Contemplating a run for mayor, retired city police officer David Daniels will host a roundtable discussion August 23 at 11 a.m. in the Bridgeport Public Library Downtown. “It’s a roundtable discussion that I will have with the community so they can tell me what their hopes and dreams are for this city,” says Daniels, “so we can begin to craft a vision for Bridgeport. A more inclusive one.”
Daniels recently retired from the police department after serving 25 years, most of it as a leader in community policing. He says he’s not happy with the direction of the city.
If Daniels runs, can he raise money? Raising money is a labor-intensive process that must begin this year for ‘most anyone contemplating a challenge of the well-financed incumbent Bill Finch who has already raised more than $200,000. If candidates wait until next year to raise money, that’s pretty much all they will be doing instead of touching voters when it’s most needed.
Daniels has been making the rounds of his contacts asking their opinion about what it would take to wage a serious mayoral run.
Former Mayor John Fabrizi has formed an exploratory committee for mayor. He too has a big question about fundraising if he goes for a full-blown candidate committee.
David Daniels must address the issue of not living in Bridgeport but let’s not forget Joe Ganim did not live in Bridgeport when he first thought about running for mayor but when he decided he did move to Bridgeport. Voters in Bridgeport don’t want any candidate to take them for granted and there will be some voters who will feel that way because Mr. Daniels doesn’t live in Bridgeport so it would good if he addresses that question at the August 23rd meeting, time will tell.
Ron, I would be very surprised if he does not address his address. On his Facebook page, he posted about that very issue, so he is well aware we in Bridgeport take serious issue with it.
Mr. Daniels has already announced he is moving back to Bridgeport. As of last night, 123 people have confirmed their attendance for this forum on Facebook.
Ernie Newton has thousands of Facebook followers and friends. What good did that do?
Joel, Ernie Newton’s Facebook friends are city wide, not district wide. The question really is if Ernie Newton put up information about a forum he was holding on a Saturday, would over 100 people confirm their attendance?
At this time it appears there are multiple parties “exploring” the possibility of running for Bridgeport’s top office in 2015. That is a healthy response within the body politic to an administration that has run roughshod over Charter spirit and provisions, ignored Ordinance content, and continues to co-opt, relatively easily, City Council members in obvious ways that may be opposite to Charter language but is interpreted as meeting the letter of State law, and that seems to be the only concern. The fact governance checks and balance have been obliterated and meetings and rules are so constructed, construed and administered as to deny the public and taxpayers any effective commentary has reduced public trust to a minimum.
Perhaps Daniels will explain why someone from out of town (whether a hedge fund billionaire or a retired police officer) should be concerned about “the direction of the City.” More relevant to increasing civic consciousness that may get more registered people to the polls is a community conversation that will let those who speak know they have been heard and that generate questions that get answers of some kind from all those in attendance.
Trish Swain, a City Council member from the Brooklawn neighborhood and member of the Budget and Appropriations subcommittee, sat in on the Education subcommittee meeting on Wednesday night. She was the final speaker to the panel and shared what she had heard, and what directions that may lead in terms of action, including: meetings held at 11:00 AM shut out people who work for a living, including herself, a reason for not scheduling School Building Committee meetings at 4:00 PM. Daniels may consider weekend or evening sessions at other library locations in the community as these buildings are open without signing in (which is required at the City Hall Annex), and signing in to a building is apparently prohibited for public hearings. It’s a first effort and may be a good start at the increasing itch in the body politic to scratch what is ailing us. Time will tell.
Dave Daniels was born and raised in Bridgeport and spent 32 years of his life here. He also worked as a Bridgeport police officer for 25 years. Dave Walker has lived in CT for five years and I do not recall a single individual questioning his right to seek the second highest office in CT. Dave Daniels has certainly contributed more to Bridgeport than Dave Walker has to CT.
This posting sounds slightly defensive on your part. Just one opinion. Walker met the residence requirements and Daniels does not at this moment. Isn’t this posting apples and oranges, at least slightly? (Haven’t you questioned folks from Greenwich coming to Bridgeport to push their education reform ideas in the recent past?)
