Protesters, demanding to meet with the City Council about reforms in the Police Department, camped out in front of headquarters over the weekend.
From Justice for Jayson Facebook page:
A legal observer heard the police are trying to push us out with force in the morning. We need people to come to Bridgeport. Come to the Bridgeport Police Department and stand with us. We need everyone to come join us and we need everyone to call blast the personal numbers of all City Council members. Tell them this: stand BPD down and meet with the community immediately. We are out here occupying the police department because City Council is refusing to meet with the community in a time of crisis. That police are prepared to arrest and brutalize us proves what we’re saying. Police are a threat to us, to our community, and need to be disbanded immediately.
Very inciteful!
Why do that want to meet with the Council members?.. They have no power to change anything, they just follow orders.The protesters SHOULD camp out in front of the annex on Suburban Ave, Mario is the only person that can make changes in Bpt..
These clowns are ridiculous. They know nothing about reform and know nothing about protesting. They were watching a movie in front of the station.
Most of these daddy issue kids are from some where else . Go away to mommy and daddy’s expensive little home. Morons
If they want to impress me,go sleep on Trumbull Ave or in the Greene homes parking lot,they would be calling the “terrible” police for help an hour after getting there..
The merry band of protesters are having a sleepover.
Do they have a chaperone?
Did anyone see their manifesto?
I hope some kid in a stolen car does not come roaring through their sleepover.
Call the cops.
The protestors that I saw at the BPD protest on the DoingItLocal video-coverage of said BPDHQ protest/campout by said protestors — intimidating reporter Steve Krauchik in the course of performing his duties/exercising his First Amendment rights in the reporting/coverage of that protest — seemed to be almost exclusively out-of-towners that were camera-shy and afraid of being recorded on video…
The hostility toward — indeed, fear of — the press, by the out–of-town protestors camping out at BPDHQ, was absolutely discrediting and indicative of cowardice and insincerity…
It really seemed that the out-of–town, adolescent/young-adult (trust-fund-type) “protestors” were actually more interested in staging some sort of weird, purposeless, ineffectual, anonymous photo-op than actually accomplishing anything beyond a quasi-voyeuristic (albeit, anonymous), bizarre, 5th-dimesnional, youth summer-camp/protest-camp experience (in lieu of open campuses/summer-camps).
They have accomplished nothing positive for Bridgeport or its people, and indeed, have probably distracted attention from the issue of the use of (lethal) force (by BPD) that needs to be the front-and-center issue/action resonating with the national protests from the Bridgeport protests.
These trust-fund-babies should go back to Westport and Greenwich, and leave the real protesting (in Bridgeport) to Bridgeporters, until they learn how to stage a real protest addressing important issues in real, effective ways… Anonymous protest is really worse than nothing, and is truly disgusting and insulting to those affected by the issues upon which such anonymous “protestors” are attempting to “joyride” for their own amusement and gratification…