Bridgeport native Dan Debicella was endorsed by Republicans on Friday to face Democratic Congressman Jim Himes in a rematch of their 2010 race. From Debicella campaign:
Dan Debicella of Shelton is now the Republican nominee for the U.S. House of Representatives in Connecticut’s Fourth District. He won the convention with an overwhelming 93% of the vote in a three-way race. No other candidate received enough votes to force a primary.
In accepting the nomination, Debicella said that one word sums up Jim Himes’ time in Washington: disappointment. “It’s the word I hear most often when talking to folks. You can see it in people’s faces and hear it in their voices,” said Debicella. “Disappointed in our economy–where we have created no new jobs in five years, and Connecticut is 50th out of 50 in job creation. Disappointed in a Washington, DC that is broken and unable to govern.”
Debicella continued saying, “It does not need to be this way. It’s time to get beyond the mediocrity of small expectations, and demand a government that lives up to the promise of America.”
Redding State Representative John Shaban (R-135) nominated Debicella saying, “Jim Himes has voted time and again to put his party ahead of what is best for Connecticut families. Dan will put the needs of our district first and do what is right for our country.”
He was seconded by Shelton State Representative Jason Perillo (R-113), who highlighted Debicella’s loyalty to his family and his commitment to our nation. “I have known Dan for many years–he is a dedicated public servant who will serve us well in Washington.”
Debicella closed saying, “I ask you to stand today with me: Stand with me to bring new bipartisan ideas to Washington to grow the economy and fix our healthcare mess. Stand with me to retire a Congressman who has become part of the problem, and restore faith in our leaders. And stand we with me to overcome the mediocrity of small expectations; to once again believe that America can overcome our challenges; and once again give our great nation the leadership it deserves.”
Does this gentleman and his handlers actually believe paying some individuals of the African American community in Bridgeport will help get votes? That’s the ignorant mentality of Fox news and apparently it is the new modus operandi of the Republican party. It’s the ideology, idiots. Get with the program!
Debicella closed, saying, “I ask you to stand today with me: Stand with me to bring new bipartisan ideas to Washington to grow the economy and fix our healthcare mess.” What a joke, “new bipartisan,” who is he trying to fool? The Connecticut Republican Party is now following in the footsteps of the national Republican Party on social issues. Take David Walker who now lives in Bridgeport, he has never told us what his social issues platform is.
I’ve been watching the Connecticut Republican Party and the Democratic Party State Nominating Convention on CT-N and looking at those who are representing each party. It is really sad to look at the Republicans and see just a few people of color. I ask, how can I feel their platform and agenda care about people of color when I can’t see anybody who looks like me?
Would you vote for someone who looked like you? 🙂
Good grief, Debicella again? Republicans–please say it ain’t so. I personally think Himes is doing a great job and deserves another term.