Why did Daniels move his residence outside the City after spending 32 years here? Lots of possible reasons, and many may tie into his current focus. Isn’t this part of a positive story for you to tell if you are part of his exploratory initiative? I look forward to knowing the backstory instead of making assumptions and welcome folks to make our City process more studied and transparent, to create more open interchange and accurate info and to get our leaders to be more accountable.
As to contributions to Bridgeport, it is possible Walker’s property taxes paid to Bridgeport in his limited time here may have exceeded Daniels so in one sense your statement about “more to Bridgeport” may be in error, but then I know nothing about Dave Daniels’ property ownership and tax payment history, which would be important to know in order to make your concluding statement.
I hope there is room for me to attend the meeting, to listen to all comments and possibly make a comment or two on my own, as I have previously participated in such with Daniels’ community gatherings before he retired. Time will tell.
JML, re: Dave Walker’s property taxes exceeding Dave Daniels tantamount to “more to Bridgeport.” I currently pay approximately $125 per week for the privilege of living in our fair city which I’m sure is considerably less than Walker. However, do we not both pay the same mil rate? Does the fact I make less than Walker, live in a smaller domicile and a less affluent neighborhood make me less to Bridgeport? It reminds me of an incident from my wayward youth. I grew up in Black Rock and one day I was pulled over by one of Bridgeport’s finest, who also was a Black Rock resident, near Old Battery Road. As he was writing me a warning ticket he commented “These people in this neighborhood pay a lot in taxes and deserve extra protection.” Well excuse me! Because someone pays less taxes, or in the case of a renter, no property taxes (hidden in rent payment), we get less services? Just saying. I’ve nothing against Dave Walker but don’t tell me he has given “more to Bridgeport” simply on account of greater wealth and/or tax payments.
Please go back in the context of the letter about Dave Daniels and see Ms. Pereira said, “Dave Daniels has certainly contributed more to Bridgeport than Dave Walker has to CT.”
That was a most general statement and my mind regularly scans comments for the “financial” impact.
I live in Bridgeport, pay taxes there and have never argued for any special advantage on account of the neighborhood in which I live. My comments on my guess as to Walker’s tax payments over several years relative to Daniels’ same payments during his years of residence are just that. The subject is not about wealth per se, or house values where everyone has suffered loss in recent years (though the % has varied in different neighborhoods and that is unjust in light of the Finch cancellation of the revaluation).
Ms. Pereira drew an inappropriate comparison IMO and I said why. Walker should not even be part of this thread, and wouldn’t be had she not introduced it. (I was suggesting a different perspective on the word “contributing” used by Ms. Pereira.)
As you state, everyone owes at the same mil rate and that works as long as the Tax Assessor values are fair because if they are not, then we come up with a mil rate anyway, but those with higher than justifiable assessments may be subsidizing those who are skating with ones that are too low.
Why does Wheelabrator, the City’s biggest taxpayer, fight the assessment given them about seven years ago? Because they believe the City is wrong so they went to court, and within the past year the City’s expert had to admit among all the systems he used or can use, his calculations come up about $100 Million short of what the City is assessing that business. 70% of $100 Million times a mil rate in excess of 40 is nearly $3 Million per year of taxes Wheelabrator would be overpaying if they did not stand and fight. That is also more than 1% of the City revenue projection for City taxpayers in recent years.
Has the City shown any sign of cutting back expenses by 1% to create a surplus of $3 Million each year to show they are aware of their faulty calculations and assumptions? Time will tell.
This is asinine even by your standards, Bowtie Bozo. You have your head so far up Walker’s rear end, they would need to call in a proctologist so you don’t suffocate. Mr. Daniels dedicated 32 years of his life to protecting Bridgeport, a far more substantial contribution than Mr. Walker has made unless you are going to suggest Walker is the major taxpayer in Bridgeport.
Mr. Moore,
No one seems to know as much about anal sphincters as you do. From medical guidebooks? Or pictures from sitting on a copier, perhaps?
If you are reading today’s posts (you do read, don’t you?), you may notice Mr. Daniels dedicated 25 years of his life to public safety and community development in Bridgeport.
The 32 years reference by Ms. Pereira was to his years in residence in Bridgeport.
