Democracy For America Endorses Foster

From the Foster Camp:

Today the people-powered PAC, Democracy for America, endorsed Mary-Jane Foster for Mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut.

“Democracy for America is proud to endorse Mary-Jane Foster,” said Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America (DFA). “She is a progressive champion fighting back against entrenched interests and a tireless advocate for the people of Bridgeport.”

After being kicked out of the race by political insiders in an effort to thwart her challenge to entrenched power, the courts placed Mary-Jane Foster back on the ballot and gave Bridgeport voters the chance they deserve to vote for change. Democracy for America applauds Foster and her supporters for their perseverance and DFA members will be supporting Foster on the ground and with their pocket books.

“We have the perseverance to overcome the Democratic machine and we are determined to make sure that our voters’ voices are heard,” stated Foster. “We are moving this campaign forward and talking about the real issues facing our residents–creating jobs, reforming our schools, and cleaning up government. I appreciate Democracy for America’s endorsement and with their support, we will be victorious on September 27th.”


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