bridgeport, I was a kid at the time and even then I had a vision of a disgusting ghost town turning back into a vibrant urban magnet. Even so, today 50 years later we are turning the corner, but the Poli and Majestic are not even on the radar. The last two great projects downtown were Peoples Savings Bank and the Wright Financial center, now RSBC, under the Tom Bucci administration distraction. Although I believe in base hits, a few home runs couldn’t hurt, that’s why 50 years later, seven-ish administrations and piecemeal development by local developers kept Bridgeport in a comatose state. The only guarantee is if anything happens in this city, Paul Timpanelli will get a blurb in the Connecticut Post. Oh those days are coming to an end!
Eze Santiago manages to pull down a full-time city job and serve as State Rep. Same for State Senator Ayala. Don’t see why people should all of a sudden be concerned with Rosario. It’s no different than a city council member having a city job.
The State Elections Enforcement Commission recommended the chief state’s attorney prosecute Ayala and her mother, Santa Ayala, Bridgeport’s Democratic registrar of voters, for conspiring to let Christina Ayala use a false address while voting, campaigning and participating in the state’s public campaign-finance program.
From the CT Post today. Both parties in this city and state have known candidates guilty of ethics violations, using our tax dollars for their own greater good. Could we all please put real pressure on our DTC and RTC to stop endorsing these types of candidates?
www .ctpost.com/local/article/Challengers-lining-up-to-unseat-Christina-Ayala-5451594.php
Thanks for the link, Mustang. I just read it and had to laugh, especially when she said she’s going to advocate for an anti-violence bill. Her track record indicates she’s an expert on that subject! Now can someone tell me why both she and her mother (registrar of voters) have not been brought up on charges? She lied about her address and used such address to fraudulently obtain state campaign funding, and if that’s not bad enough, her mother aided and abetted her. Neither she nor her mother should be given a pass, but based on past performances, the Bridgeport DTC will endorse both of them, once again settling for scraps. I’m sure there’s someone out there with integrity who can easily fill the shoes of these two shysters, but they probably wouldn’t have a prayer of getting the endorsement, and in my humble opinion, that is shameful.
My guess as to why is the state might be terrified as to what can of worms they might be opening up. You honestly think Christina Ayala is the one and only candidate who has done this??? And Sandy is the one and only registrar of voters who may have known of something like that???
In fact several members of the Robles family were registered to vote at their travel agency on State street just a few years ago. Don’t know if that is still true. And I remember years ago GOP town committeeman Robert Katz was registered to vote at a really run-down rooming house on State St. But that doesn’t let Sandy off the hook since this is blatant given her position and some of her other shenanigans over the years.
And I will be the first to admit Sandy can be very likeable, but she has to go with her daughter.
The blaring question regarding the endorsement of Santa Ayala, is why? Why would the DTC want to endorse her? What has she done to gain respect?
Asking this question is probably a waste of time because there IS no explanation that is good enough.
It’s great to see some new faces bursting onto the Bpt political scene. With that said, are any of them actually politically qualified?
I know, dumb question, none of the present people holding political office are qualified to shine shoes, but they kiss ass real well.
Bradley is an attorney and former staff for Himes. The legislators write and/or vote on state laws. I think he qualifies.
Sounds like Christina is going to have trouble holding on to her seat. Dennis would have a good shot at the seat. I hope the people of that district want someone who is not going to be a center of controversy like Christina is and represent that district.
I am tired of “politically qualified” people.
It looks great on a resume and it’s fantastic preparation for the job ahead, but if you want to practice law in Connecticut, you don’t have to graduate from law school, you just have to pass the bar exam.
Wow, good to know. That would make someone be very positive in my opinion–self taught, able to pass the bar in CT and MA (rated the most difficult bar to pass). Thanks for the info.