As to your reference to Bridgeport’s major taxpayer, it is Wheelabrator, and I have posted material on that previously today. Perhaps you might wish to read it, rather than let loose with spleen on people you do not respect for reasons best known to you and any practitioners who may be assisting you with your problems. Are you truly living in Arizona these days? What can you tell readers about Dave Daniels Maria chose not to share, if anything? How do you manage to stay up to speed on Bridgeport affairs, with your comprehension issues that is? Time will tell.
Who decided my comparison was “inappropriate?” My comparison is quite appropriate. Dave Walker has spent all of five years in CT and was seeking the second highest office in CT. Dave Daniels was born and raised in Bridgeport, graduated from the BPS and has served Bridgeport in numerous ways. He is respected and beloved by many in the Bridgeport community. Although he is now retired, he spends just about every day in Bridgeport, not the town where he currently resides. My point is Dave Daniels has deep roots in Bridgeport and Dave Walker does not have deep roots in CT.
flubadub, you wrote, “These people in this neighborhood pay a lot in taxes and deserve extra protection.” Well excuse me! Because someone pays less taxes, or in the case of a renter, no property taxes (hidden in rent payment), we get less services? flubadub, a lot of people in this nation believe what you wrote.
BOE SPY, Dave Daniels was a high-ranking officer with the BPS and created a youth basketball program, not baseball. Dave Daniels has touched the lives of thousands of children, many of whom are now voting-age adults. Mayor Finch was a house painter before he became politically active. How is that for qualifications and experience?
Perfectly stated, flubadub.
JML–My interpretation here is you feel Walker has contributed more to the city than Daniels because he pays higher taxes. I’ve met David Daniels at fundraisers and he’s personable and outgoing. Mr. Walker on the other hand is a sanctimonious elitist and he’s full of himself. Ms. Pereira erroneously compared the two men because there is no comparison–Mr. Daniels has it all over Walker.
Godiva: Although you and I are usually on the same page, I beg to differ here. I am not getting into compare and contrast regarding Walker and Daniels’ Bridgeport knowledge and contributions to the city but I will tell you David Walker is an honest, fair-minded man. He is not a sanctimonious elitist at all. Mr. Daniels may be personable, approachable and friendly, but personality alone cannot pull this city from the brink. You are right to say a comparison is erroneous. A comparison between these two men is apples to oranges. A character assassination on Walker is not fair. Do you know him? I do. Walker has had to face attack after attack after attack in this city. And folks wonder why he would be on the defensive? Really? Call him, he will talk to you, in the gracious professional manner you as a Bridgeport resident deserve.
Bond Girl–I met Mr. Walker at an event and I simply stated my opinion of him based on my personal observation. My comments were not a character assassination, just the conclusion I came to by watching him interact (or not interact) with the people who were present. I have no reason to call him and I have never stated I am a Bridgeport resident. Daniels on the other hand, and I’m not stating he is necessarily mayoral material, but if he were, I think he’d be better suited to interact more comfortably with the citizenry of Bridgeport regardless of their socioeconomic background. Again, just my opinion.
Agreed, Godiva2011.
Why do you consider my posting the truth an “attack?” My reference to Dave Walker has nothing to do with your support of him, however it has everything to do with his being a carpetbagger.
Daniels does not live here now. Let him MOVE first. No one is questioning his Bridgeport experience, just his address. He does not qualify today. When he qualifies, I will listen.
Maria Pereira, who is questioning Dave Daniels and his right to seek office? I wrote, “David Daniels must address the issue of not living in Bridgeport but let’s not forget Joe Ganim did not live in Bridgeport when he first thought about running for mayor but when he decided he did move to Bridgeport.” Maria, are you saying where any candidate resides is not an issue the candidate must address to the voters?
Ron, my comments were directed at Mr. Lee. Dave Walker writes a check for property taxes and Dave Daniels created the Officer Friendly basketball camp and volunteered thousands of hours to insure children were kept out of danger and off the streets for over 17 years. So every resident who writes a check for their taxes is demonstrating public service? How many hedgefund millionaires and billionaires have spent 48 hours in Bridgeport, never mind 32 years? He shared his compelling story as to why he left Bridgeport with me. However it is his place to share it, not mine.
