Democratic Registrar of Voters Santa Ayala isn’t the type of pol to go away quietly. In an editorial that appeared Sunday, the Connecticut Post asserts “Bill Finch and Secretary of the State Denise Merrill, also a Democrat, for a variety of reasons have an interest in making sure this election runs smoothly and fairly. They need to figure out a way to make sure Ayala is on the sidelines.” Good luck with that.
Ayala is an elected official who will officially win two more years in November. Her daughter Christina Ayala, the outgoing State House member, faces a variety of state charges including accused of maintaining fraudulent voting addresses. Did her mother know about this? A State Elections Enforcement Commission investigation claims she did and passed along findings to state criminal investigators. Santa Ayala has not been charged by the state. Santa has been at the center of several controversies including the 2010 ballot shortage following a visit to Bridgeport by President Obama.
So, short of a state charge (and even with that), what can Finch and Merrill do? From the Post editorial:
If there is not a mechanism for barring Bridgeport’s Democratic Registrar of Voters from overseeing upcoming gubernatorial election, there should be.
Santa Ayala, that Democratic registrar, should resign from the job. Voters of the city simply cannot have any continued confidence in her ability to perform the fundamental, uncomplicated task of keeping track of who is a registered voter. It is not rocket science.
It’s unlikely that this career Democrat will give up her juicy spot on the public payroll. Just the other day she told a reporter, “I’m not going anywhere,” when asked for comment on a call from the Republican candidate for Secretary of the State that she should resign.
Full editorial here.
Well here is what I have to say to the Post, “Screw You.” You finally write something about what’s going on in Bridgeport and ignored a lot worse things than Santa Ayala working this election. Merill has a lot of chutzpa even talking, her office has turned its back time and time again to voting irregularities in Bridgeport. Now in a tight election she wants to take action though I would think there would have been an arrest of Santa if they had enough for a warrant. As of today it don’t look like it.
Everyone on the DTC has ignored the situation in Bridgeport. There are about 90 people to blame for the way Bridgeport politics has not just tarnished Bridgeport’s reputation, but I believe they poured gasoline on the nuclear waste and had a wienie roast while it burned.
I would like to state I said “there are ABOUT 90 people to blame.” I say this knowing there are still a few good honest people in Bridgeport. Unfortunately, only a FEW.
Bill Finch and Malloy are soft. Because of this woman, Bridgeport made national headlines for rigged elections and she still has a job? If this were a private company her ass would be fired so quickly and she would be at one of the 70 Juncos in Bridgeport using her EBT card to buy loose cigs. Bill Finch and Malloy need to grow a pair.
And if they can’t fire her, do you think they would ever man up and get rid of DiNardo? Weeeak!
BptPorter. She’s an elected official who can’t be fired by Finch or Malloy. She was endorsed by the 90-member Democratic Town Committee without challenge this summer. What do you suggest?
Although you did not ask, Mr. Fardy, you are correct. Hartford knows what is going on and they look the other way. And I am not referring to Santa. There are individuals within the administration who have worked against Santa, even when she did not deserve it.
I am referring to the fact there are those holding office who do not live where they say they do. I am not whining either. Disappointed with the SEEC? Yes. Submit a complaint? For what???
Mr. Walsh, thanks for the compliment! I’ll remember your thoughtful and kind words when you run for office again, and I will be sure to share with a few folks in my neighborhood. And Mr. Walsh, be nice.
I’m not sure if it is Mr. invincible, Mrs. invincible or Ms. invincible. But I am sure of this; you do not need to worry about future elections because I have retired from elective politics. I have no intentions whatsoever of running for office again.
But getting back to my initial point, which is if you cannot post under your real name on OIB then for sure you are not going to file a complaint with the SEEC. It has nothing to do with how thoroughly it will be investigated but simply because it would require you giving your real name and evidence under oath.
I should know, since I have filed many complaints in the past.
But you are correct in assuming the SEEC would not act on a complaint from someone named invincible. Invincible? I think not.
invincible, the Secretary of the State’s office is a joke. My wife filed a complaint with them almost one year ago, a couple of months later she heard from them and they agreed to investigate the matter. Here we are almost one year later and nothing has been completed. A number of years ago I was involved with an investigation of a politician not living where he listed his address. We hired a private investigator, he took statements from the people living at the listed address they never saw this person and did not know him. We videoed night and day him leaving and returning to his real address. We sent all of this information to the Secretary of the State and made the PI available and we never heard anything from that office even though we called many times.
Fardy, who was the politician? If the state didn’t do zilch, you will get a better result on here.
Was it Shelton’s Michael J. Marella?
Without sufficient information, Bob Keeley and I have been guessing all day.
Bob, you have a short memory.
CT Post: “Registrar Ayala, did you order the code red on the voting ballots in 2010?”
Judge Arterton: “You don’t have to answer the question.”
Ayala: “I’ll answer the question. You want answers?”
CT Post: “I think we’re entitled”
Ayala: “You want answers?”
CT Post: “We want the truth!”
Ayala: “You can’t handle the truth! We live in a world that has ballots. And those ballots have to be guarded by women with erasure. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Bill Finch, Dan Malloy? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Tom Foley and you curse the DTC. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: Tom Foley’s loss, while tragic, probably saved the DTC. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, you don’t want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that erasure. You need me on that erasure. We use words like ‘not legible,’ ‘hanging chad,’ ‘skim.’ We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending Mario and the DTC. You use them as a punch line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a rag no one reads anymore that rises and sleeps under the blanket of the DTC Mario has provided, and then questions the manner in which he provides it. I would rather you just said ‘thank you Registrar Ayala’ and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up an erasure and an Absentee. Either way, I don’t give a damn what you think you are entitled to!”
CT Post: “Did you order the code red Tom Foley in 2010?”
Ayala: “I do my job for the DTC!”
CT Post: “Did you order the code red on Chris Caruso?”
Ayala: You’re god-damned right I did!
Jim Fox,
Bob Walsh, I had and EXCELLENT interview with Santa Ayala. Lennie will recieve (do not correct, Ray) it today.
TY, T.
Neither the DTC nor Mayor Finch will do anything about Santa because they are counting votes. According to the latest census figures for 2013-2014, 38% of the population of Bridgeport defines itself as Hispanic or Latino. They need that voting block to further their agenda. There are still Hispanic politicians who can guarantee the Hispanic vote whether by live vote or by AB, which we all know is one of their strengths.
There isn’t a current politician in the black community who can guarantee the black vote in any part of the City of Bridgeport, for any candidate! “Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and no concept of the odds against them. They make the impossible happen.”
We don’t have political leaders who fit that description in Bridgeport anymore! At least until Marilyn Moore is elected.
“Santa Ayala, that Democratic registrar, should resign from the job. Voters of the city simply cannot have any continued confidence in her ability to perform the fundamental, uncomplicated task of keeping track of who is a registered voter. It is not rocket science.” Nooo, it ain’t rocket science, nor does it require a degree in rocket science to figure out exactly who Ms. Ayala is beholden to. It ain’t the people of the city of Bridgeport, that’s for sure.
All this chatter is moot: there is no state or local mechanism to remove elected officials from office unless they have been convicted of a felony. Should Ms. Ayala step down? Absolutely. Will she? No. It would be in the city’s best interest if a subordinate took over for this election. What with Working Families Party apparatchiks lurking about it is more likely than ever improprieties will be observed and reported to the proper authorities.