Ms. Pereira,
Of course you were directing comments to me, but you did not need to attack Walker to question me, did you, now that you think of it? And when you said “contributing more to Bridgeport,” perhaps you did not take the time to think about the different ways that can be taken.
I am content to await Dave Daniels’ story in his own words, since you have told only part. I have heard Dave Walker’s story and continue to be impressed by what he worked for and maintained in terms of accountability and transparency in his previous employment. You were the one to make an ill-suited comparison above. Is it because you link Walker with me somewhere in your mind? On Tuesday I voted in the Democratic primary and took nearly six hours away from my office duties to be present for Marilyn Moore’s candidacy at Winthrop School. I also supported several other candidates in the Democratic primary in addition to a check towards the Walker campaign early on.
There are many capable folks in Bridgeport with common sense in their decision-making ability and integrity that is head and shoulders over what passes for Ethics regulations in this city. Do you have a reason for holding me as an outsider of some type to good governance? To overcome the incumbency of the current tenants at City Hall is going to take a joint effort of many who are currently dissatisfied, and that includes many unaffiliated, Democrat and Republican voters. I have been stating my goals for almost five years now: OATS (an open, accountable and transparent system of governance), as you probably remember. There is no disagreement I have heard about increasing the presence of those values into our City system. Don’t they fit into your vision of governance reform in Bridgeport? Time will tell.
The more people running, the better chance there is for the first minority mayor of our city, a welcome change in my opinion from the same old machine.
Minorities in government has been a major part of the problem–the self-serving ones, those who have lost focus on the purpose and need of minority representation. The great majority of the minorities in power are the ones who created and have helped to maintain that old machine.
Joel Gonzalez, as you call them, minority, are doing the same thing other groups have done once they got a taste of power. That change in Chicago when Harold Washington then a US Congressman was asked to run for mayor of Chicago, he told the community if they registered a certain amount of new voters he would run and the people met that challenge and Washington ran and won. That was people power.
That’s not true! The more people running in a primary, the better chance for Bill Finch.
That’s what Finch wants, a cavalry charge and a low turnout in the primary, which will divide the votes as many times as possible.
He’ll needs the city employees and the unions to put him back in office. That’s why he’s not pushing for concessions hard at this time.
I think this time the unions will tell Bill Finch to hit the road, after seeing the money he gave to his friends and then asking for concessions from city employees, now that takes balls!
If you can find only one person, who can work with the unions and employees, Finch will lose!
Remember this, the city employees are the biggest voting bloc when it comes to a primary.
If the unions put Finch back in office in the primary election, then the taxpayers will have a very hard time overcoming that large bloc of union voters in the general election!
The Republican Party and the WFP need to start registering new voters now!
Let’s see. Mr. Daniels has been part of Bridgeport’s political landscape for over 25 years. To paint the picture of a political outsider is ridiculous. He does not live in Bridgeport. This is obviously sour grapes against Finch and Gaudett that changed his status before retirement. I am certain all of that crap is in Lennie’s archives. Does he really think he could do a better job than John Fabrizi or Mary-Jane Foster in overthrowing Finch, if Finch were to be overthrown? His mother worked for the City and he is very popular in his community. Does he have the credibility to bring jobs and development to the States’ largest city? Bridgeport is at a crossroads. We are on the verge of great things. New railroad station, Steelepointe and downtown. I know many here in the blogosphere would be happy keeping Bridgeport in the dark ages but I just do not see any major money going to his campaign and a Facebook/viral campaign will only go just so far. I think one has to take into consideration worldly experiences and contacts. Personally, I do not see Daniels as a threat at all. How much could he love Bridgeport to leave it? Comparing him to David Walker is totally absurd on so many levels, a joke. I respect Daniels’ attempt to run and serve. I’d look at the whole city and realize you have to step out of your comfort zone and face the four corners of this great city and tell the people why Mayor Finch needs to be replaced and what you can do better. And for G-d’s sake, please do not make a grocery store in the East End a focus of your economic development plan 🙂 . That will be the last comment I will be making on David Daniels’ Mayoral aspirations on this blog or responding to any comments.
Steve, last comment on this subject? You can’t do that to us! Keep it coming.
Steve, I have been politically active since 2009 and I have never seen Dave at a political gathering, meeting or at a campaign headquarters. In fact, he worked the polls for Marilyn Moore this past Tuesday and posted on Facebook it was his first time even doing that.
Steve, while a grocery store in the East End isn’t going to turn around Bridgeport they certainly need one and it should be part of economic development in that part of B’port.
David Moore, I agree it is definitely needed and I am certain it is a desire of the planners to have many amenities the East End is deprived of. Other than offering tax incentives, there is very little a city can do without an investor.
Steve, I left Bridgeport for seven years because my boyfriend was offered a great job in his home state of Pennsylvania. Does that mean I do not love Bridgeport?
Maria, not living in the City of Bridgeport while contemplating a run is the least of my concerns. I am thrilled you moved back to Bridgeport and hope you love living here. I was born and bred in Brooklyn and moved to Bridgeport when I was 10. To move away and move back to run for office, well that is questionable but not my true concern. If Mayor Bloomberg moved to Bridgeport and ran for Mayor, I’d be ecstatic. That is not going to happen, or is it? 🙂 Welcome home, Maria. Bridgeport is better off with you shaking it up.
These arguments make no sense. If you lived in BPT for a minute or a century is irrelevant. The statute says ‘BPT resident’ not BPT resident with experience.
The question you should ask is who is more qualified to hold the job? Think of BPT as your a company. Who would you hire to run that company? A guy with an advanced degree in management and/or finance and years of experience who is from Kalamazoo or the security guard who coaches the company softball team who has worked for you for 25 years?
I would have to hear about Daniels’ qualifications before considering him. Managing to become a cop and starting a baseball team does not do it for me.
BOE SPY, Dave Daniels was a high-ranking officer with the BPS and created a youth basketball program, not baseball. Dave Daniels has touched the lives of thousands of children, many of whom are now voting-age adults. Mayor Finch was a house painter before he became politically active. How is that for qualifications and experience?
I never said Finch was qualified. I personally do not like the guy. The other character in my analogy was Dave Walker.
Is starting one sports program really that different than any other sports program? Why didn’t he start a soccer program? There are more Latino kids in BPT than any other minority and they like soccer.
What difference does the type of sports program he created make? The point is he created a program that helped thousands of children and their families for over 17 years. If Dave Daniels has knowledge of basketball and not soccer, then it only makes sense he starts a basketball program.
A house painter? I heard he lost many jobs but painting houses was not one of them. I could use a house painter.
Yes, hizzoner was a house painter back in the day.
Is that why many are saying he has painted himself into a corner?
I would hire the individual who had a clear vision for the future, demonstrated enthusiasm, passion and commitment. Bill Gates is a college dropout and he did just fine.
Are you saying certifications are not important? What would you say if the BOE hired a super (PV) who had a clear vision for the future, demonstrated enthusiasm, passion and commitment, but no qualifications?
BOE SPY, there are CT State Statutes that govern the requirements for specific positions. I think the vast majority of CT’s citizens would support superintendents, doctors, attorneys, dentists, etc. should meet stringent requirements. If your PV is a reference to Paul Vallas, you are delusional.
At least I am not a hypocrite.
I am not sure about your claim. You repeatedly bash the Bridgeport Public Schools and praise charter schools, however you have absolutely no problem collecting a BPS paycheck, health benefits and presumably a pension from the BPS. In addition, you repeatedly and consistently post inaccurate and incorrect information on this blog, which certainly damages your credibility.
I do have criticisms of the BOE but that is not a difficult thing to do. I also believe charter schools are better. That is, better for the students even though they would be worse for me. The inaccurate and incorrect information you speak of would be more of a difference of opinion between you and me.
No BOE SPY, this has nothing to do with your personal opinion. It has everything to do with you consistently posting information as fact when your “facts” are frequently inaccurate.
So far everyone who’s entertaining a run for Mayor seems to have an ax to grind, except Mayor John Fabrizi! Just saying!
Is John Fabrizi running? I would be interested in hearing his vision and how it would differ from the Mayor. Fabrizi endorsed the Mayor, they both want Steelepointe and both support new schools. People may fear Finch getting too comfortable and going down the same road as Ganim. Personally, I’d love to see Mary-Jane Foster and Fabrizi debate Finch. Would be an exciting primary and why not David Daniels? Does anyone remember the Democratic primaries in 1989? Ganim, Dennis Dean, Tom Bucci and I am certain a few more.
How about 1981? Mandanici, McNamara, Tisdale, Bucci.
What a concept, a public debate with Mary-Jane, John and Bill answering questions (from the public). Other than microphones, would any modern technology be allowed? I mean, does Google have the facts, the history and/or the answers to the questions about Bridgeport and especially about the past six years that may be asked? How do you see that, Steve? Is it a debate among this threesome you suggest, or do they get to consult those who have their back, but are never themselves subject to question and answer activity? Time will tell.
Twisted logic. Must a candidate for President of the United States prove he or she has lived in all 50 States in order to be considered or allowed to run for US President? How long would one have to reside in each state to be considered long enough to run for US President?
What was the name of that First Lady who moved to the State of New York after leaving the White House (poor as hell) instead of going back to her home state of Arkansas? She then immediately announced her candidacy for US Senate in the State of New York. She stepped down as US Senator to accept the appointment of US Secretary of State. After the Benghazi fiasco and becoming a millionaire again, she slipped and fell, lost her memory, and seems to have regained her memory, in time to run for US President. Only in America.
We know a lot about Mr. Daniels, what we don’t know is his educational background.
Andy, do you think it would make a difference if he went to school for medicine or accounting? He has a lifetime of experiences. If it included anything outside of the Bridgeport Police Department it would count as his educational background, no? BTW, educational background is not a prerequisite to becoming Mayor. Mary Moran had a high School diploma and worked in Real Estate. Personally, I think a business man/woman with an MBA and/or a law degree would have the ideal credentials. A person working at McDonald’s would be equally as qualified to run for Mayor.
Steve, you are slobbering all over yourself. Please, worked at McDonald’s. Mary Moran was mayor for two years and did not understand city finances. BTW I did not say it would make a difference, I asked a question, period. You can add all this other BS but that’s not what I asked.
John Mandanici had a high school diploma.
The fire chief only has a high school diploma and you have posted he should have a college degree a gazillion times. Are things different now?
Andy, let’s say David Daniels has a BA degree in ceramics and a minor in basket weaving and let’s say Mayor Moran was not the best Mayor. That being said, your hostile response was not warranted and after living a life for 60 years I think that’s enough of an education. Wat say you, Methuselah?
I’ve not made a comment about whether a mayor should have a college degree or not because the mayor can be removed from office at the next election, whereas a fire chief you are stuck with until their contract expires or if he is removed by the mayor.
Ron, that’s baloney. So the mayor can be removed after serving four years and the fire chief can be removed after five years or after being fired for whatever. We can’t fire the mayor, whoever it is.
Sixty, 70 or 90 years with no educational background and no knowledge of city finances, taxes and such; you need more than a degree in French Fry-making from McDonald’s University to run this city. Age does not beget brains. Yes, I am older than dirt and yes I know my limitations; it’s too bad our politicians don’t know their limitations.
Andy, I do not think you are older than dirt and I have respect for older and sometimes wiser individuals. Actually, a degree in Fry-making at McDonald University could be enough to get elected in Bridgeport. Those Fries are pretty impressive.
Since most McDonald’s employees cannot properly prepare the food, get the order correct or return the correct change, I do not think McDonald University is a school that properly prepares its students for their chosen career or any other career for that matter. As the city’s Commander in Chief, CEO or Grand Poobah, having some demonstrable and verifiable working knowledge of finance and management would be important.
My first job was at McDonald’s. I worked there for three years and learned valuable skills that have served me well the last 30 years. It helped me become comfortable speaking to all kinds of different people, move quickly, suggestive sell, trade up, move quickly, etc. I participated in the Jordan Marsh executive program in the late ’80s and we were presented with information many of the CEO’s at that time had previously worked at McDonald’s.
It would seem you have not been to a McDonald’s lately. You listed ‘move quickly’ twice. They do not seem to list that at all any more. Now the list would read more like more pay, fewer hours, more time off, less education.
Steve, you do have a point.
Does Christina Ayala have an apartment he can rent? Problem solved.
Mike Marella has one, but he’s running out of room. Baker just moved in!
Marella’s apartment is empty.